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Chapter 154. 147. Revisiting the Past Life

Chapter 154. 147. Revisiting the Past Life

"I was quite surprised to receive a letter from that old guy Zefa." The silver-haired old man held Bai Ye's hands enthusiastically.

"I really didn't expect that there would be people who are enthusiastic about this emerging martial arts school." The silver-haired old man said, looking at Nuo Qigao who was beside Bai Ye.

"Little girl, have you really made up your mind to take this path?" The silver-haired old man's eyes became serious.

"En." Nuo Qigao was stunned for a moment, then nodded seriously.

She thinks that the application of shells is more flexible than that of Enilo from the shell producing area.

In other aspects, it is indeed difficult for her to compare with the group of monsters in the new barracks, but in the aspect of combining shells and body skills, she feels that she has an extraordinary talent.

"This is going to create a new path with us, are you really ready?" The silver-haired old man looked at Nuo Qigao with scrutiny.

"I'm ready!" Nuo Qigao's eyes were full of strength.

"Then congratulations on joining our big family." The silver-haired old man knelt down and patted Nuo Qigao's head.

"Waiting for us will be countless attempts and endless unknowns." The silver-haired old man smiled, "My name is Bangu, welcome to join the club."

"President Bangu, then I'll leave first, and Nuo Qigao will be handed over to you." Bai Ye hurriedly prepared to leave and stay away from this terrifying place.

"Don't worry, you're here." Bang Gu held Bai Ye back with a smile on his face, "Let me see if your ability to move bricks has deteriorated after becoming a general."

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched, a little helpless.

The opposite side is going to pull him in to experience the life of moving bricks again...

joke!I am a general!

How can you do this kind of work of moving bricks? !

I am dying today!Jump into the sea!

I will not help move a brick on the opposite side!

Thinking this way in Bai Ye's mind, he asked with a smile on his face, " much money?"

"We are planning to build a new training room recently..." Bang Gu didn't finish his sentence, and gave Bai Ye a look to let him experience it.


The corners of Bai Ye's eyes twitched.

Isn't it just building a training room with bricks!I can't finish it!
A stinky old man who dares to squeeze even an admiral! ! !

Bai Ye only dared to complain in his heart.

To resist is to dare not resist.

After all, the face and name opposite this old man who resembles the master Banggu in One Punch Man has left a lot of shadows on his past...

This guy was the one who polished him the most when he was a recruit, but Bai Ye did learn a lot.

And Bang Gu is the one who can serve as the president in such a scary place as the gymnastics seminar.

If I remember correctly, he seems to be the chief instructor of the former CP organization...

That is, the senior of Instructor Miki...

Although the opponent was over 70 years old, Bai Ye really didn't dare to say that he could walk away safely when his arm was already grabbed by the opponent.

President Bangu's flowing fist is terrifyingly tight...

"Then let's go." Banggu stroked the short beard on his chin with a kind smile, and then led Nuo Qigao back into the headquarters of the gymnasium seminar while talking and laughing.

Looking helplessly at the two people walking away, Bai Ye skillfully walked towards the kiln on the island where heavy soil was processed into bricks.

After passing countless exercise equipment on the road, Bai Ye came to a place full of bricks.

"Yo, isn't this little Bai Ye!" An old man with a turtle shell on his back looked at Bai Ye.

"Hello Guixian." Bai Ye greeted the old man in front of him.

In fact, the old man in front of him was not called Gui Xianren at first, but Bai Ye saw him wearing a turtle shell all day long, and his strength was boundless, so he gave him such a nickname.

Guixianren is not a member of the world government, but a folk sports enthusiast. He is an animal with the ability of the ancient tortoise fruit. His life span is quite long. No one knows how long he lived.

He sought out the gymnastics workshop shortly after it was created.

"Why are you here?" Gui Xianren put down the brick-burning work in his hand, looked at Bai Ye and asked, "Want to come to take the senior cuboid concrete space mobile engineer qualification certificate?"

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched...

This qualification certificate turns out to be advanced...

That elementary card almost didn't exhaust him to death.

But let alone that the certificate is pretty, and it is still kept in his residence in the Navy Headquarters.

Bai Ye looked at Gui Xianren, with a face full of tears and laughter, and said: "I just came to relive my past life."

"Don't explain, I understand." Gui Xianren exerted strength on his right arm, and the muscles in his thin arm instantly bulged.

With his right hand, he lifted up the pile of bricks on the ground, and came to Bai Ye's side.

"Is that fellow Bangu planning to keep you to carry bricks again?" Gui Xianren smiled and handed over the bricks he was carrying.

"Don't worry, the training room is only [-] to [-] square meters." Gui Xianren looked at Bai Ye and said with a smile, "Bang Gu just wants to test whether your current physical skills have fallen."

(End of this chapter)

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