Chapter 313
After the Bobcats beat the Bulls in an away game, the total score of the two teams has reached 2 to 1, and the Bobcats have achieved a big lead.

With the end of the game, the NBA also issued a one-game suspension ticket for Bulls center Noah's malicious foul on Chen Mo during the game.

The original two big-score losses clearly showed the Bulls' shortcomings in strength, but now they have lost their main center.

Even the stubborn Chicago media couldn't find any reason this time.

"Is there anything else we can do to save the Chicago Bulls?"

This is a post from a fan on the Bulls official forum.In today's era of highly developed networks, the speed of information dissemination and collection is unimaginable.

Many fans made moves. Some people said that maybe Chen Mo could only be suspended for four games before the Chicago Bulls could turn defeat into victory.

The Bulls only need to win three more games to advance. Why did they suspend Chen Mo for four games?

Because Noah was suspended for one more game, the fan thought that only the Bulls in full condition could defeat the Bobcats without Chen Mo.

From this point of view, this person may not be a Bulls fan, he looks more like a Bobcats fan.

Not to mention that fans are discussing extensively, ESPN actually made a program in the "Basketball Frontline" program, the title of which is "Is there any other way to save the Chicago Bulls?"

The guest invited in this episode is the first thousand-win coach in NBA history, the old Nelson known as the mad scientist.

Old Nelson came out to do the show this time, maybe the mad scientist has some new ideas and wants to use this platform to express his views.

Perhaps among the thousands of unreliable comments on the Internet, the old Nelson's method seems to be the most practical.

"It's a style of play that excites the crowd, excites the fans. I'm happy that this league is coming out. They have a guard who can pass the ball quickly and share the ball. It's great. They're based on Jack Chen The tactical switching based on his personal ability is dazzling."

"Seeing players like Jack Chen, I want to go out and continue coaching. If they found me when Larry was dismissed, I think I should agree to coach. He is a very interesting player. It's an interesting thing."

"But if I were Charlotte's opponent, I think the most important thing to do is to interrupt their rhythm."

"Charlotte's style of play needs to be coherent, and more importantly, it needs momentum and emotion to interrupt their emotions. If they can't get up, and gradually wear away this emotion, their fast break power will be greatly reduced. "

Old Nelson's words almost awakened the dreamer. As a loyal audience on the front line of basketball, Thibodeau will watch almost every episode of the show as long as he is free.Otherwise, he will definitely find another time to watch the recording.

He believes that watching some basketball programs is a kind of relaxation, and sometimes he can find some inspiration in it.

Old Nelson's words just gave him this kind of inspiration.

Thibodeau slapped his thigh and shouted, "Yes!"


Thibodeau outside the TV and old Nelson on the TV shouted the word almost at the same time.

As the founder of the shark hacking tactic, Old Nelson has the most special understanding and application of this tactic.

"Maybe it seems stupid to send someone to the free throw line, but it is definitely the most effective tactic when the opponent has a high chance of scoring this counterattack. First of all, the opponent is likely to score this counterattack, maybe It's a two-pointer, but for a team like Charlotte and a player like Jack Chen, it's more likely to be a three-pointer."

"So sending opponents to the free throw line is very profitable. Even if it is sending Jack Chen, this is the only way I can think of to defend his three-pointers."

Let Chen Mo shoot a three-pointer, which is a three-pointer.And if he was sent to the free throw line, Chen Mo could only score two points no matter what.If you think so, it seems to be more cost-effective!Most importantly, it can interrupt the Bobcats' offensive rhythm, so that their emotions can only be spent at the free throw line.

Old Nelson roughly analyzed the tactics, and then introduced his own method.The words are relatively straightforward and simple, so that ordinary audiences can understand them.

Another guest who was invited was Jeff Van Gundy, who gambled with the magician on red wine. This bald man who thought the Bulls would win the series was invited to the studio again.

Compared with the old Nelson who really put forward some ideas and methods, what Van Gundy said gave people the feeling that the lack of tactics criticized by the fans was correct.

"Chicago needs to play a more suffocating defense. Their defense against Jack Chen is still too easy. Every game they can make Jack Chen play very easy, as if walking. This is what he is facing. In Miami, you'll never find it."

Van Gundy said a lot, and it looked like it was powerful, which made people feel incomprehensible, but that was only for the general audience.For a professional audience like Thibodeau, he turned off the TV after Van Gundy said a few words.

"Give me a LeBron, and I will definitely not let Jack Chen walk on the court." Thibodeau secretly complained.

Then, he began to ponder over what old Nelson said just now.

Thibodeau analyzed the data while thinking about the practical application of the shark-slaying tactic.

The Bobcats' most common outburst period is after the start of the third quarter. Basically, from 1 minute after the third quarter, the Bobcats will enter a very fast rhythm.

"As soon as the third quarter came up, they didn't let them start the rhythm." Thibodeau said secretly.

"We need to get off to a more aggressive start, not giving them a rhythm at the end of each quarter, holding the score and not letting them score."

Thibodeau writes a lot in his notebook, and he doesn't want to be the kind of coach who regrets watching the replay after the game and keeps saying, "This should be played like this, and this should be played there."

But someone has become such a guy. Spoelzla, who is already on vacation at home, is holding his head and shouting regretfully: "We should fight like this!!!"

Those who have been eliminated have no chance, but Chicagoans still have a chance to let themselves not regret it.

There was a two-day break between G3 and G4, and on May 5, Game 24 between the Dallas Mavericks and the Oklahoma City Thunder began in Oklahoma City.

In this game, the Thunder played very fiercely from the beginning of the three games, and they maintained the lead all the way.

The Mavericks' primary point guard, Jason Kidd, was cold all night, scoring 6-for-0 from the field with just over two minutes left in the game.

But this guy, as a typical old monster in the alliance, still didn't have any heart fluctuations at critical moments.He shot from the corner, drew a foul from Westbrook and made a clutch shot.

At the free throw line, Old Kidd made a free throw and tied the score at 96.

When the score was tied, the entire Thunder seemed to panic, as if they would not be able to play in an instant.

Westbrook and Durant take turns to attack the ball, and then the two take turns to hit the iron.

In the last 32 seconds for the Mavericks, Kidd made a steady two-point mid-range shot.

Ji Bugong's last two offenses helped the Mavericks go from tying to overtaking.

This was the only goal scored by the two teams in the last 2 minutes, but this one goal was almost enough to defeat the Thunder.

Durant missed a three-pointer from the outside, Nowitzki grabbed the rebound and was sent to the free throw line.

After two free throws, the Mavericks' lead extended to 4 points.And Westbrook's last three-pointer still came out of the basket.The Mavericks grabbed the rebound, and then they were consumed by them for another 6 seconds, directly consuming the game to the end.

At the last moment, the Thunder was almost played and beaten by the Mavericks.At most, they led by 15 points, but in the end they still ruined the game.

Durant was photographed by reporters kicking a wall in the tunnel, but it didn't help.The young Thunder have come to the brink, and the most terrible thing is that they can save their next game, which will be played in Dallas.The Thunder's situation is more dangerous than the Bobcats in the second round.

Chen Mo turned off the TV in the hotel, he didn't think Lei Ting had any hope of making a comeback.

"4 to 1 is over, there is no other possibility." Chen Mo turned off the TV and threw the soda can into the trash can.

Jackson next to him was drinking beer. He put down the beer can, took a bite of the burger in his hand, and said, "How do you know, you are really a prophet?"

"There is too much difference in experience, Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook are not me!" Chen Mo sighed and said.

"Jack!" Jackson said in a rather serious tone.

Chen Mo looked back at him, thinking that something happened to Jackson.

Jackson finished the hamburger slowly, took a sip of wine, and said, "Sometimes, I really feel that you have something to do with God."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "You also think I am God's illegitimate child?"

Jackson shook his head, then raised his middle finger at Chen Mo, and said, "No, who is so kind to the illegitimate child! I think you are God's own father!"

During the two-day break, the Bobcats were stationed in Chicago and did not return to Charlotte. They rented a university arena locally for daily training.

In the past two days, Chen Mo didn't go anywhere except his room, which was the training hall and the hotel's gym.Even Jackson was honest and didn't go out to fool around.

First, it was Sloan who strictly prohibited going out to play around.Second, it is because of the noisy wind in Chicago, which makes people uncomfortable. Even though it is the end of May, the wind still makes people very uncomfortable.Moreover, Jackson seems to be particularly disgusted with Chicago. Every time he comes to Chicago, he has never been to a Chicago nightclub.

"Chicago used to be full of gangs, and the law and order were very chaotic. Although it is much better now, the law and order is still poor. It is better not to go to places where the law and order are even worse." Jackson's excuse was great, but Chen Mo always felt that this guy was still For some other reason.But if Jackson didn't say anything, he certainly wouldn't ask in detail.The main purpose of their coming here is to compete. Jackson does not go to nightclubs and stays in the hotel to keep fit. This must be good news!
On May 5, the fourth game between the Bulls and Bobcats finally kicked off.The most interesting part of this game is whether Thibodeau will use the shark-killing tactics that Nelson said in the basketball frontline program.

If he could use it, who would he choose to kill?
The two commentators at CCAV today are Yang Yi and Yu Jia.Zhang Lili himself came to Chicago to interview Chen Mo after the game.

The CCAV's tracking and interviewing team for Bobcats has been here for the past few games. Before that, Lin Wei was interviewing Chen Mo, but today they sent Zhang Lili.

Zhang Lili has always wanted to settle in the United States. Maybe he has other things to do when he comes to the United States this time. The interview is a task done by the way!
Chen Mo met Zhang Lili before the game. He was taller than Chen Mo and looked very strong.

"When the old Nelson was doing a show on ESPN, he gave Thibodeau a tip. Do you know about this?"

"I know."

"Before we had a reporter ask him if he would use this tactic in the game. He said he knew, but whether he would use it would depend on the situation. What do you think about this?"

"He will definitely use it. There is nothing he can do. If Noah is suspended from the game, there is nothing he can do. It is a life-saving straw!" Chen Mo said with a light smile.

Zhang Lili chatted with Chen Mo about tonight's game and his views on the finals.

Chen Mo was very confident, but apart from being confident, he didn't say anything to make his mouth water.No matter who he was with, he was very careful.

At this time, the two in the CCAV studio already knew the content of the interview with Chen Mo and Zhang Lili.

Yu Jiadao: "Chen Mo thinks that Thibodeau will definitely use shark-slaying tactics, Yang Yi, who do you think he is most likely to kill?"

"When the old Nelson said this, he said that it would be cost-effective to watch Chen Mo. So his goal is definitely not sure. According to the changes in the game, it is more likely to kill whoever is caught. Moreover, this time The Bulls did not have Noah in the game, and the protection of the basket was almost blank. Boozer was blown up every game before, and he will not be spared today, so Thibodeau is likely to give up this game. I will keep one hand, or let some smoke pop out, and I can't let the Bobcats guess his tactics!"

And as these two chatted about this topic in CCAV, the pace of the competition gradually approached.

Today, the Bobcats' starting lineup remains unchanged.When the Bulls had Noah, the Bobcats dared to use this brainless lineup to cut to the basket to face the Bulls, and they also achieved good results.Now that they don't have Noah, there's no reason the Bobcats can't keep using this lineup.

At the beginning of the game, Chen Mo met Boozer through a pick-and-roll.

Erwuzi wanted to prove himself well today, but Chen Mo gave him a few steps.Boozer wanted to show his defensive enthusiasm and chased after Chen Mo.

Chen Mo ran to the basket, swung his right hand back, and the ball passed directly under Boozer's crotch. After the ball hit the ground, there was a refraction to the right.Rose failed to break the ball, but the ball came directly to Thomas.

Thomas would never be polite if he had a chance to dunk. The jumper pressed the spring as tight as possible, and then let it go suddenly.

Thomas soared into the sky, spreading his legs and directly riding Boozer under his crotch.


Thibodeau was yelling, the Bulls fans were a little confused, and everyone else's emotions were ignited by the ball.

"Mad Basketball!!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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