Chapter 145 138. The Navy Boys Corps

High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods.

Bai Ye, who had been busy for half an hour, dialed the phone bug in the naval canteen.

"Is it the barbecue of a fifty-pound small sea king?" The phone bug, who is good at imitating people, showed off his attire as a sous-chef.

"Yes, yes, no spicy." Bai Ye nodded, "I also need a soup made of Neptune bones, just send it to the Navy recruit camp."

"Okay, send it right away."

"Well, thank you."

Bai Ye hung up the phone and looked at a bunch of little kids across the table.

Smoker, Dashiqi, Enilu, Nuoqigao, ... Beside Bermel is holding a babbling Nami in his hand.

The Navy has really become a nursery...

Bai Ye felt a little emotional.

"This is Lieutenant General Garp's adopted grandson Ace, I'll bring you here to meet you." Bai Ye pointed at Ace beside him and said, then pushed Ace into the pile of children.

This morning, Bai Ye went to discuss with the marshal for a long time, and finally got the marshal to agree with Ace to join the navy.

Then it was noon, and Ace's enrollment procedures were completed.

When Bai Ye brought Ace to the Navy boot camp to enroll, he happened to run into these little kids who were about to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

They call themselves the Navy Boys, and their potentials and backgrounds are not simple.

Smoker is the head of the team, and Nuo Qigao is the deputy head.The members include Enilo, Dashiqi, and Nami who was dragged into the group by her sister Nuoqigao, who is learning how to speak and crawling all over the floor.

They took over the burden of the five guys in Baiye back then, and passed on the tradition of getting thorns every time the Navy recruits battalion.

This makes Bai Ye, who is a senior brother, very pleased...

Of course, Enilo, Nuo Qigao and Nami were all brought back by Bai Ye, and Smoker also joined the navy because of the recruitment promotional video shot by Bai Ye.

Therefore, this thorny group that caused headaches for the teachers in the new barracks also had a lot of credit for Bai Ye.

But looking at the group of children looking forward to the big meal in front of him, Bai Ye felt a little helpless.

Back then, they shouldn't have secretly supported the stabbing group of these guys.

The worst thing I ever did was to take Kuzan and freeze all the toilets in the Navy.

These brats are quite courageous, they dared to "rob" me.

But looking at Nami's innocent smile, Dashiqi's expectant eyes, and listening to Nuoqi's coquettish voice......

Isn't it just a meal!I do!

I'm doing this so that Ace can make friends in the boot camp.

Bai Ye, who found a reason for himself, looked at Ace in the group of children and felt that he was very great.

The youth group who successfully blackmailed a lunch naturally took money to do things, and they surrounded Ace talking to him, even if Ace looked arrogant, they didn't let them retreat.

Ace looked arrogant and unwilling to get in touch with everyone, but this did not stop the enthusiasm of the youth group.

This left Ace with no choice but to answer them with a few words.

A large cart of barbecue was delivered quickly, and the fifty catties of barbecue were wiped out in a few strokes.

People in One Piece World are generally big eaters. After all, the strong always need energy supplements to become stronger.

Even a high-energy food like sea king meat can't last long in front of this group of kids who have just finished training.

Seeing the well-fed and well-fed youth troupe, Bai Ye handed Ace over to them with confidence.

They also took Ace into the new barracks to get familiar with the environment.


... Sexuality causes disasters, cut off to rule forever...


"This is our training ground." Nuo Qigao enthusiastically pointed to the playground of the new barracks Reno University.

Ace didn't say a word, looking at the children on the playground being trained by countless muscular instructors, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

This so beautiful...

"Here, here is the starting point of the heroic deeds of General White Pigeon and General Green Pheasant!" Smoker said, pointing to a small room beside the training field.

"here is?"

Ace is a little curious, the starting point of the heroic deeds of General White Pigeon and General Aokiji?
I'm curious...

The starting point of the heroic deeds of the strong...

Could it be that this was the place where they defeated a powerful enemy for the first time!

There, through unremitting efforts, they defeated their first opponent in life!
and many more……

If there is the starting point of the heroic deeds of two people, it is impossible for both of them to defeat the first opponent there, right?

Curious, Ace stroked his chin and thought about it.

Could it be that the two of them had a duel there!
"It's not right... How could such a small room as big as a toilet survive the duel between two naturalists..."

Ace murmured suspiciously.

"Our youth group has worked hard for a long time to preserve this site." Smoker said proudly, and took the lead to walk over.

Following Smoker to the door of the small room, the corners of Ace's mouth couldn't help twitching.


Ace felt a question mark in his head.

"Why is it really a toilet?!"

"Hehehe, this is where the two generals used to play pranks." Smoker said with admiring eyes.



I feel so tired...

I was originally persuaded by Admiral Baige to join the navy.

But looking at this group of new generations of navy who are as unreliable as old Garp...

What if I suddenly don't want to join the Navy?
Ace thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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