You may have some misunderstandings about the speed of light

Chapter 30 28. Kaido's lingering fear

Chapter 30 28. Kaido's lingering fear

Sakaski looked at Kuzan who had finished using his ult, and was about to take out his phone bug to contact the g5 fortress, but suddenly froze.

"Bai Ye, did you bring the phone bug?" Sakaski asked.

"You didn't bring it?"

"Take it with me. The battle with Kaido just now was too intense." Sakaski said helplessly, "I was seriously injured myself, and I really can't protect a fragile phone bug."

"In order to hurry over here, I made the whole journey in an elemental way..." Bai Ye said awkwardly.

"So you didn't bring it?" Sakaski turned to look at Kuzan again.

"Don't look at me, my phone bug is kneeling too." Kuzan waved his hand and said.

The three of them looked at each other for a while, speechless.

"It's not too far from the g5 fortress, so I'll rush over and call someone." Bai Ye, who was the fastest, said consciously.

"That's the only way to go." Sakaski nodded, "Before you bring someone here, Kuzan and I will do our best to search."

Bai Ye nodded, and then turned into light spots and scattered.

Watching Bai Ye leave, Sakaski and Kuzan followed the direction where the beam of light extended before, and began to search for Kaido's trace with all their knowledge and knowledge.


After regaining consciousness again, Kaido found himself frozen.

"Damn it, that move was too fierce!" Kaido said with lingering fear.

"It's not weaker than that old guy with white beard's air shock." Kaido recalled the scene where half of his head was shattered when he singled out white beard.

Trying to break free from the surrounding ice, he broke free from it all at once, without the feeling of powerlessness that he had been trapped by the sea floor stone before.

Looking at the Hailoushi handcuffs with broken hands, Kaido laughed, "The beam of light before was so fierce, the Hailoushi handcuffs were broken."

Kaido sighed while digging upwards through the ice, and finally came to the coast.

The endless sea around was completely frozen.

"Those three little guys are not here, it seems that they couldn't find me after blowing me away." Kaido sat on the ice and rested.

Even though he was seriously injured to a very serious level, he was still trying his best to penetrate the ice layer.

Kaido carefully inspected his body, his bones felt like they were smashed, dozens of deep bone wounds were visible, and two big holes were melted through his stomach.

The granulation is recovering the wounds all over the body at a speed visible to the naked eye, but maybe the injury is too serious. Although the wound recovery speed is fast, it is far from as fast as before.

"This time, I almost knelt down!" Kaido sighed, "I have to take a good tonic and recuperate when I go back."

In the case that the fruit ability and armed domineering cannot be used, only the recovery power brought by the awakened animal-type fruit and a strong physical body can be used to bear it.

Still bear the constant bombardment of the three general-level combat power.

There is no one in this world who can fight against the cascade of three generals.

The One Piece can't do it, the legendary pirate can't do it, the naval hero can't do it, and the lonely Red Earl can't do it...

What's more, these are three natural fruit ability users with destructive power far exceeding the same level and perfectly matched.

For control there is Kuzan, for power there is Sakaski, for speed there is White Night.

Although Sakaski and Kuzan are currently only lieutenant generals, they are still a little short of their future strength, but the difference is not much. After all, their strength grows more slowly in the future.

After resting for a while, Kaido finally found the person he wanted to wait for.

Of course, not Kuzan, Sakalski.

I saw ripples in the space around Kaido, and a figure appeared without warning.

 The signed contract has been sent, and the codewriter mode is started
(End of this chapter)

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