genius point guard

Chapter 152 Desperate Charge

Chapter 152 Desperate Charge
Chen Mo sat back on the bench, breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling like a fully loaded bellows.

"Let's make sure we get the ball in first, Jack you run off the ball, you do a staggered screen with Sean (Livingston), you go to the corner. Boris (Dior) you are at the top of the key, Be sure to pass the ball out immediately, whether it's Jack or Sean, you have to pass the ball to the open position."

Sloan drew two lines on the tactical board, which were the running routes of Chen Mo and Livingston.Although Sloan wants to play unlimited screens, for a player like Durant, his ability to circle screens is too strong, and Westbrook's footsteps in assisting defense are also extremely fast.Coupled with the fact that Chen Mo's current physical fitness has reached its limit, the effect of unlimited pick-and-roll may not be good.

After the game restarted, Chen Mo controlled the ball at the top of the arc and pressed the rhythm. He and Dior picked and rolled, and handed the ball to Dior.

Diaw stood outside the top of the arc holding the ball, and Ibaka didn't dare to let him go completely. He is a power forward with three-point ability.

After Chen Mo and Livingston crossed, Livingston ran to the high post, while Chen Mo ran to the bottom corner.

Chen Mo led the defense, Dior passed the ball directly to Livingston, and Livingston took the ball and shot it. Logically speaking, he was very sure of the ball.But the ball swiped twice on the basket, and then swiped out again.

"Damn it!" Chen Mo cursed and was about to grab a rebound, but he was elbowed by Harden in the crowd.At this time, the referee did not whistle the foul.

Chen Mo took several steps back to stabilize his center of gravity, and at this time Lei Ting had already started to push back.Chen Mo gritted his teeth and desperately returned to defense. At this time, he must not give Lei Ting a chance to make a quick break.Otherwise, they can only use unlimited pick-and-rolls to shoot three-pointers, and the best result is just to drag the game into overtime.

"Run!!!" Chen Mo yelled, and he was also running desperately. He felt that his brain was a little lack of oxygen, and he was a little dizzy.But, fortunately, they retreated in time, preventing Thunder's counterattack from being completed.

Westbrook controlled the ball from the outside, compressing the time, and there was not much time left in the end. Westbrook held the ball for almost 24 seconds and threw the ball out.

This time Livingston defended better than last time. Master Wei was determined to kill the game this time, but he failed.

Durant didn't have time to complain, but directly joined the ranks of rebounding.

Chen Mo plunged into the crowd again, this time he was the last one to rush in, but he had a very good prediction of where the basketball would land, and the position he chose was also an excellent basketball position.The rebound was finally caught by Chen Mo, and then Chen Mo secretly swung his elbow and hit Harden in the face.

The elbow was an incidental movement. At this time, the referee didn't blow it, and Harden didn't dare to fall to the ground, because Chen Mo had already charged up.

Chen Mo's speed is not fast, but there is actually only Westbrook in front of him.

Harden and Durant chased behind Chen Mo, and the game was about to end.

Westbrook stood on the center line, blocking Chen Mo, and Chen Mo really couldn't stop this time.As long as he stopped and was blocked by the third young master behind him, tonight would be over.Because time is running out!
In 5 seconds, Chen Mo rushed towards Westbrook's feet without slowing down at all, nor did he change his direction. He just rushed towards Westbrook in a straight line.

The way Chen Mo sprinted was like Don Quixote rushing towards the windmill.Although he is about the same height as Westbrook, the difference in size between the two is too great.Westbrook's muscle mass is much larger than that of Chen Mo. Will Chen Mo's slender body fall apart when it hits Westbrook?
In 4 seconds, Chen Mo came to Westbrook.

Master Wei had already stood still, not to mention whether Chen Mo could hit Westbrook, if he didn't slow down at this time, hitting him would be an offensive foul.

Some fans with fast nerve reflexes have already closed their eyes and exclaimed.However, Chen Mo suddenly stopped a few centimeters away from Westbrook, and at the same time made a movement of collecting the ball.

Perhaps Westbrook was thinking about Chen Mo's abnormal shooting all night. When he saw Chen Mo making a shooting action, he subconsciously tried to block it.

Chen Mo slapped the ball with his left hand, and then poked the ball forward with his right hand.The body turned back and turned from the other side of Westbrook.

Bow Buddha made a fake move to get out of space, and then - the ball was passed!
The cheers at the Time Warner Center reached its peak, and countless fans waved shoe-shaped cheering sticks, and they all stood up.

But at this time, Chen Mo couldn't hear the cheers at the scene, he was so tired that he wanted to collapse on the ground immediately.His sudden stop and turning around just now seemed to have squeezed out all the remaining energy in his body.

The way he staggered after passing Westbrook, I was really worried that he would fall!
At this point, the ball is still flying forward.Chen Mo felt that his brain was severely hypoxic, and the nerves in his brain were sending out strong protests, but Chen Mo still gritted his teeth and quickened his pace, chasing the ball he just threw out.

In 2 seconds, Chen Mo caught up with the ball before the three-point line, and then he jumped up and grabbed the ball directly.

In 1 second, Chen Mo completed the shooting action in the air, and the ball was thrown by him.

The basketball, which was spinning and flying towards the basket, got into the basket steadily amidst the cheers of the fans and the roars of Kevin Harlan and Reggie Miller.

Chen Mo faced the ground and fell to the ground. He turned over with difficulty and looked at Westbrook who was not far in front of him with a dull expression.He said softly: "This is... the death knell of destruction!"

Chen Mo's voice was very soft, but he believed that Westbrook heard this sentence.Westbrook was taken aback for a moment, and soon a wry smile and helplessness appeared on his face.

Chen Mo was carried back to the locker room by Gerald Wallace. He actually fell asleep after mocking Westbrook.In other words, he still remembered to mock Westbrook before he was so tired that he was about to fall asleep.

When Chen Mo woke up, the press conference was over.

After sleeping for a while, Chen Mo felt much more comfortable.

Gerald Wallace hadn't left yet, he was waiting for Chen Mo to wake up.After seeing Chen Mo wake up, he said, "Hurry up and take a bath! I'll take you back."

Gerald Wallace doesn't talk much, but he is also one of the Bobcats' most caring people for Chen Mo.

After returning home, Chen Mo turned on the computer and found that the video of his last attack on the Internet, the GIF animation was already swiping the screen.

Chen Mo opened YouTube and found the relevant video, but found that the video was as long as 3 minutes.

In the end, the ball only lasted a few seconds, even with slow motion playback, it didn't take so long.However, after watching the video, Chen Mo found that his goal had already been scored.The rest of the time was full of Kevin Harlan's roars.

"This guy really steals the show." Chen Mo muttered softly.

(End of this chapter)

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