genius point guard

Chapter 132 Sky Walk

Chapter 132 Sky Walk
Chen Mo slowly dribbled the ball across the half court. JR-Smith double-teamed after crossing the center line. Chen Mo sped up the speed instantly after seeing Anthony approaching.

Chen Mo accelerated and provoked a laugh from Smith, "You want to pass me with speed? My father is faster than you."

However, Chen Mo ignored Smith's nonsense and continued to accelerate.He was like a car running at full speed, about to collide with Anthony's speeding truck.It was almost a tragic car accident.

At that time, some fans thought that Chen Mo would be knocked and fly away.No one knew why Chen Mo suddenly accelerated.

Just when everyone was wondering, Chen Mo suddenly jumped in front of Anthony, and then his body continued to rush forward, rubbing against Anthony to complete the turn in the air.He even borrowed Anthony's body to make this turn more stretched, as if walking in the air.

The most important thing is that Chen Mo raised the ball in Anthony's direction just now, then took two steps and then turned around.

This move was undoubtedly a huge mockery, and Anthony tried his best to teach Chen Mo a lesson, but Chen Mo followed his body, completed a smart turn, and sent a precise pass.

Through slow motion, Chen Mo's turning around looks even more chic.

The body arched first in the air, and then fully opened after turning from the gap between the two, and then passed the ball at the moment when the passing angle just appeared.Everything can only be described as perfect.

After landing on the ground, Chen Mo looked back at Smith and said, "How does it feel to eat farts after me?"

With Chen Mo's words, Smith choked to death.

Not only did Chen Mo vaguely see Master Qiao's shadow in many actions, his trash talk was the true inheritance of Master Qiao.

Compared with Payton's 48 minutes of lips and saliva, the trash talk mode that wins by volume.Chen Mo often wins with quality, and he choked to death with a single sentence.The former, while more upsetting to opponents, is also more likely to lead to a fight.The latter is the real art of trash talk.

When the Nuggets were on offense, Smith bounced off an open shot from beyond the three-point line.It has to be said that he was affected by what Chen Mo said just now.Smith wanted too much to taunt back with a beautiful shot taunt, but it backfired.

After receiving the rebound, the Bobcats quickly pushed a wave of counterattack.

Chen Mo went straight to the fast break, and then quickly set up a pick-and-roll cover with Thomas on the right side of the top of the arc.Thomas went straight to the basket, and Chen Mo made a "bow Buddha" feint, swayed out of space, and gave Thomas an assist.Later, Thomas violently smashed the basket with both hands, and then he hung on the basket and roared to the sky.

This guy seems to be just released from the cage every time he plays, and he will never stop until he feels comfortable.

In the rotation stage of the first quarter, Chen Mo actually led the substitutes to a small climax.In the first quarter of the game, they even extended their lead to 12 points.

In the second quarter of the game, Billups began to take the substitute back to score points.

"Chauncey is definitely one of the most stable players among active players. In the first quarter of the game, he was almost rubbed by Jack on the ground, and it didn't make much difference when he was replaced in the second quarter." Miller sighed.

Kevin Harland said: "On the contrary, Anthony was a little absent-minded after Chen Mo's shocking turn-around pass. A player's mentality is often an important factor in determining the upper limit of his career."

With Jackson out, the bench lacked a playmaker.In the past, in the first quarter of the game, Jackson had to play with a substitute for a while, and now all the organizational tasks are given to Livingston.This is also one of the reasons why Billups can take the bench back to chase points as soon as he comes back in the second quarter.

Soon the 12-point difference was narrowed to 7 points, and Sloan replaced Chen Mo again.

This time, Billups no longer defended Chen Mo alone. Chen Mo waved his hand to provoke, but he brought Smith to double-team Chen Mo.

"Not singled out?" Chen Mo said with a smile, "You almost blocked me just now."

Billups didn't say a word, and Chen Mo started playing off the ball after throwing the ball to Gerald Wallace.

With consecutive off-ball screens, Chen Mo got a chance around the bottom corner.Unfortunately, the ball did not turn around in time.Chen Mo's chance to run was wasted, and in the end, Dior's shot from the horn area bounced out of the basket.

This is also the disadvantage brought about by Jackson's absence. When Chen Mo played without the ball, the ball's movement appeared sluggish.

Billups gave up the idea of ​​educating Chen Mo, and they began to defend Chen Mo in a conventional way. Chen Mo could no longer act recklessly like in the first quarter.However, Anthony didn't seem to have the touch he had in the first half of the first quarter. He seemed to be hit by Chen Mo's turn and pass, and he hasn't recovered yet.

At halftime, the Bobcats maintained an 8-point lead.

The highlight of this game is Chen Mo's performance. As the Denver people improve their defensive level against Chen Mo, it is difficult for Chen Mo to make an amazing performance.

"Cameron played well at the beginning of the game, but after Jack made a perfect turn to avoid his defense, his state began to slip." Kevin Harland said.

Reggie Miller also agreed with his point of view, "The second quarter of the game is obviously not as good as the first quarter. After the defensive strength of the two teams has improved, it is more difficult to play."

"Carroll didn't play well in Charlotte today. He wasted three good shots. On the Denver side, Cameron and JR didn't play well. Maybe it was because of Jack's turn around. Make a fuss." Kevin Harlan said.

Reggie Miller spread his hands and said: "If I was young, I would be absent-minded if I had such a big background like someone else's, and I would worry about whether I would appear on the headlines of the newspaper as a background tomorrow. You have to know that being on the headlines in this way is the same as being buckled by someone, or even more serious. Today's media is so developed, and soon Cameron will become the background of the Chinese kid, and the whole world will know It's definitely a very, very bad thing."

"Okay! Even if it's so bad, Cameron should wake up early, otherwise it will be difficult for them to take away a victory from Charlotte today." Kevin Harlan said: "I think the second half should get better, After all, after the half-time adjustment in the locker room, the mentality is calm enough. After all, the best way to smooth out the negative effects of being someone else's background is to let others become your own background!"

"Don't forget that there is JR-Smith, this guy is a nerve knife. And Charlotte's Carroll, these guys are all accurate and deadly guys! Maybe there will be a wave of surprises in the second half It's raining three minutes!"

"That's right, the three-pointers of these two teams are terrible. It is very likely that a wave of three-pointers will take away the opponent! I am already looking forward to the next game!"

(End of this chapter)

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