Chapter 51. Forgive Me Robin

"Why?" Little Robin's flustered face was full of puzzlement, "Why do you die just doing research?"

"Robin, stop asking!" Dr. Clover interrupted Robin with a serious face.

Dr. Clover turned his head to look at Spandine who was about to call the Five Old Stars.

"Little Robin is innocent!" Dr. Clover yelled very seriously, "She's just a child!"

"She doesn't know anything about the historical text!" Dr. Clover looked at Olvia whose eyes were full of hope, and argued loudly.

All he can do now is to find a way to make Robin escape.

Spandain, who was about to say something, froze for a moment, then turned to look at the roaring forest next to it.

There was a roar, like the footsteps of some giant.

A giant ran out of it.

"Lieutenant General Saron?!" Spandain looked at the giant in surprise, "Also, since Olvia is here, it's not surprising that you are here."

Of course, what Spandain didn't know was.

After Saron escaped with Olvia, he was shipwrecked.

When Saron woke up and came to the north coast of O'Hara, Robin found him lying motionless on the beach and took care of him all the time.

He also didn't expect Olvia to come to O'Hara after the shipwreck.

But now is not the time to think so much.

He's here to save Robin!Little Robin can still live!As for Nicole Olvia...

Saron glanced at Olvia, paused, but quickly turned to Robin's direction.

Saron understood Olvia's eyes, which meant to let him leave her alone.

Indeed, he was not sure that he would escape with the two of them.

This is the Demon Slaughter Order!

He still has some hope if he is alone, and even if he can't escape, little Robin is not a historian, so there is still a chance that he will be let go.

"Stop him!" Spandain ordered, and two cp9 masters rushed up.

Saron's eyes became sharp, and he blasted the two CP9s into the air with his huge armed fist. This was a crushing battle.

As a former lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, it is not a problem to deal with two ordinary cp9s.

"Follow me!" Saron didn't care so much, and hurriedly grabbed Robin to take him away.

"I won't go!" Robin's eyes were full of determination.

"It's beyond your control!" Saron eagerly grabbed Robin and took him away by force.

Robin, who was only eight years old, had no ability to resist this giant lieutenant general.

"Don't..." Robin, who was carried by Saron on his shoulders, let out a heart-piercing cry.

Although she was still young, she understood that this departure was a farewell forever!
Looking at everyone with gratified expressions, Robin felt that something was being torn apart in his heart.

Robin, who was carried on his shoulders and fled, suddenly looked at the embarrassed woman on the ground behind Spandain with a shaking perspective.

It felt as if the vague figure in memory overlapped with her.

At this moment, it seemed that everything around him was silent, and Robin's eyes were filled with tears.

"You... are you mother?" Like a frightened deer, she whispered weakly.

No one heard what she was saying.

Spandain was dialing the number of the five old stars respectfully, the doctors looked at cp9 around them with expressions of death, and Saron was eager to take Robin out.

Robin stared blankly at the bruised figure until tears blurred his eyes.

Olvia turned her back to the direction Robin left, and she didn't want Robin to see her face full of tears, although Robin might not remember her anymore.

"My incompetent mother has never fulfilled her responsibilities."

"Forgive me, Robin!" Olvia covered her mouth, thinking about it, and couldn't stop the tears.

(End of this chapter)

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