genius point guard

Chapter 195 How dare you let me shoot?

Chapter 195 How dare you let me shoot?

"It can be seen that Ross really wants to win today, but Chen Mo obviously won't let him do so."

"Chen Mo has sent out 20 assists so far, which is a very terrifying statistic. Next, Chen Mo should use his scoring weapon!"

"Although we said that Chen Mo didn't score much today, but looking at the statistics, he actually scored 20 points."

"With 3 minutes left before the end of the game, Chen Mo has already scored a double 20. Chen Mo definitely wants to win this game."

"Chen Mo has already played 37 minutes today, and he didn't rest much in the fourth quarter. Today he has to play more than 40 minutes."

"So he didn't attack much before, mainly to preserve some energy so that he could fight longer. After this timeout, Chen Mo will definitely attack by himself."

Yu Jia and Zhang rationally analyzed, and their analysis was correct. With the decline in physical fitness, the Bobcats' fast break speed was slowing down, and at the same time, they became less determined to hit the basket.

Chen Mo himself has a strong willpower and the paranoia and courage to win, but there is no guarantee that his teammates have such a heart.

Competition is work, how many people will work hard?
Chen Mo is such a person, but there is no way to ask others to do the same, so Chen Mo can only choose to carry the team on his shoulders.If Chen Mo in the previous games was more like a booster propelling the team forward, now he will become a tractor, pulling the team to the end of victory.

Chen Mo holds the ball on the wing and picks and rolls with Milicic. The former cuts to the baseline with the ball, while the latter runs towards the top of the arc.Then Gerald Wallace and Chen Mo came to screen and cooperate, Chen Mo continued to rush to the basket, and Gerald Wallace moved to the bottom line.

This is a relatively common tactical routine for the Bobcats. Gerald Wallace at the bottom line can shoot, or he can choose to catch the ball and attack the basket.And Milicic at the top of the arc can receive Chen Mo's pass and then support the organization, or he can shoot directly.If the opponent's goal is wide open in the middle, Milicic can still hold the ball and go inside for dunks.

As for Diaw and Augustine looking for opportunities on the weak side, Augustine can make an assault and Diaw can shoot, and the combination of the two can be considered to complement each other.

But this kind of separation actually has another effect, which is to let Chen Mo play singles.

After Chen Mo rushed to the basket, he faced Luoer Deng.Chen Mo stepped up and made a fake layup, then turned around with his back to the basket, facing Rose's flying block, after Chen Mo dodged lightly, he went behind his back and reversed the basket.

With his nimble fingers, Chen Mo can always find the best position to hit the basket. Whether it's his high hits, small angle licks, or 45-degree angles under the basket, he can always find the best position. The best hitting point, just as designed.

This successful breakthrough made the Bobcats overtake the score again. 89 to 90, the home team once again achieved a 1-point lead.

Rose's three-point shooting tonight is obviously very good. Although he only made about 35% of his three-pointers this season, his three-point shooting tonight is as high as 70%, twice the normal level.

Ross hit another three-pointer against Chen Mo. His three-pointer with the board obviously had a lot of luck, but he still screamed up to the sky, venting his long-suffocated emotions.

"What's the point of making a three-pointer like this, I'll teach you how to make a beautiful one." Chen Mo muttered to himself, Dior kicked the ball out, and Chen Mo ran straight across the half court.

Chen Mo originally wanted to call a pick-and-roll, but after he reached the top of the arc, no one came to guard him.

Chen Mo was stunned, "What's the situation, they let me three points?"

How could Chen Mo not seize this opportunity?

Rose stepped half a step inside the three-point line, opened his arms and bent his knees, waiting for Chen Mo's breakthrough. His defensive movements were perfect and his eyes were sharp, but Chen Mo shot directly.

Ross seemed to realize that the person opposite was Chen Mo!

Chen Mozhen didn't shoot many three-pointers today. He basically passed the ball after breaking through, or he would only shoot when he had a chance.In this way, it made Rose forget his three-point threat.

"Are you looking for a comfortable posture and position to admire my three-pointer?" Chen Mo smiled.

Ross snorted coldly, he felt his face was slapped by Chen Mo again.

Then Rose had to shoot a three-pointer. After halftime, he shot through Boozer's pick-and-roll.Although Rose's three-pointer felt good today, the ball was rejected by the basket.

Milicic received the rebound, Chen Mo quickly advanced to the frontcourt, and Ross followed Chen Mo all the time.But Chen Mo didn't even use the pick-and-roll this time, he swung out of neutral with a sideways swing, and directly pulled up to shoot.

Then he stepped back and said to Rose, "Man, this is how you shoot threes."

Thibodeau yelled anxiously on the sidelines, but this time he really experienced what it means to be defeated like a mountain.

It was just Rose's negligence, and Chen Mo threw two three-pointers back and forth, which directly opened the gap again.

Afterwards, Rose wanted to continue to score points, but the Bobcats' tight defensive system prevented Rose from having a good chance to layup.After his floater missed again, the Bobcats quickly pushed back.

Augustine made a quick breakthrough with the ball, Gerald Wallace and Chen Mo made an off-ball screen, and then Chen Mo cut to the basket, Augustine attracted the defense and gave the ball to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo turned around and passed Rose, pretending to make a layup.Rose's defense is indeed in place, and Chen Mo will definitely be blocked for a normal layup, and he is not like Rose who can fold and drift in the air.But Chen Mo didn't make a layup, but he was still able to pass the ball!

Under Rose's puzzled eyes, Chen Mo smashed the ball on the basket with a very rough and amateurish movement.

This is a frontal high hit, and it is impossible to score a goal at all.

Rose's reaction was also extremely fast, his doubts became clear in an instant, Chen Mo was passing the ball!
Behind him was the shadow of Gerald Wallace soaring into the sky. Rose quickly evaded, but his evasive footsteps and Chen Mo's brisk steps back to the defense with a smile still looked embarrassed.

Gerald Wallace hung on the basket arrogantly, and the point difference was close to 10 points.

Afterwards, Rose finally scored a layup, and Sloan replaced Thomas with Kwame Brown. While strengthening the frontal protection of the basket, it also added an excellent covering meat shield to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo began to suppress the tempo and hit the success rate. The Bobcats suppressed the tempo of the game. The Chicagoans were unable to recover. Chen Mo performed with an absolute advantage of 28 points and 21 assists, crushing Rose's 48 points and 4 assists.Most importantly, Charlotte won the game.

(End of this chapter)

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