genius point guard

Chapter 337 classmate, add 1

Chapter 337 classmate, add one

The communication between Chen Mo and Hua Xiaoou was very pleasant. During the communication, he also knew that although Hua Xiaoou was a professional gambler, his life was still very legendary.

His first career was an actor, an actor from Wanwan, who was banned after he acted in two good movies. The reason for his ban was similar to that of Liang Jiahui.It's just that after Liang Jiahui sold his art (bai) art (di) product (tan) for a period of time, the film king returned to his job.

However, Hua Xiaoou came to Las Vegas after losing money in his investment, and has never had a formal job.According to his own statement, if he is short of money, he can go to the casino to get some, and there are his ATMs everywhere.

"I put all my money in the casino and keep it with them for the time being. If I want to spend money, I just go and get some." Hua Xiaoou talked about his current source of income, looking very flat.

"Gambling is actually a combination of mathematics and psychology, there is no secret."

Chen Mo thought he was very good, but Hua Xiaoou didn't think so.

"I'm not the best. I met a guy more than ten years ago. That's the real one. At best, I can support myself. That guy not only supports himself, but also supports his son." Hua Xiaoou said: "This There is no weakness in a person's heart, or he can keep his heart calm all the time. If I have a son who is thousands of miles away, to be honest, I can't meditate."

Chen Mo chatted with Hua Xiaoou for a while, and then they left. They made an appointment to visit another casino tomorrow night.

It's only past 11 o'clock now, Chen Mo wanted to go back to his room and go straight to sleep, but when he was passing by the gym with great energy, he still consciously slipped in.

"A player who is as self-conscious and self-disciplined as me should be successful." Chen Mo thought narcissistically while consuming his excess energy on the treadmill.

Chen Mo was dreaming in his suite at the Venetian Hotel, but the basketball media, which were supposed to focus on reporting on the draft, suddenly became excited.

After the Finals, there are three other topics surrounding the NBA that are the focus of the media and fans.

One is this year's draft, the other is the suspension of the NBA, and the third is about Chen Mo's fate and the operation of the defending champion Charlotte Bobcats this summer.

Chen Mo and the Bobcats, the biggest dark horses this season, almost stole all the NBA's attention.At the same time, Stern's overseas plan was not going well, but the appearance of Chen Mo gave him a glimmer of hope.

Stern took Chen Mo as the core of his overseas plan to promote, firstly, because he really needed Chen Mo to continue to open up overseas markets, and secondly, to weaken some of the negative effects of the shutdown crisis.

Under the combination of various conditions, Chen Mo is naturally the focus of everyone's attention this summer.Almost all news about Chen Mo will be reported by the largest sources.

It has been almost a week since the finals ended, but there is still no news about Chen Mo's contract renewal or transfer, which made some media a little anxious.

Just when the various media were preparing to make up something to bluff the fans, a sudden news came.

"Jack Chen is willing to take a pay cut for brotherhood" - Chicago Tribune

"Brothers, Not Dollars" - Los Angeles Times
"A Clean Stream in a Utilitarian Society" - Wall Street Journal
"Jack Chen believes that the first credit for winning the championship belongs to him!" - New York Daily News

The news reported by almost all influential media in the United States is a core content.But compared to the media that reported from Chen Mo's perspective and from the perspective of brotherhood, there are still some media that are a bit darker.

ESPN listed a huge headline on its official website-"The former Titan needs to hug his thighs to avoid retirement, he may become an obstacle for Jack Chen to renew his contract with the Bobcats"

A group of media headed by ESPN reported the news from another angle.

Immediately there was a lot of discussion on the social networking site, as well as a column of voting options.

"Do you approve of Jack Chen helping his teammates so much?"

There are only two votes, one is in favor and the other is against, and those who vote against account for 70.00%.

Chen Mo never thought that this incident would happen so quickly and violently.Deep in the top hotel in Las Vegas, the distance between here and the news is even further.People who come here are here to enjoy the extravagant life, and they don't care about the media's reports. When Chen Mo returned to his room from the gym, he didn't even know that this matter had already been covered by the media.

Chen Mo had just returned from morning exercise at the gym, and was about to take a good shower, and then asked Boss Qiao to talk about his contract renewal.

Anyway, he was determined to sell with Jackson, but as soon as Chen Mo entered the bathroom, Jackson called.

"Jack Chen, what do you mean?"

"Stephen, what's the matter?"

"I treat you as a friend, as a brother, what do you treat me as? You treat me as a beggar? As a parasite? Jack Chen, you don't need to do this at all. I did what a player should do, it's as simple as that , you don't have to feel guilty..."

Jackson's mouth is like a machine gun with the trigger dead, and he shows off his talent as a talk show host on the phone.There is no doubt that Chen Mo was fooled by him.

In the end, Jackson didn't give Chen Mo a chance to explain.

As a proud man, Jackson could never accept being a burden to others, nor did he like accepting handouts from his friends.

"Don't you want to eat?" Chen Mo threw the phone on the bed, at this moment he felt aggrieved and angry.

After taking a hasty shower, Chen Mo went directly to the next door and knocked on Jordan's door.

"Michael Jordan!" Chen Mo shouted after entering the door: "Did you tell the media what we talked about?"

Jordan was sitting on the sofa in his nightgown and smoking a cigar. Master Qiao slowly exhaled a smoke ring and said, "Have you had breakfast? Let's go down for breakfast?"

Chen Mo frowned slightly, shook his head, and said, "Michael, you have exhausted the last bit of respect I have for you. When you introduced David as my agent, you had a purpose. In fact, You didn't have to do that, and I didn't decide to leave Charlotte when you came to practice with me every morning. But what you did, I was so disappointed."

"Jack, the league is an iron-clad camp. Everyone will be eliminated, including the basketball god." Jordan said lightly: "I will give you whatever you want. If you think the salary is low, we can do it." Talk, don't you?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Michael." Chen Mo turned around and left.

The last smile on Qiao Dan's face disappeared as Chen Mo closed the door. He felt that he had given Chen Mo enough face and sincerity, but now Chen Mo was a little ungrateful.

Chen Mo went back to the room and began to browse the news. He never thought that the conditions he told Jordan would appear so clearly in the news of major media.

When Chen Mo accidentally saw an unremarkable piece of news, his anger was completely ignited.

This is a piece of news about the Chinese National Men's Basketball Team, which is reproduced from a piece of news in China's domestic media.

Xu Yunmiao, the deputy director responsible for the formation and training of the national team, expressed regret when asked about Chen Mo joining the national team when he was interviewed by reporters.

"We got in touch with Chen Mo, but his agent refused to join the national team. The two sides are still negotiating. Maybe he still has the possibility to join the national team." Xu Yunmiao said.

After that, the news did not mention more detailed news.

"Damn it!" Chen Mo cursed secretly.

On the other hand, China Rotten Shoes has held several meetings about Chen Mo.

Some people think that Chen Mo should be fined, and then dealt with like he was dealt with.

But there were immediate objections. First of all, Chen Mo was not a registered athlete with bad shoes. Secondly, Chen Mo's relationship with the country was very weak. It was obviously inappropriate to deal with it roughly.What's more, Chen Mo's wings are much harder now than roughly.

When the players are strong enough, dictatorships and autocracies such as certain departments in China can only bow their heads.

"With regard to Chen Mo, we can only adopt a gentle policy, maybe there will be a curve to save the country, and it may not be!"

"Why do we have to beg him? Who is he?" Naturally, there was such a voice at the meeting.

But Chen Mo's dominance on the court made these officials no matter how reluctant they were, they could only offer him up.

"As long as he is here, the strength of the national team will be world-class one day. You can shut up about removing Chen Mo from the national team list and taking tough measures. I will figure out a way. The meeting is over!" Xu Yunmiao It's a bit of a headache for Falk's tough rejection, but he thinks things are not hopeless.

Two days ago, he seemed to have heard a secret about Chen Mo from his old leader. It seemed that Chen Mo was a guy with a very strong background.

Chen Mo's grandfather had a nickname "Chen Dapao" when he was young, and he had to brag about anything he was proud of.

Chen Mo was reported overwhelmingly by the media. The old man couldn't see his grandson, but he was also proud of it.During the gatherings and chats in their circle, the old man had to brag.

Although that circle is powerful, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Although there are many circles in Sijiu City, a certain young master who has never been in Sijiu City is worth noting.Otherwise, if one day you accidentally offend him, the consequences will be disastrous.

The news spread little by little, and eventually even at Xu Yunmiao's level, some rumors were heard.

"If it's true, there might be hope." Xu Yunmiao secretly thought.

On the other side, in Las Vegas, Chen Mo and Falk also officially launched an attack.

"David, you have to make it clear that I'm your boss now. The glory that Michael gave you is yesterday, and I can make you great again, and if you feel you need to get along with him, we can talk now. Talking about the liquidated damages for terminating the contract, if you think I'm your boss, you probably need to tell me something I don't know." Chen Mo said lightly.

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone before Falk could answer him.

Falk's face on the other side of the phone was very ugly, and he was in a terrible mood at the moment.Although the sun was scorching hot outside, he still felt cold, but even though he felt cold, his bald head was still sweating.

In the afternoon, Falk sorted out the information and flew directly to Las Vegas.

Chen Mo has moved out of the Venetian Hotel and moved into another hotel called New York New York.

This hotel has restored Times Square and the Statue of Liberty in New York. Although it is a reduced version, it really feels like coming to New York when you walk in.

This feeling of traveling through time and space made Chen Mo feel better.

After staying in the hotel, Chen Mo decided to go out for a stroll. The downtown area of ​​Las Vegas is really too small, and almost all of it is filled with entertainment venues such as casinos and hotels.

It took only an hour for Chen Mo to walk around the city, and when he was about to go back home, and then asked Hua Xiaoou to come out for a drink and chat, a familiar voice came into his ears.

That was the sound of the basketball hitting the ground, and some people shouting.

This voice attracted Chen Mo, and he walked over unconsciously.

When you have been doing one thing for a whole year, you feel boring, but suddenly this thing stops, and you will not get used to it.

It would be fine if he didn't hear this voice, but Chen Mo's hands started to itch when he heard this voice.

A group of students were playing there. The court was rather dilapidated, but it was a complete basketball court, but the seven of them only used half of the court.

Because he was going to go out for a stroll, Chen Mo was wearing sneakers, which were just right for playing. Even though he was wearing a shirt, it would definitely be enough to play with these students.

"Student, can I add one more? It happens to be four against four." Chen Mo walked over and said.

The white guy in the lead is the guy with the best skills on the court. Just now Chen Mo saw that his swaying movements were great, and he also saw him dunk a basket. His athletic ability and technique are very good.

The man looked at Chen Mo's clothes and asked, "Can you play ball?"

Chen Mo was wearing sunglasses, and because he was irritated by the news today, he didn't take care of his hair after taking a shower. This is obviously different from his meticulous style of doing his hair before every game. people recognize. "Not very good at it! I'll just fight around."

"Well! That's fine, I'll play with you first! You are in a team with me, so the strength is very balanced. In addition, our friends may come later, and then we can't play with you." That person Said: "My name is John, let's get to know each other."

"My name is Jack." Chen Mo said.

"Then kick off! You go to kick off, if you don't know how to play, go inside to grab a rebound! Grab the rebound, hug it, and then pass the ball to me."

Chen Mo thought this was really interesting, and agreed with a smile, "Okay!"

"Hey! Don't you take off your sunglasses?" a black guy shouted.

This guy looks like a mixed race, he is one of Chen Mo's teammates, Chen Mo replied with a smile: "No, just leave it like this!"

"Ray-Ban's! Don't break it." The mixed-race black boy muttered.

There was a tall white man with a bald head on the opposite side, and said, "Pretend!"

Chen Mo rolled up his sleeves and trousers, and entered the competition mode.

(End of this chapter)

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