Chapter 315
One of the places in the finals has been locked, and the next thing to see is whether the Bobcats can lock in the second place in the finals at the Time Warner Center on May 5.

Compared with the life-and-death battle between the Mavericks and the Thunder, everyone is generally not optimistic about the Thunder winning and continuing their lives, but this time everyone is quite optimistic about the Bulls. At least they don't think the Bulls will let the Bobcats relax.

And the reason is also because of the situation of the G4 game.

In the final moments of G4, the Thunder felt very chaotic, and they had no idea at all.However, in fact, in the whole round of the series, they played a bit chaotically, and the last moment of G4 was the most chaotic.

When the Thunder are in trouble, if the main force is on the lineup, Du Shao and Westbrook will take turns to take the ball.You're done, I'll do it!As for the substitute lineup, Harden takes the ball and does it.And then... there is no more.

But the Bulls are different. They have the best coach of the year and a very complete lineup system.Plus, the Bulls overall have more experience than the Thunder.Most importantly, their performance in G4 was not chaotic.In addition, everyone can see that the shark-cutting tactics still have a certain impact on the Bobcats' tactics.If Noah returns, no matter how targeted the Bulls are, it's not like they won't be without a fight.Moreover, Rose was obviously playing in the last game, and some people speculated that he was preparing for a desperate battle at the Time Warner Center.

"You have to play well! I've already booked the tickets for the finals in Dallas, and it's time to buy tickets for Charlotte. Don't let me go to Chicago to buy tickets!"

Chen Mo was on the phone with Ajiali in the locker room before the game.

"Did you hear the laughter in our locker room? Everyone is relaxed and fine." Chen Mo said.

Ajiali covered her mouth and smiled: "It must be Stephen talking about dirty jokes again, right? Every time he talks about dirty jokes, he always laughs like this."

"It seems that you know him very well! We are in a very good state now, go get busy! Basically, the finals will start on June [-]st. Don't miss it."

Chen Mo hung up the phone, stood up and walked to the center of the dressing room, patted Jackson's butt who was telling dirty jokes, and said, "Stephen, you are really suitable to be a talk show actor, and you are still in the midnight show."

"The two of you cooperate, and the benefits will be higher." Thomas yelled from the side.Looking at his expression, Chen Mo probably guessed what he meant, picked up a shoe from the ground and threw it at it.

"Tyrus, I will post your mobile phone number on the gay dating platform tomorrow." Chen Mo said, "Also, from today onwards, I will never pass the ball to you again."

"Jack, it's like this. I mean you two have such a tacit understanding. If you cooperate with each other, it will definitely become a hit." Thomas said.

Chen Mo said, "What do you mean?"

"That's what it means."

"Is that what you mean?"

"That's definitely what it means."

Chen Mo talked to Thomas for a long time, and Jackson didn't react until he heard Chen Mo's "gay dating platform", rushed over and slapped Thomas hard on the ass.

"Terus, many of my friends have this preference, next time I introduce you to each other?"

Thomas felt his ass tightened at the moment, and quickly shrank back.

Everyone was amused by their scene and laughed, and even the last trace of nervousness disappeared at the moment.

At this time, the staff came to remind them that they should go out, Chen Mo raised his right hand, and everyone else moved towards him.

"Brothers, we will win tonight!!!"


A confident growl came from everyone, and Sloan stood up from the corner, and said slowly: "The game will be played as usual, regardless of their shark-killing tactics. You have to believe that Jack and I will Control the rhythm. Especially trust Jack, so don't have any pressure and extra thoughts for the rest of you, the pressure is all on him!"

Sloan also understood Chen Mo's big heart, so he was not afraid to put more pressure on Chen Mo.

Chen Mo said, "Let's go! Guys, let's kick the asses of Chicagoans and send them home fishing tonight!"

Immediately, the players in the locker room filed out.

After the on-site DJ Saides finished announcing the players' roster with a long tone, Chen Mo was the last one to run out of the aisle, high-fived his teammates, and the lights on the scene came on, which also indicated that the game was about to start.

This time, Sloan did not use their brainless lineup to cut to the basket, but directly chose a small lineup to start.

Although Sloan has always been criticized for not being rich enough to play, he has been the head coach for 23 years, and naturally the older he gets, the more demonic he becomes.Sloan can also guess some of Thibodeau's little thoughts.

Thibodeau used the shark-killing tactic ahead of schedule in the last game. The tactic must be such a tactic, but the rhythm is definitely not that rhythm.If Sloan deliberately avoided the time period of Thibodeau's shark-slashing tactics in the last game and used other rhythms, he would definitely fall into the trap.

And Sloan didn't bother to guess what kind of tactics Thibodeau was going to use, so he simply let the small lineup start and go straight up to you.

At the beginning of the game, Rose borrowed a pick-and-roll and directly lobbed the ball to Noah under the basket.

Rose can also see that they have an advantage in the basket, so they naturally choose to hang the ball to the basket.

Seeing that Sloan changed his tactics and lineup, Thibodeau was a little flustered at first, but he quickly calmed down.

He decided to take a look at the situation on the field first. In fact, he was ready to call a timeout at any time!

The inner state of Sloan and Thibodeau is very different. After he returned from Chicago, he has been studying the Dallas Mavericks game video.He was a little worried that Chen Mo would suffer from Kidd. After all, Kidd has been in this league for 17 years, which is too long.

As for the Chicago Bulls... Sloan actually told Thibodeau early on-"Sorry!"

A lot of the Bulls' offense actually relies on Rose and Boozer's pick-and-roll, but this routine was used by Sloan a few years ago.So from the beginning of this series to the present, Boozer has been aggrieved no matter how he plays.Under Sloan, whether it was Milicic or Diaw on Boozer in normal matchups, or Jackson or Gerald Wallace in assist defenses, they put Boozer on a mismatch. I made it very uncomfortable.

There is no way around this, and Sloan is perhaps the coach who is most familiar with Boozer in the league.

In addition, when Chen Mo faced Rose, if the two were singled out, Chen Mo would be able to beat Rose in minutes, even though he couldn't defend against Rose.But in the team, Chen Mo's contribution and ability surpassed Ross's by several blocks.

Chen Mo is a real core defender who can attack and organize, while Rose is just an attacker.This is the biggest difference between the two of them.

As for the life-saving straw thrown by the old Nelson that Thibodeau caught at the end, that is even more ridiculous. Chen Mo will use his strong ability to control the rhythm to let Thibodeau know that he wants to use the shark-cutting tactics to interrupt How ridiculous is the way the Bobcats attack the rhythm.

Old Nelson came to the Time Warner Center today. Sloan and Old Nelson met yesterday afternoon.

Old Nelson believes that the shark-cutting tactic will definitely help Thibodeau and his team, but Sloan believes that this round of the series has been concluded after Chen Mo recovered.Even if they axed the whole team to graduate, they would never have any chance.

"If you haven't coached Jack Chen, you will never know how strong he is. He is a basketball talent that you can't imagine. Aside from his shooting ability, his reading of the game and the rhythm of the game Control is enough to make him an All-Star guard."

Sloan spoke highly of Chen Mo, and Old Nelson was half envious and half sighing.He also learned through the conversation that Sloan came to the door after learning the news of Larry Brown's dismissal.Old Nelson regretted it a bit, why didn't he find it himself?

You know, these two are well-known marshals in the league, but both suffer from not having a ring.

Sloan's pain was that he was infinitely close to a championship ring, but lost to Michael Jordan.

Old Nelson has the most coaching wins in the league. At the same time, he is known as the coach who stores the most tactics in his mind, and he has also developed many small tactical routines.Among them, the shark-killing tactic is one of his proud works.He was also the biggest contributor to the Warriors' creation of the black eight miracle.Unfortunately, he never won a championship ring from beginning to end.

"But I always think that Thibodeau's team will cause you trouble, just like the last game, don't you?" Old Nelson said: "I know the small ball tactics better than anyone else. Coherence requires focused tactics, you can change the team's style of play and tactics, but you can't make the players' momentum, mentality, and excitement more perfect."

"Yes, I can't help it. But... I have Jack Chen. So, sorry!" Sloan said to Old Nelson.

In the end, the two old guys imitated the bet between Magic and Van Gundy and also bet on two cases of red wine, and the condition was the outcome of the fifth series at the Time Warner Center.

Today, the Bulls played very targeted. They used Noah's height and strength to make a fuss around the basket. He came up and received a pass from Rose for a layup.

However, the Bobcats are equally targeted.They use pick-and-rolls to constantly attack Boozer.

Boozer's defense is sloppy, and his slow lateral movement is a weakness, but the Bobcats' small lineup is on the court, and anyone who is misplaced has an advantage against him.Even if it is opened to Milicic singles Boozer, there are certain advantages.However, they caught the pick-and-roll and constantly misplaced to find trouble for Boozer, making Boozer feel his scalp was tingling.

After the opening, the Bulls have always maintained a high shooting rate. When they sent all the balls to the basket, it was difficult for the Bobcats to have a rebound to fight back, so that their fast break was never fully played.

Chen Mo wasn't in a hurry, as long as they maintained a strong pressure, the bull's energy consumption would definitely be faster than them.At that time, the Bulls' hit rate will inevitably drop.

"You guys will never be allowed to win today." Rose yelled at Chen Mo again, this was the second time he said such words to Chen Mo today.

Chen Mo could see through Ross's heart. Ross called this to cheer himself up.

Chen Mo didn't want to talk too much. After Ross yelled at him for the second time, he said two words lightly: "Sorry!"

Ross didn't understand what Chen Mo meant, but Chen Mo suddenly pulled up in front of Ross and threw a three-pointer.

"What do you mean?" Ross said.

"We're going to speed up, you guys don't let the game go to waste." Chen Mo said.

Rose clenched his fists fiercely. This time he still passed the ball to the inside to find Noah. When Boozer was tossed by the Bobcats, he gave up the idea of ​​playing a pick-and-roll with Boozer.

But this time, when Noah received the ball, Milicic and Gerald Wallace instantly stepped forward to double-team.Jackson went to make up for Boozer, and Chen Mo took advantage of the situation to block the route of Noah's return pass.

Noah couldn't get the ball out and could only attack hard, but it was difficult for him to put the ball in against two people.

Milicic resisted Noah, Gerald Wallace grabbed the rebound, Chen Mo took the ball and counterattacked directly. Seeing the situation, Thibodeau jumped up from the coach's bench and ran to the goal with one stride. courtside.

Chen Mo dribbled the ball quickly, and Bogans and Ross flanked Chen Mo. On the one hand, they wanted to prevent Chen Mo from quickly scoring the ball, and on the other hand, they couldn't let Chen Mo shoot a three-pointer.

But when Chen Mo's sight was blocked, he actually stuffed the ball out from Rose's crotch.It was sent directly to Jackson, who was running in the bottom corner.The pass is just right, Jackson catches it comfortably, the rhythm of the pitch is good, and the hit rate will naturally be high.

The ball went straight through the basket, and the crisp sound stimulated the vocal cords of the audience.

Thibodeau quickly called a timeout.

Thibodeau began to arrange how to execute the shark-killing tactics, and he knew that the Bobcats' fast break must not be allowed.

And Chen Mo directly replaced the position of the coach on the sidelines. He said to his teammates: "They just want to limit our fast break, but they have all seen the power of our fast break. But even with our current lineup, Still able to play the post. Pick and roll more, look for mismatches, wait for me to pass the ball. Simple as that."

Sloan was very satisfied with Chen Mo, he didn't say a word.When Thibodeau saw that the Bobcats hadn't changed, he was relieved.

Perhaps Thibodeau is out of action, otherwise he shouldn't take this thing he saw on TV to entertain fans as his last straw.

When Chen Mo used the pick-and-roll to find Noah and Boozer's misplacement, and used the mobility of his lineup to share the ball and conduct the ball's half-court offense.Thibodeau has already paid for two fouls.The Bobcats also used free throws to get 3 points.

But the Bobcats have not been affected at all. Maybe their fast break has been affected, but their positional warfare is still not inferior.

Old Nelson frowned as he watched the Bobcats take advantage of their mobility, quick footsteps, and quick passing to beat the Bulls in positional battles.While lamenting Chen Mo's genius, he also realized that his two boxes of red wine were lost.At the same time, he also knew that the Charlotte Bobcats had already dug a grave for their opponents, and they just waited for them to jump down by themselves, then fill in the soil and bury the pit.

(End of this chapter)

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