This is Jianghu

Chapter 381 Master and Disciple

Chapter 381 Master and Disciple
Seeing the strange man's reaction, Tie Mian couldn't help but feel secretly happy. He knew that the strange man valued Zhang Liheng very much, so he could only rely on this excuse he made up to reduce the strange man's resistance to him, and it wasn't all an excuse.

The man in the iron mask said: "Old man, I wanted to tell you about this matter when I came here last time, but you didn't give me a chance to speak, so you kicked me out."

The strange man became angry when he heard it, and said: "My precious apprentice is in danger, you are going to be beaten to death by me, you won't tell me before you die, if my precious apprentice has any accidents, I will The first one will not let you go! Tell me quickly, what happened to my precious apprentice?"

Hearing what the strange man said in such a tone, Tie Mian couldn't help crying and laughing in his heart, it seemed that his master really didn't recognize his big apprentice at all, and only cared about that "precious apprentice" Zhang Liheng.But the man in the iron mask was still very moved. After all, the blame man thought Zhang Liheng was him, and the concern of the blame man was actually because of himself in the iron mask.

Tie Mian then said to the strange man: "Senior, don't worry, Zhang Liheng's last danger has long passed, and now he is no longer in danger."

The strange man couldn't help being taken aback, and then realized that it was a few months ago that Iron Face came to him last time. If Zhang Liheng was in danger at that time, it would be too late to tell him now.The expression on his face softened a little, but he still asked Tie Mian in a bad tone: "Then tell me, what danger did my precious apprentice encounter last time, and how did you resolve it?"

Tie Mian has always been respectful in front of the strange man, and he didn't feel any discomfort because of the strange man's attitude towards him, so he continued to reply: "The last time Zhang Liheng encountered danger was because he arrived early. A traitor in Jianghu framed him, but that traitor has been killed by Zhang Liheng himself, and everyone in Jianghu also knows that Zhang Liheng was wronged, and now he is fine."

The strange man nodded after hearing this, and said, "As expected of my precious apprentice, how could those treacherous villains on the rivers and lakes be the opponent of my precious apprentice!" Yihan asked, "Who wants to frame my precious apprentice?"

"It's Kong Nanshan." Tie Mian replied calmly and blamed the man.

"Kong Nanshan?" The strange man frowned slightly after hearing this name, and murmured, "I seem to have heard of this name somewhere..." He thought for a while but couldn't remember it, so he asked again Said: "Who is he?"

Tie Mian thought about it, and decided to tell the strange man, so he replied, "Kong Nanshan, he is the only successor of Rong Guolao."

"Old Rong Guo?" The strange man looked blankly, looking at the iron face, as if he had never heard of Elder Rong Guo.

Tie Mian took a deep breath, and then said to the strange man again: "Rong Guo's real name is Rong Zhi, people in the Jianghu are called Jianghu Baixiaosheng, and his real identity is the eldest disciple of the Huanglong lineage in the Forbidden Palace."

As soon as the four "Huanglong Yimai" came out, a painful expression appeared on the strange man's face, his brows were tightly frowned, and the painful expression became more and more obvious. "Yellow Dragon Lineage" these four words.

Seeing the appearance of the strange man, Tie Mian couldn't help regretting in his heart. He originally wanted to say these things, to bring back some memories of the strange man, but he didn't expect to be like this.He hurriedly asked, "Senior, what's wrong with you?"

The strange man didn't pay attention to Tie Mian, he held his head in his arms and tried his best to think carefully, still murmuring the words "Huanglong Yimai", he seemed to have thought of something, but it was hazy. Nothing came to mind, and the more he tried to remember, the more his head hurt.

Seeing the strange man like this, Tie Mian couldn't bear it even more, so he wanted to hit the strange man's sleeping point to make him fall asleep. He galloped towards the east, and suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

Tie Mian was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help being anxious, blaming the man for what he was like now, if something went wrong, then he would regret it so badly that it wouldn't help.Tie Mian didn't think much about it, he blamed the man as soon as he left, but he followed behind.

The strange man's lightness kung fu and physical skills have already been cultivated to the peak in Juegu, and it is also fleeting in Tie Mian's eyes.Tie Mian is the direct disciple of the strange man, and his internal strength has reached the level of the invisible like an elephant, but at this time, he can only see the hazy back of the strange man from a distance, and it is impossible to catch up with him.

Fortunately, the abyss below the cliff is not too big, and it will soon come to an end.But when Tie Mian chased after him, the strange man stopped running away, but the strange man started to bombard the rocks at the east end of Juegu with palm after palm. .

When Tie Mian saw it, he could only watch from a distance, because the man with the strange man was using the power of the world palm, even the man with the iron mask did not dare to get close, for fear of being seriously injured if he was not careful. Under the palm of the man.

I saw the strange man constantly slapping the surrounding boulders of different sizes in the clutter of boulders. Every time he slapped the strange man, there was a loud noise. Some of the boulders were crushed by his palm strength, and some were crushed. The crack that was hit, and the broken stones flew randomly for a while.

The man in the iron mask was dumbfounded. This was the first time in more than ten years that he had seen his master make a move. This time, his skill was much higher than before.After the strange man's attack, the man in the iron mask remembered Zhang Liheng's Liuhe Bahuang palm that used a strange poison to transform his body's true energy on Yunding Mountain that day and blasted the Taoist temple out of the ground. spell.

And the man in the iron mask took a closer look at the boulder in front of him, and found many traces of being destroyed in the past. It seems that this is not the first time that the strange man has acted like this.Tie Mian couldn't help feeling sad when he thought of his master blaming the man for the past ten years or so.

Tie Mian was hunted down by his enemies back then, his wife was killed, and he himself was forced to a desperate situation and almost fell to his death. It was a strange man who rescued him and accepted him as his apprentice.If he hadn't met the strange man back then, Tie Mian would have fallen into the abyss long ago, leaving no bones left.Therefore, Tie respected and appreciated his master very much. After the master left, he put on an iron mask, took over the six gates of Tokyo for the master, and quietly waited for the master to return after his miraculous accomplishment.

Before Tie Mian met the strange man, in fact, his martial arts were not low, but due to various reasons, his wife died at the hands of the enemy.Tie Mian is fully capable of killing the enemy to avenge his wife, but because of being disheartened, he did not take revenge until the enemy put a knife on his neck, allowing the enemy to push him into the abyss in the cliff.

After the strange man rescued Tie Man, he took the initiative to teach him a lesson, woke up the depressed iron face, and then worshiped under the strange man's sect with his already top-notch martial arts, and became The apprentice of the strange man.

Tie Mian is a person with a very high talent in martial arts, and he already has profound skills. The strange man didn't teach him the inner skills, but passed on his martial arts, which can be called peerless. he.The strange man abandoned the previous martial arts, only kept the inner strength and true energy, and learned all the martial arts of the strange man, and his martial arts realm was further advanced than before.After his master left, Tie Mian naturally became the number one master of the six doors, temporarily taking charge of the six doors instead of his master.

It's just that Tie Mian didn't expect that his "temporary" control would usually last more than ten years.Even though the six doors spread all over the Central Plains, there was still no news about Master Tie Mian.Until that day when Tien Mian approached Zhang Liheng, he accidentally discovered Zhang Liheng's unique skill that could make his master - Liuhe Bahuang Palm.From Zhang Liheng's mouth, he learned that his master practiced under an abyss and valley in the middle of Sichuan, and that he became insane and lost his mind.

When he heard the news about Master, he could not suppress the joy that had been on his face that had been icy for more than ten years. He hurried to Wangcliff in the middle of Shu, and walked along the cliff to the bottom of the valley. Meet the master.It's just that the strange man has already forgotten about Tie Mian's apprentice, and he started to fall in love with Tie Mian as soon as he met him.

Even the strange man in the past is no match for the iron face now.Although the blame man was insane because of his insanity, but his great skill has been preserved, and the iron face is not an opponent, and he dare not really fight with the master.

The first time Tie Mian entered the abyss and Judgment Valley was thrown out of the valley by the strange man. Now it is the second time for Tie Mian to enter the Judgment Valley. He walked out of this valley.Tie Mian never thought that the strange man would look like this after hearing the words "Huanglong Yimai".Tie Mian couldn't bear Master's pain, and seeing the strange man go crazy, he had no choice but to give up this idea.

The strange man was the same as before, after venting from the boulder mess, he finally calmed down, flew away, and ran in the opposite direction again.Tie Mian followed the strange man and found the cave where the strange man lived.He saw that the blame man entered the cave, and he was not afraid that the blame man would throw him out again, so he followed into the cave of the blame man without thinking much.

This time it was very strange, Tie Mian followed into the cave, the strange man didn't make any movement, let alone throwing Tie Mian out, but after Tie Mian entered the cave, the strange man stared straight at him.

Tie Mian did not make a sound, the strange man stared at Tie Mian thoughtfully for a while, and then suddenly asked: "Minger, is Li Heng really in danger?"


(End of this chapter)

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