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Chapter 150 143. The Old Guy in the Navy Cadet Corps

Chapter 150 143. The Old Guy in the Navy Cadet Corps

This made a lot of things clear...

Bai Ye showed a dazed look.

For example, a strange race like the fur tribe should be the reformers of the huge kingdom back then.

The small robots in Lunar City are driven by electricity, while the characteristic of the fur tribe is electric discharge.

Huge Kingdom specially created the Fur family to work better with small robots.

When the fur family saw the full moon, they turned into moon lions, and they lost their minds, as if seeing an enemy, they exploded in an instant!

If the speculation is correct, the reason why the fur tribe reacted when they saw the moon was because the little robot on the moon helped the king to locate and destroy the huge kingdom after the king changed hands.

This kind of hatred is unforgettable!
However, these speculations about the fur tribe that came to mind suddenly didn't make much sense.

After all, he has Vegapunk on his side that can replace the power generation function of the fur tribe.

"The positioning system has been mastered by us..." Bai Ye looked at Vegapunk and said with emotion, "Most of the king of heaven has been abolished now."

"That's right, the next step is to continuously accumulate strength and wait for the right time." Vegapunk responded with a serious expression.

"It's better to be steady." Bai Ye nodded and said.

At this stage, there is no need to think too much, and we can talk about it after accumulating enough strength in all aspects.

The specific information of Pluto and Neptune is disclosed in the original work, and he can definitely find a way to get it.

In this way, he has two ancient weapons in his hands, plus the air force that should develop at its peak in the future, and many talents trained by the Bai Ye faction.

Already seeing the dawn of change...  


The not-so-skilled Shara barely used it, and Ace rushed out all at once.

At an extremely fast speed, he passed the pirate he had aimed at before.

Ace: "???"

The pirate who was confronting Ace before: "???"

The two stood back to back for a few seconds.

Then the next moment, the two turned around at an extremely fast speed, and slashed down with a single knife.

In the original book, Ace started hunting at the age of five, and now he is also five years old, coupled with a year and a half of training in the Navy boot camp, his strength is greater than that of the same period in the original book.

That's why Ace, who was only five years old, was in a stalemate with the little pirate leader in front of him.

As for the incident where I accidentally shaved my head with a shave...

After all, I'm still a child...

As the youngest present, Ace's ability to use shaving is already a very commendable behavior.

Ace was in a stalemate with the little boss, and the surrounding pirates saw an opportunity and were about to rush up and attack.

In the next second, several sounds of "咻" and "咻" were heard.

Several steel bars fell straight and rapidly from the sky, piercing through the skulls of several pirates who wanted to attack Ace.

Vigorously shaking away the little boss on the opposite side, Ace looked up at the sky.

On the huge Flying Island ship, hundreds of steel bars are suspended, and the direction is adjusted slightly from time to time, as if it has aimed at every pirate on the field.

"It's really... a reassuring support." Ace couldn't help complaining.

Although it always makes people feel a chill on the top of their head...  

Shaking his head, Ace didn't think about it, and continued to rush to the next pirate.

The overall situation on the battlefield quickly turned to the navy's side.

After all, what the Navy dispatched was the Air Force Marine Corps, which was comparable to the Four Emperors' faction, but what they were facing was just a group of low-level pirates with the highest bounty of tens of millions.

Although there are a lot of pirates, they are still being wiped out one by one at an extremely fast speed.

The most eye-catching thing on the battlefield is not the batch of QRF elites who killed the pirates in seconds, but the few young children.

The youngest is like Ace, who is only five years old, the seven-year-old Nuoqigao, and the eight-year-old Dashiqi, and the older one, like Smoker, is only 19 years old.

and many more………

19 years old? !

Lucy, who was observing the battlefield and making post-war records in advance, was stunned.


Why does it look like only thirteen or fourteen years old? !
I've heard of young people becoming old... I've never seen this kind of old and young people...

Lucy looked at the document in her hand in a daze, which actually recorded Smoker's age of 19.

Originally, I wanted to praise the geniuses of these so-called Navy Boys.

But there is a heresy among the geniuses...

I didn't expect him to be 19 years old!
There's an old guy in the Marine Corps? !

My sister is no less than a lieutenant general in the headquarters now, and she is only 17 years old.

He seems to have something to eat...


No, it hurts too much to say that.

"Actually, it's understandable. I've lived in the Navy headquarters since I was a child and have been receiving advanced education." Lucy began to make excuses for the other party, "And this Smoker has only joined the Navy for four and a half years."

"And then... Enel?" Lucy continued to record, "Although he is 22 years old, he joined the navy halfway, only a year and a half ago."

"It's not bad to have such strength." Nodding, Lucy finished writing the record.

But... why do I need to record the fighting process of these guys...

Lucy complained helplessly in her heart.

Before departure, Bai Ye told her to record all the combat experience of these Navy Boys, and give Teacher Zefa a reference data.

So in addition to the daily post-war records, Lucy had to record the battle process of these Marine Boys.

(End of this chapter)

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