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Chapter 119 112. Naval King, I'm Decided!

Chapter 119 112. Naval King, I'm Decided!

"Monkey d Luffy..."

Bai Ye looked at the infant boy, with seriousness in his eyes.

Is it the butterfly effect caused by me?Or is this a parallel world of pirates?

In the original book, there is no such thing as Luffy's full moon banquet...

Forget it, no surprise...

Bai Ye shook his head helplessly, this world of One Piece was somewhat specious.

For example, Moria, who challenged Kaido in the Wano country in the original book, not only changed the place in this world, but also advanced the time.

For example, Drought Jack should still be a child at this time, but in this world, he is already one of Kaido's three plagues.

For example, Polusalino does not seem to exist in this world at all.

There are still many, many places that have changed slightly compared to the original work, and Bai Ye is already used to it.

Even if it is said that he is living in the fandom world of One Piece written by a writer who hit the street, he can't believe it.

This parallel world of One Piece is at least [-]% similar to the plot of the original work, but there are still many differences in details.

It seems that I can't trust the plot too much in the future.

While thinking this way in his heart, Bai Ye watched his colleagues give Luffy a commemorative gift of the full moon.

"Hahahahaha, I didn't expect, Sengoku, you are so generous this time!" Kap's off-line laughter made people smile.

"Yo, you old boy can still recognize this thing." Zhan Guo looked at Garp unexpectedly.

What he gave was a pendant carved from wood that exudes a strange fragrance. Its function is to make it easier for people to stay awake. The market price is no less than [-] million Baileys.

It was a high-end gadget that he obtained through a long-term relationship.

He really didn't expect Karp to be a sand sculpture... Ahem, no.

He really didn't expect Garp, an old bastard, to be so knowledgeable.

"Bai Ye just gave me something similar a few days ago." Karp said, picking his nose.

"You?!" Zhan Guo looked at Bai Ye in a daze.

Isn't there only five of these things in total? Where did he get them in Bai Ye?

"Ahem, when I counted the spoils I got from Red Hair, I found out that he has this pendant." Bai Ye laughed.

Although the red hair was let go of the previous defeat, this spoil cannot be let go.

Anyway, the entire red-haired pirate group was ransacked and searched, and got two animal-type devil fruits, as well as countless rare treasures.

Afterwards, I gave some gifts to several seniors, and gave Mr. Zefa a case of a collection of good wine, which is the kind of super expensive wine that has been cellared for many years.

He sent several boxes of fruits that are said to have excellent beauty effects to Staff Officer He.

A brand-new and expensive desk was given to the Marshal of the Warring States Period. The expensive desk that he used before was left by Marshal Kong, and has been taken to the World Government by Marshal Kong.

And this pendant was given to Karp. This pendant makes people wake up easily, hoping that Karp can fall asleep standing up without moving.

After Garp received the gift from the Warring States Period, everyone handed the gift in turn.

Teacher Zefa gave a good knife, Kuzan gave a super famous plush doll, Little Robin gave a bunch of books, Vegapunk gave a special music box, Gion and Crane staff gave Garp A set of parenting scriptures was sent, and Sakalski's gift was on the way and hadn't arrived yet.

As for Bai Ye...

A few days ago, I specially customized a medal with a famous craftsman.

The material of the treasure tree Adam is engraved with a pattern of a seagull standing on a wrench, which is the logo of the navy.

A line of words is engraved under the navy logo: Admiral White Dove, I hope Xiaolufei will become a brave navy soldier!
"Hahaha." Garp laughed and patted Bai Ye's shoulder, smiling with tears in his eyes.

This gift may be the most suitable for Garp.

After all, he is a naval hero, but his son defected from the navy and founded the Revolutionary Army, which made him sad for a long time.

For the old man, this was a great blow, and everyone could feel that after that night, the old man seemed to have aged a lot.

Garp's biggest wish now is that the two little bastards, Ace and Luffy, can become the navy, preferably admirals!

Of course, the Admiral of the Navy can also consider it.

Garp paid the most attention to the intention contained in this gift from Bai Ye.

"Don't worry, I will come to Windmill Village often in the future, and I will teach Xiao Lufei well." Bai Ye looked at Garp seriously.

For Bai Ye's savior and guide, that is, the naval hero Garp.

Bai Ye can't do much, what he can do now is to try to make Luffy go on the right path.

The old man can't stand too many blows.

Since going to sea is only for long-distance voyages, why fly the pirate flag?

Bai Ye will not let Luffy take the road of pirates!
Become the Pirate King?
What does this mean?
The navy has no shortage of salaries, teachers, partners, and challenges from masters. It has sufficient resources and a stable environment. It is on the side of justice, and there are many beautiful ladies...

Isn't it good to be in the navy?

Why not set the goal to become an admiral in the future.

I'm Monkey D Luffy, I'm the man who's going to be the Admiral of the Navy!

(End of this chapter)

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