Chapter 156 149. As expected of you
On the endless sea, Bai Ye headed for the East China Sea on a warship.

Before, little Lucy set off immediately after playing for three days, and carried out the sixth new world exploration mission.

This time, based on the analysis of the think tank, they are going to fight the autumn wind in the territory of the red-haired pirates.

Keke, no.

It is to rescue the innocent people in the pirate domain!
Since the last time the red-haired pirates came to face White Lightning Ye, they had been beaten into autism.

It stands to reason that a year and a half has passed, and with the recovery speed of the strong in the One Piece world, the injury should have healed by now.

But Dahai has rarely heard from them.

Only a few times, when a silver medalist wants to challenge his status as the Four Emperors, the red-haired pirates will make a rare appearance.

Wait... I suddenly remembered something very interesting...

Bai Ye couldn't help but smile on the corner of his mouth.

If Shanks in the original book is suppressed as he is now, he dare not go to the East China Sea.

So Luffy without the straw hat, what is the name of the pirate group he will go to sea in the future?
In the original book, it is called the Straw Hat Pirates...

Then without the straw hat...

Straw Hat Pirates?

Thinking deeply, Bai Ye couldn't help laughing.

"What is the brat smirking at?!" Garp came from behind Bai Ye wearing a dog hat.

"It's nothing." Bai Ye smiled and didn't explain much.

"Tell me that you are so fast, why is your boat so slow?" Garp picked his nose in disgust.

"?!" Bai Ye's mouth twitched.

"You're just using my warship! How dare you despise it for being slow?!" Bai Ye looked helplessly at Garp in front of him.

Garp's warship was accidentally damaged when he was throwing cannonballs, and it is now being repaired at the Navy Headquarters.

Garp, who was planning to go back to the East China Sea to see his grandson Luffy during the holiday, found Bai Ye to take a ride with the wind.

"Old man, I have a question. I don't know if I should say it or not." Bai Ye looked at Garp with a hint of curiosity.

"If you have any questions, just ask." Garp frowned, and flicked the fingers that had just picked his nose.

"How did you play with cannonballs until you blew up your own ship?" Bai Ye was very curious about Garp's operation.

What is Cap?
The well-deserved ceiling of the strength of the pirate world!

In the war on the top of the original book, why did Whitebeard and his party cover Luffy, a rookie, to save people?
Because White Beard knows that only Luffy can pass Garp's level!
The old man is so strong!Terribly strong!
Such a naval hero ended the strongest sailor in the Rocks era, and chased Roger the Pirate King to a corner.

His warship was not destroyed by natural disasters or powerful enemies, but by his own hands.

How can one complain about this...

All I can say is, it's you!

Faced with this tricky question, Garp blushed and stared at Bai Ye: "You shiny bastard, don't ask if you shouldn't."

"Ahem, am I curious..." Bai Ye saw Garp's scary expression, and felt that he would not say anything more.

"Hey, I know." Little Ace's figure ran from behind Garp.

"He threw the shells at the pirates too hard, smashing the ship on the opposite side to the seabed." Ace couldn't laugh or cry, "The force of the shock knocked the warship into the sea."

Going out to fight pirates with old man Garp two days ago was definitely his worst decision.

Before he could react, the boat sank in half, and he took a gulp of seawater in an instant.

This unreliable old man is really too speechless.

Seeing little Ace complaining, Garp looked embarrassed and helpless, while Bai Ye couldn't laugh or cry.

"Your control over power is really indescribable." Bai Ye couldn't help complaining.

Although he knew that the opponent was just out of character, his real control was actually very strong.

But it really still makes people dumbfounded.

"Why don't you go to the gymnastics seminar and ask those old men for advice?" Bai Ye said.

"Ahem, I just missed it temporarily." Karp rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"And let's forget about the gymnastics seminar. As soon as I go to that place, those old guys will definitely want to practice with me again."

Those old guys who have devoted their whole lives to physical arts really like people with rough skin and thick flesh to visit.

Although Karp may not necessarily lose, he really doesn't want to fight them, especially the former CP instructor Bangu.

It's disgusting to fight.

That set of flowing water boxing is said to take into account the softness and strength of water.

It doesn't matter if you are strong, Garp's iron fist doesn't frighten him at all.

But that tenderness is too disgusting.

The unrelenting but continuous force is always entangled with him, seemingly weak but piercing through the skin to the inside.

It envelops people like water, and it can basically unload the force that comes with a fierce momentum.

For someone like Karp who has a head-to-head personality, this flowing fist is really disgusting, and it is too uncomfortable to fight with him.


(End of this chapter)

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