genius point guard

Chapter 2 Vic's Ring

Chapter 2 Vic's Ring
Chen Mo sat on the sidelines and felt that he was about to fall asleep. The Dallas Cowboys were in full swing under the leadership of Nowitzki throughout the game, while the Bobcats, who just made the playoffs last season, were killed in their home court. He discarded his armor and discarded his armor.

After halftime, the Bobcats were 39 to 64 behind by as many as 25 points, and the difference continued to widen after the start of the second half.

Originally, Chen Mo thought that he would get some chances to play in such super garbage time, but it turned out that Larry Brown didn't despise him at all. He didn't get even a minute of playing time in such garbage time.

Because this is Jordan's first regular season after becoming the big boss of the Bobcats, the broadcaster still pays more attention to this game.In this nationally televised game, Charles Barkley and his old partner Kenny Smith sat on the sidelines.

Facing such a game, the two commentators seemed to have nothing to talk about about the game, and they turned the topic to Boss Joe's summer signings.

"Spend 70 dollars to invite someone to watch the game from the best position in the audience? When will such a good thing happen to me? Maybe Jack Chen is Jordan's illegitimate son in China? Oh, forgive my brain. They don't look alike at all. But anyway, it looks like a stupid signing. Guys like Jack Chen, I could hit 10 of them by myself."

Sir Charles Barkley directly pointed the finger at Chen Mo, who Jordan urged to sign.

"Charles, don't you think Michael may have other intentions in signing Jack Chen?" Kenny Smith laughed.

"Well, let me think about it. Maybe Michael signed Jack Chen just to help the team get the aura of 'China Water Fountain Keeper'." Barkley said with a smile.

Kenny Smith laughed and said, "No, no... I think Michael just wants to break the aura of the 'Chinese drinking fountain watchman' winning the championship. After all, Charlotte's lineup has nothing to do with winning the championship."

"Perhaps it was because it was reported that Los Angeles wanted to offer Jack Chen another one-year basic salary contract. Maybe Michael wanted to prevent Los Angeles from winning three consecutive championships by signing Jack Chen."

"Haha! Charles, you really dare to think."

Barkley laughed for a while and then said: "Kenny, what do you think Jack Chen can do in Charlotte? What kind of help can he provide to the team?"

Kenny Smith made his facial expression more serious, "Michael said before that his hard work was enough to get a contract. I think his biggest role in Charlotte may be to motivate his teammates!"

"Okay! That's the only role I can think of. Now in Charlotte, he doesn't even have a chance to stand on the sidelines and wave a towel. It's pathetic. He's about to fall asleep."

After Barkley finished speaking, the two laughed again.

Chen Mo was indeed a little drowsy at first, but he immediately woke up after hearing Barkley and Smith's ridicule, and then he frowned and looked at the commentary stand.

Chen Mo's clenched fist secretly loosened, and he looked down at the ring tattoo on his wrist again.

If you look at the tattoo carefully, it will give people an illusion.Seems like it's really a ring and not a tattoo.Many people have asked Chen Mo similar questions, but Chen Mo would always smile and perfunctory.But, in fact, it was really a ring.

Chen Mo bought the ring for $5 in San Francisco's Chinatown before going to Charlotte Christian High School.

At that time, he just thought that the old man was pitiful, so he bought it at will.But then when he played the game, he was surprised to find that his reaction and hand speed were getting faster and faster.Later, when he played DOTA, he could almost beat any opponent in line by relying on his hand speed.

In high school, he started playing basketball.The first time he played, except for the first few shots he didn't make, he almost didn't miss later.Later, after training, his shooting can reach 100% when no one is defending.

Only then did Chen Mo realize that his hands had undergone earth-shaking changes unconsciously.

Chen Mo doesn't think it's because of his different talents. He has been a very ordinary person since he was a child. Except for being tall, he is very ordinary in other aspects.He started looking for the reason, and eventually he realized that there was something weird about the ring he bought in Chinatown.

The ring surface of the ring was very wide, and there were three rows of squares with the same scale on it. At first, he clearly remembered that all the scales were black, but at that time, three of the scales on the leftmost row turned into bright red.Then, he began to observe the ring carefully. He really couldn't find anything special about the ring, but found a series of inexplicable symbols on the inner color of the ring.However, when his fingers touched the string of symbols lightly, a stream of information appeared in his brain.

This ring is called "Vic's Ring", and it was produced in a place called Silverwell. The inventor is a guy named Vic, and the function of this ring is to help people do basic training.

The three rows of scales represent the three levels of Vic's ring, which are exercised—the hands, the brain, and the body.

Each row of scales has 10 grids. As the user increases the amount of training, the scales will gradually increase, and the corresponding ability of the scales will also gradually increase.The next level of training will not be unlocked until the 10-grid scale is full.

And this ring also has a function, that is, it can turn into a tattoo and appear on the user's wrist.

At this time, the ring tattoo on Chen Mo's wrist, the scale on the far left has almost all turned bright red, and if you don't look very carefully, you can hardly see the gap.

The second level trains the brain. Chen Mo believes that as long as he can unlock the second level, he will be able to gain a foothold in the NBA.

He is very aware of his shortcomings, which are nothing more than very ordinary physical fitness, and at the same time, his consciousness and vision are not enough.

But as long as he can gradually solve the problems of vision and awareness, he will be able to play in the NBA and gradually become the core of the team.In addition, when the third level of Vic's ring is unlocked, he feels that he will truly become a big BUG in the NBA.

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing at the thought that it would become a big bug on the court in the future, making the faces of those who looked down on him swell up today.

Suddenly, a sharp gaze froze the expression on Chen Mo's face.Larry Brown said coldly: "Jack, what are you laughing at?"

Chen Mo glanced at the scoreboard, the score of 109 to 71 was extremely dazzling.According to the practice of the NBA visiting team behind the former home team, the Bobcats were miserably abused by the Mavericks at home today.At this time, the fourth quarter of the game is just over halfway.

Chen Mo cried unluckily in his heart, "The old man won't look at me for a day, why did he suddenly look at me at this embarrassing moment?"

Chen Mo coughed, and said with some embarrassment: "Suddenly thought of something fun..."

Larry Brown snorted coldly and turned his head around. The team was slaughtered like this. He wanted to replace Chen Mo.He really hated Chen Mo, he had sworn before that he would not give Chen Mo any playing time.But the current score is too scary. He is afraid that the player's self-confidence will be too much damaged, so he wants to replace Chen Mo.But seeing that Chen Mo was still laughing in this situation, he naturally swallowed the words of changing people again.

In the next few minutes, the score was still widening. Finally, in the opening game of the new season, the Bobcats swallowed a bitter pill of 121 to 75 at home.

Chen Mo became the only Bobcats player who did not play in this game...

(End of this chapter)

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