genius point guard

Chapter 311 The Magician Who Turns Empty Hands into Red Wine

Chapter 311 The Magician Who Turns Empty Hands into Red Wine

However, in fact, everyone underestimated the explosive power of the Bobcats in the second half, including Chen Mo himself, who did not expect his team to play such a strong scoring explosive power after a small lineup.

After the start of the second half, Derrick Rose took the lead in breaking out. He first rushed to the basket and caused a foul, and then made a three-pointer against Chen Mo.

Rose's data began to explode this season, thanks to his practice of three-pointers in the summer. When the touch came, his three-pointers were still very accurate.Tonight, he has scored 30 points.

Sloan called a timeout and went down to a smaller lineup.

The lineup of Chen Mo, Jackson, Gerald Wallace, Diaw, and Milicic is the regular small lineup of the Bobcats. A lineup that can open up the space and have three points.

After the last game, Chen Mo's state recovered, and the others were also stimulated by the loss of the last game. This is not Chen Mo's team alone.

Jackson first received a high-quality screen from Diaw and hit a three-pointer on the right side.Then Milicic hit Rose in a misplaced position, and made an easy hook at the basket.

Before Chen Mo started to exert his strength, this lineup had completely turned on the explosive mode.

After a 12-2 spurt, the Bobcats quickly widened the gap.

In the end, Chen Mo finally stood up and scored. He scored two consecutive three-pointers, and the fans were completely crazy.

Yang Yi shook his head and exclaimed: "It's amazing! It's really amazing. The Bobcats have already scored 8 three-pointers in this quarter. The Bulls were stunned by this wave."

Rose is still hitting the rim, but he's burned out so much tonight that he can't hit it.

And Boozer, who has high hopes, is almost regarded as a scoring cash machine by the Bobcats on the court. No matter where he is, he can score goals as long as he faces Boozer.

At the end of the three quarters, the Bobcats extended their lead to 30 points.

The entire final quarter of the game will almost turn into garbage time.

Chen Mo sent 29 points and 17 assists in the game, and then he sat on the bench to watch the game almost the entire fourth quarter.

"It's impossible to win the series with Derrick Rose alone, maybe it's hard to win the next game." Yang Yi said: "Ross scored 42 points and 8 assists tonight, but under the strong impact of the Bobcats In the face of strength, it seems so powerless."

"Thibodeau's team must play a stronger defense. They did limit Chen Mo's performance for a while in this game, but then with the efforts of the rest of the Bobcats, the entire defensive system almost completely collapsed. " Yang Jian said.

"Thibodeau wants to limit Chen Mo too much. Under such circumstances, as long as there is an explosion in the Bobcats' other points, the team's offensive power will completely explode."

"What is this like! The lynx is like a flood, and the bull is a dam. Chen Mo is the sharpest tool to dig out the dam, so Thibodeau tried every means to restrain Chen Mo, but other people only need to dig out a hole in the dam." gap, the bull dam is completely unable to stop the super flood outbreak of the Bobcats.”

The Bobcats' victory in G2 was tantamount to showering Chicagoans with icy cold water from head to toe.Now, the only thing they can come up with is Rose's 42 points.

On the other side of the field, the Thunder relied on the efficient performance of the bench to beat the Mavericks 106-100 in the away game, tying the total score to 1-1.

Both the East and West finals were tied 1-1. The total score seemed anxious, but in fact, ESPN's "Basketball Front" program invited Magician and Jeff Van Gundy as commentators that night to chat about the East and West. Two rounds of finals.

Both Van Gundy and Magic Johnson believe that this seemingly anxious score will not continue to be anxious.

"First of all, Oklahoma can't guarantee that their bench will play so well in the future. You need to know that Daquan Cook, Nick Collison and Kendrick Perkins contributed 18 points, but They shot 23 percent, which was scary. Plus, James Harden had 9 points on nine shots."

"He took 24 fewer shots than Durant, who scored 14 points, and the efficiency is terrible." Van Gundy said.

Magic Johnson also doesn't think the Thunder can continue to maintain such high efficiency in the next game, "unless the efficiency of Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant can be improved."

"But here I have to say a very critical issue, which is the experience of the Oklahomaians. They are far behind the Dallas people in terms of experience. These two teams are almost two generations in the NBA."

After chatting about the Western Conference Finals, they turned their attention to the Eastern Conference.The main theme of this round of the series should be the super point guard duel. In G1, Rose seemed to be better, but in G2, Rose did not lose to Chen Mo in terms of statistics, but his team lost by a big score. In addition, he was on defense several times. The scene of being humiliated by Chen Mo.

"Derrick Rose is in the background on the defensive end because he works hard to defend. And I hardly see Jack Chen entangled with Derek Rose too much. In many cases, Derek Rose can give him quickly. On the offensive end, they are almost completely different styles, but Jack Chen can make the whole team better and better, and he relied on the strength of his teammates to defeat Derrick Rose."

Former Houston Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy may be the most familiar coach to Chinese fans. When he coached Yao Ming, he was criticized by many Chinese fans for using Yao Ming too hard.This is the same as some fans sprayed Thibodeau for using Rose too hard.

Jeff Van Gundy, on the other hand, is a staid guy who sees defense as a huge part of the game, much like Larry Brown.Therefore, he appreciated that Rose was knocked down several times by Chen Mo.

"Jeff, you can't say that. They are two heads-up. We won't discuss the topic of who is stronger. But who is the better point guard, I think this should have an answer."

"MVP, scoring leader, record assist leader, All-Star starter, All-Star MVP... All these personal honors are enough to prove who is the better guard."

The host Adams interrupted the magician and continued to brag about Chen Mo, "Hey, two gentlemen, we are discussing the future direction of the series and our views on this year's championship, not who is the better point guard between the two. "

From the first time the magician spoke for Chen Mo in front of the media, the media labeled him as Chen Chui.And just like Larry Brown doesn't like Chen Mo, almost all coaches who put defense as the most important part of their tactical system don't like players like Chen Mo, and Jeff Van Gundy is the same.

These two people who almost hold different views, if they continue to discuss this issue, they might fight.

It doesn't matter if we really fight, I'm afraid that the magician will take off his shoes, then this episode of the show will be unwatchable, because of the hot eyes...

The magician nodded and said: "G1, I think the reference value is not great. The Charlotte people who just struggled to climb up from the bottom of the cliff need a little time to buffer. It is normal to be in a low state. G2 can clearly see the problem. , Thibodeau exhausted all the methods, but still couldn't restrain the quicksilver attack of the Charlotte people. When their offensive was like a flood, the Chicago Bulls had nothing to do."

"So, don't look at the current total score of 1 to 1, but I think the next round of the series may end soon."

The magician thinks the Charlotte Bobcats-Chicago Bulls game is less of a cliffhanger than the Dallas Mavericks-Oklahoma City Thunder game.

Jeff Van Gundy shook his head and said: "Actually, for the Chicagoans in this round of the series, the ultimate goal is to limit Jack Chen's performance. The points he creates in each game almost occupy Charlotte's Half of the total score, so just keep him contained and all problems will be solved."

"So, I think this round of the series is still very suspenseful."

The magician smiled and asked: "Jeff, you are obviously talking nonsense! The 29 teams in the league know that as long as Jack Chen is restricted, they can hang up the Charlotte Bobcats. Then this The team still has 68 wins and the regular season championship."

"Then whether it was Philly or Miami, they kept changing the way they dealt with Jack Chen, but they lost in the end."

When Chen Mo saw this, he turned on the TV. Unexpectedly, the magician and Van Gundy must have been torn apart.It's not too big a deal to watch the excitement, and watching the drama is the favorite of the audience.

But Chen Mo didn't like to see two people fighting because of him, this feeling would be very strange.

However, in the end, the confrontation between these two people became a big news in the NBA that day, and Chen Mo was swept up by this news that day.

Magic Johnson bet Jeff Van Gundy on the final winner of the Eastern Conference finals, and the bet was two cases of high-end red wine.

Chen Mo sent a text message to the magician, "Will I have a share of the red wine then?"

The magician immediately texted back, "I'll give you a box, but you have to work hard! Otherwise, you'll get the red wine!"

The magician's ability to turn empty hands into red wine is admirable, but it fits the nickname of a magician.

On May 5, the third game between the Mavericks and the Thunder started first.

The process of the game was almost as predicted by Magic Johnson and Van Gundy. The Thunder played very fiercely and quickly established a lead of about 10 points.

But the Dallas Mavericks, composed of a group of dream-fulfilling veterans, played very patiently. When Nowitzki made 6 of 1 three-pointers and felt bad, they used the rotation lineup to limit the performance of the opponent's substitute. The youngest bearded Harden performed the operation, then put on a posture to let Durant and Westbrook score, and strangled all the rest of the firepower.

In the end, after the Thunder were overtaken by the Mavericks in the final quarter, they played obviously impatiently. Westbrook put on a posture of blowing up a bunker and rushed to the Mavericks' basket.Being hated by Nowitzki, the victory that was almost put in the refrigerator by the Thunder was smashed out.

In the last 5 minutes, the Mavericks played a wave of 12 to 3 attacks, which made the 54 points scored by the Thunder's two young masters come to an end.In the end, the Mavericks won G93 in the away game 87 to 3 and regained the lead.

The Thunder's second junior is very strong, but they only have the second junior. Except for the two of them, no one from the Thunder scored in double figures in this game.The process of the game is also just like the magician and Van Gundy said, when the Mavericks pay attention to limiting the Thunder's bench scoring and are much stronger in terms of experience, the victory does not seem to be as difficult as the process of the game.

On May 5, the third game of the super point guard battle will finally kick off, but hesitant to make a bet between Magician and Van Gundy, the attention of this game continues to increase.

This time, Rose appeared to be much more honest before the game, and he didn't say anything nonsense in front of the media.It is estimated that such a thing as setting up a flag will not be done again in his future career.

On the contrary, when Chen Mo asked the reporter about the bet between the magician and Van Gundy, he said, "I don't know what kind of red wine Van Gundy will prepare. The magician turns red wine with empty hands, it's brilliant!"

Chen Mo had a tone of confidence that the magician would win, almost saying that they would win this round of the series.

But even so, the entire Bulls team is very low-key, and Chen Mo's uncharacteristically high-profile is considered by some people to be the beginning of the Charlotte Bobcats capsized and destroyed.

"Proud Charlotte people will definitely pay the price!" This is the roar of the Chicago media.

However, in this round of the series, Chen Mo felt that it was almost impossible to lose against the always normal Charlotte Bobcats.Chen Mo himself has never felt the pressure from the Big Three in Miami when facing the Bulls.

Moreover, the Bobcats desperately won the Heat in the regular season and kicked the Heat to fourth in the Eastern Conference, not to make a wedding dress for the Bulls.

In this game, Sloan changed the game mode and rhythm of the opening.

At the beginning of the game, he put on a lineup of forced air cuts and assault baskets that worked quite well in the previous game.That is the lineup of Chen Mo, Thomas, Henderson, Gerald Wallace and Milicic.

The Bulls obviously didn't expect the Bobcats to start with such a lineup, and they were obviously caught off guard.Under the strong impact of the Bobcats, Mr. Carlos Boozer, the second and fifth boy, looked the most embarrassed.

After Chen Mo sent two alley-oops, the bull shrank subconsciously.Then Chen Mo assisted Milicic, Boozer rushed out too hard, Milicic hit a three-pointer, and by the way caused a foul by Boozer.

Thibodeau was jumping angrily on the sidelines. While scolding Boozer, he turned around to find trouble with the referee, looking very excited.

Thibodeau has an element of acting in it, but he is really angry.Anyway, he couldn't control it, sprayed some bad words that shouldn't be sprayed, was called a technical foul by the referee, and gave the Bobcats another free throw opportunity.

The start of the Bulls tonight seemed very chaotic. While Thibodeau regretted that he hadn't called a timeout earlier, he was worried that he had overacted.

But anyone can see that the Chicago Bulls, who started off in a mess, must be in trouble tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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