Chapter 140 133. Hanging Review Method

In the Admiral's office in the Navy Headquarters, Bai Ye leisurely crossed his legs and flipped through the documents in his hand.

"It's really rare for you old man to come here." Gion poured a cup of tea and handed it to Bai Ye.

"Hahaha, it's too hard for you to deal with documents alone." Bai Ye took a sip of tea and smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Gion said helplessly, "If you nominate me as a general, I don't need to be familiar with the work of a general to take the post directly."

Indeed, now Gion is more like a general than a general, and he is very familiar with related positions.

"Take a look at this." Gion handed Bai Ye a projection phone bug.

Bai Ye turned on the phone bug and projected a picture on the wall.

The beginning of the screen is from the entrance of a casino.

A strong man in purple clothes was punching and smashing the game console in front of him.

"What is this?" Bai Ye looked at Gion in a daze.

"Precious video records of early humans taming wild game machines?!"

Gion looked at the offline boss in front of him with a dark face and said, "This is the person you asked me to find in private."

"The person I asked you to find..." Bai Ye frowned and began to think.

"Smile?!" Bai Ye's expression became serious.

"Yes!" Gion nodded.

Bai Ye looked at the video carefully again.

I saw the man in the video with his eyes closed, dressed in purple, with a sword hanging from his waist.

"It's really him..." Bai Ye's eyes sparkled.

With a smile, one of the two admirals in the original book who took office because of the world's recruitment.

The general code name is Fujitora, a person with the ability of gravity fruit, and a blind swordsman.

"New member of QRF, here I come." Bai Ye patted the table and stood up.

This kind of future top-level combat power is still a person with the ability of gravity fruit, which is a perfect match for his QRF troops!
Bai Ye decided to recruit him in person.

Also, if I remember correctly...

Fujitora's height is [-] meters.

The two-meter-nine Kuzan and the three-meter Sakasky left Bai Ye speechless.

In this way, every time the three generals appeared together, Bai Ye felt very embarrassed.

Concave combination?

It must be too joyful.

Bai Ye even thought that in the future, if there was an occasion like a war on top, he would have to raise his seat a little higher.

Thinking of this in his heart, Bai Ye's thoughts became firm.

It is necessary to find someone to balance the height of the top naval officers.


In Navy recruit camp.

Outside the classroom of the elite class, Zefa took out a recliner and sat at the door.

He was flipping through a newspaper in his hand.

"The extremely evil existence Polusalino......"

The newspaper was talking about the collapse of the world government, and Zefa couldn't help showing a sad expression after reading it.

What?You ask why this expression doesn't look sad at all?
That must be your mistake.

This is the opposite of extremes.

You see, everyone laughed sadly.

"It's really amazing, you can still run out after breaking into that place." Zefa said with deep emotion in his eyes.

"Smog! Listen to me carefully!!!" The voice of a brigadier general who was a teacher came from the classroom.

"The nautical knowledge is too much for me, I really can't remember it." Smoker scratched his head helplessly.

Justifying, it's time for get out of class to end.

The teacher gave Smoker a hard look and walked out of the classroom.

"Hey, hey, Smoker, the exam is coming up tomorrow, how is your review going?" Asked Smoker's deskmate.

"It's not bad." Smoker nodded. Although the knowledge of navigation is indeed a headache, he still memorized a lot by rote.

"Too bad, I haven't reviewed it yet. Smoker, do you have any way for me to complete the review overnight?"

"I recommend you to hang yourself as a review method." Smoker recalled the nonsense method taught to him by General White Pigeon last time.

"Hang yourself before the exam, because when you are about to die, you will recall your whole life. When you recall the contents of the textbook, you will immediately break free, so as to achieve the effect of remembering all the contents of the textbook before the exam."

Smoker explained seriously.


The tablemate showed a black line expression.

"This method..." The tablemate hesitated to speak, "It's a bit hardcore..."

The same table is a language that has been organized for a long time, and it is only then that I think of the word hardcore to describe it.

Only this vocabulary, which has gradually become popular because of General Baige, is more in line with this magical review method.

 Oda's current content is more and more free to let himself go... Crazy with private goods... I'm really afraid that one day I will be ruthlessly backstabbed by Oda.

  The plot point of Wano Country will definitely fill in the many, many holes dug before. I blindly guess that I will be slapped in the face in many places.When the time comes, I beg everyone to spray lightly, just treat it as a parallel world.

(End of this chapter)

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