Chapter 22 21. Phantom Beast Fruit

Amid the violent impact, the mace and the bird made of ice collided together, and the huge impact of the mace crushed the ice bird in an instant.

But the huge cold air carried by the ice bird also instantly froze Mace and half of Kaido's right arm.

Kaido was frozen for a moment and could only watch Sakaski's attack.

The big eruption that followed came with the power of a volcanic eruption.

The high temperature instantly melted the ice, and Kaido only felt his entire right arm and half of his shoulder lose consciousness after being devastated by the extreme cold and heat.

Immediately after that, all the impact of the volcanic eruption was vented on Kaido.

After the fire erupts, it will turn into countless volcanic bombs, and the power of each volcanic bomb can easily destroy a super large warship.

Kaido was overwhelmed by countless volcanic bombs.

Sakaski and the two looked through the dust with their knowledge and knowledge, and saw Kaido, covered in blood, grinning grinningly while holding his obviously twisted right hand.

"It's so exciting!" Kaido's burly figure stepped out of the dust.

"Be careful, with Kaido's resilience, this kind of injury is nothing!" Kuzan, who participated in Kaido's attack on the Navy Headquarters, reminded.

"I see, I've also heard the rumors about Kaido." Sakaski nodded in response.

"Next, let's get serious!" Kaido said, jumping up suddenly.

His figure changed dramatically in an instant.

A dragon full of wild feeling appeared in the air.

Crimson dragon scales spread all over the body. In addition to the slender dragon horns on the dragon's head, there are also a pair of devil-like goat horns that Kaido had in form. Black hair covered the head and neck.

An extremely domineering feeling arises spontaneously!

"Animal-type devil fruit · phantom beast species · dragon form!" Kuzan paused every word.

Although I have seen Kaido in this form when Kaido made troubles at the Navy Headquarters many times.

But I really can't help being shocked every time I see it.

"Then, let's do it again! Next round!" The dragon hovering in the sky let out a resounding voice.

Roaring, Shenlong swooped down to the ground with an irresistible momentum.

The loud sound of the air being torn was heard, and the dragon horn rushed towards Kuzan and Sakasky from left to right.

The two hurriedly stepped on the moon steps to dodge.

This small island burst into huge cracks in an instant.In the center of the impact, a large crater nearly [-] meters in size was smashed out.

The dragon's head was lifted from the pothole, unscathed by such a huge impact.

The red pupils stared at Kuzan and Sakaski, and made a deafening voice: "You hid very quickly!"

"If it were Bai Ye, his attack would be faster than his voice!" Kuzan mocked lightly.

Despise the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically.

Appropriate provocation on the battlefield is essential, and Kuzan and Sakalski, who have experienced many battles, know this well.

"You didn't even break the sound barrier just now." Sakaski also began to taunt, "I often practice against Bai Ye, I just want to say that your speed is really worthless!"

Sakaski, who practiced against Bai Ye from time to time, now always has a feeling that all attacks are so slow.

After all, he was used to fighting with Bai Ye, so it felt slow to face other people's attacks.

A large number of generals in the navy have greatly improved their reaction speed during the confrontation with Bai Ye.

"It's useless to piss me off!" A loud voice came from Kaido's dragon head.

"There is strength in the air, so what if you miss it?!" Kuzan said again.

Although Kuzan and Sakaski teamed up to provoke their opponents for the first time, they did have a tacit understanding.Provocative or something during the battle, both of them are old drivers.

"Dragon's breath!" Kaido roared, and the breath that could be called a map cannon sprayed towards the two of them.

 The animal-type phantom beast fruit is even rarer than the natural-type fruit.

  Species I know so far:

  Animals Phantom Beast Human Fruit Buddha Form: Warring States Period.

  Animal Department Phantom Beast Species Phoenix Fruit: Marko.

  Dragon fruit (artificial devil fruit) of the animal-type phantom beast: Momonosuke.

  The animal-type Phantom Beast Dragon Fruit: Kaido.

  The vampire fruit of the zoomorphic beast species: Red Earl.

  Animal Department Phantom Beast Species Yamata no Orochi Fruit: Black Charcoal Orochi

(End of this chapter)

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