genius point guard

Chapter 169 The 3 giants are advancing

Chapter 169 The Big Three are advancing (the third update, please subscribe~~)

"What do they use to win Miami? With their two crappy tactical lineups? Or let Jack Chen perform another wave of three-point performances in the game? Don't dream, I admit that Jack Chen is by far the best in the league. The best shooter, but he doesn't hit that amazing [-]-point streak every game."

"The Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors, one is the league's deputy squad leader and the other is the third-to-last in the West. These two teams will test Charlotte's tactics and strength? This is completely unrealistic, so when facing Miami , I believe Charlotte's shortcomings will be fully exposed."

Sean Williams hadn't jumped out before, and when the game between Miami and Charlotte was about to come, he jumped out immediately.

From the recent state, Miami is much better than Charlotte.The run-in of the Big Three has finally been completed. The method they adopted is to make James and Wade the core of the offense respectively.Whoever is in good form will play for a long time.

This method looks very simple, but the effect is good.Recently, Miami has won 9 consecutive victories, and its ranking in the division also beat the Celtics by 0.5 wins, ranking third in the Eastern Conference.

On December 12, the little emperor's birthday, LeBron James scored a season-high 31 points to help the Miami Heat beat the Orlando Magic.

Now that the little emperor is in a hot state, the running-in of the Big Three in Miami is becoming more and more perfect.The last time in Miami was the Bobcats who had a hard time winning. Can they win the Heat at home this time?

This time, many people are not optimistic about Bobcats. Even if Chen Mo is amazing, can he win another victory in front of the Heat's Big Three?

The confrontation between the two teams in this game is definitely a playoff-level confrontation.The last time James lost to Chen Mo, not to mention his personal face problems, but the blow to his reputation and popularity after that, almost reached the lowest point after he became the MVP.

And Chen Mo stepped on James' shoulders and reached the first peak of his popularity.

There are almost irreconcilable contradictions between the two of them, and James' agent Paul started to build momentum after the Bobcats and Warriors game.He wants more fans to be attracted to this game, and the purpose is naturally to make up for the popularity that James lost because of the decision.

"In Charlotte, we will definitely go all out. The last time we failed, it was because our team hadn't run in well. This time we must succeed." James vowed in an interview with reporters.

But then a reporter from Charlotte threw James a question he absolutely didn't want to answer, "Will you still defend Jack in the game?"

James' defense against Chen Mo is definitely his sore spot.In the last game, as long as James went out to defend Chen Mo, Chen Mo would steal the back door.In that game, the Heat's back door was almost smashed by Chen Mo. The repeated bombing by Jackson and Gerrard gave the Heat a veritable "chrysanthemum blossom."

After that game, many comments commented on this phenomenon in a joking way, and some people even wrote the headline "see you soon".In fact, in the history of the NBA, there has never been a team that was beaten to death by another team by copying the back door.The Miami Heat, which owns the super luxurious Big Three, is the first one.

This is not just a shame for James, it is a deep mockery of the Big Three they formed.

"The defensive system is arranged by the coach. You can ask Spoelstra this question." James' face was so gloomy that even his forehead lines could not be seen.

Chen Mo paid attention to the news for the first time before the game. Generally speaking, he didn't pay much attention to the news other than touting his own news.But his abnormal behavior this time can only show how much he attaches importance to this opponent.

Chen Mo rejected Falk's move to build momentum for him again, because he himself was not sure of winning the game, so he could only fight.

However, the news that Chen Mo saw on the Internet included "the Big Three aiming for revenge" or "the Big Three are attacking fiercely", and the comments about Bobcats were almost all pessimistic.Especially without Jackson, the originally stable tactical system became unbalanced.The Bobcat's solution turned out to be two extreme changes.

For the Bobcats' big lineup, the media didn't have many comments.After all, this lineup follows the style of traditional basketball, and the tactical thinking is a typical one who wins the inside wins the world.

As for the small lineup of the Bobcats, there are not many people who comment on it.

In the past few years, the Phoenix Storm has repeatedly lost to San Antonio and missed the finals.The Golden State Warriors use small ball tactics, and now they are almost a bully team.

Barkley, a star from that era, is extremely disgusted with such an anti-traditional small ball tactic. "This is not the true meaning of basketball. Basketball is the sport of giants. If I were 10 centimeters taller, I might be able to wear rings in one hand now."

Barkley's words made Michael Jordan unhappy. If Barkley said that his ring can hold a full hand, wouldn't he want to beat Jordan and his Bulls in the Finals?

"Fatty, times will change. Let's not talk about other things, but now the three-point line has become more and more important in the team's tactical system. So you have to learn to shut your mouth, and you have to learn to accept it. Fact. Jack Chen, who you are not optimistic about, already has a championship ring, and he is getting better and better. And Charlotte didn’t collapse because of Jack, they got better together.”

Everyone knew that the relationship between the two of them had been forged. As long as Barkley jumped out and targeted Chen Mo, Jordan would almost always respond.The battle between these two is really exciting to be honest.

Chen Mo had read all these news and comments one by one, and the anger in his heart had almost exploded.

However, among the comments that are not optimistic about Chen Mo and the Bobcats, there is one person who is optimistic about the Charlotte Bobcats.

Reggie Miller said on his social networking site: "I think young people have greater potential and are more likely to succeed. Especially a monster with unprecedented shooting touch. What's more, this is a growing The era that pays more attention to three-pointers. Has no one thought of a very simple truth? Three-pointers, he has one more point than two-pointers!"

Chen Mo smiled when he saw Miller's words, but his expression darkened immediately. He didn't want to discuss small balls with those guys who came out of the center's prosperity.He just wants to use his strength to prove that small ball and fast break tactics can be successful.

"Small ball tactics will definitely have his era. You don't think small ball tactics will be successful because you haven't experienced the heyday of point guards, and you haven't met a point guard like me!"

"Miami, LeBron..." Chen Mo said these two words in his mouth, and clenched his fists tightly at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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