genius point guard

Chapter 342 Chapter Family

Chapter 342
The famous Petrug Steakhouse on Fifth Avenue in New York, a steakhouse with a history of more than 120 years, closed down due to poor management during the period, and then reopened.

Although Petrug's Steakhouse looks more commercialized now, there are still many tourists who come to this place on Fifth Avenue every day.

Chen Mo was quite satisfied with Falk's choice of eating place.

"Have you made a decision?" Falk asked straight to the point.

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Where do you think it will be?"

"Oakland!" Falk said confidently.After careful consideration again, Falk believed that Chen Mo's choice must be Auckland.

As for the reason, it can only be said that Falk noticed that Chen Mo's expression was different when he heard the Warriors' new basketball concept of "technology makes basketball better".

Chen Mo smiled. After he knew that Falk was opening the back door for Jordan, he still didn't say a word about firing Falk, probably because he was very comfortable working with Falk.This bald head is a smart man.

Falke's treatment of Chen Mo is also different from all the players before him. Chen Mo's explosiveness last season made him a favorite to win the championship wherever he went. He didn't need to raise the value of players every day. Work hard to help players win the championship.It made it very easy for him too.

"You know all about it and still ask me." Chen Mo said.

"It's enough for you to make a decision, and I have more things to do later!" Falk said.

"There is plenty of time to negotiate the contract, so there is no rush." ​​Chen Mo said, "If the estimates are good, we can discuss the contract after the lockout is over. This matter can be put aside."

"Then Michael?" Falk said.

Chen Mo frowned and said, "After we notified Oakland, everything will be finalized."

Chen Mo's implication is that before telling the Warriors to make a decision, he may still stay in Charlotte, but that depends on Jordan's approach.

Falk was wondering whether to send Jordan a message, to give a hint.However, this idea was quickly rejected by him.He didn't want to offend Chen Mo on this kind of thing anymore, it was himself who would be harmed like that.

"Now there is a lot of news in China about whether you will join the national team. What do you think about it?" Falk said.

"Let's talk about it when they come to contact again! If they don't come to contact, just follow our original plan! Shoot some commercials, practice the ball, and rest!" Chen Mo said.

"You don't seem to care about the lockout!" Falk said.

Chen Mo cut a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed slowly, and then said: "Actually, I don't care! Now I don't need money, and I don't want to pay wages when I go to negotiate. Let Derek (Fisher) and the others go Headache!"

Now the management of the NBA wants to smooth out the losses. What they want to do most is to cut the wages of the players.But this kind of approach will do the most harm to the middle-class players in the league, and it will not do much harm to Chen Mo, a super player with a high salary.

For superstars like Kobe and James, their resistance to the new labor agreement is not particularly great.Similarly, in the boss camp, the bosses of profitable big cities like the Lakers and New York are not tough.

In fact, the prominent contradictions that make the new agreement impossible to reach are the owners of those small clubs and the middle-class players in the league.

"But I don't think you can be silent during the lockout process. You have to make your own voice in a timely manner. Joining the national team is a good choice. Also, you can properly pass some training videos to yourself Don’t let the fans forget you on social media,” Falk said.

"Keep it hot, I know." Chen Mo smiled.

In the next few days, Chen Mo and Falke contacted the meeting groups of the remaining teams in the league at the Marriott Hotel.

Sure enough, there was Ajiali in the meeting group in Sacramento, but at this time Chen Mo had made up his mind. Although he didn't directly refuse, Chen Mo told Ajiali his decision at night.

"I decided to go to Auckland." Chen Mo and Ajiali were lying in the large bathtub in the hotel bathroom.

Ajiali wrinkled her nose and said, "As long as you come to Sacramento, what Oakland can give you, Sacramento can also give you."

Chen Mo said: "It's different, Auckland is...beautiful! As you said, memories are the most beautiful place, and Auckland also has my beautiful memories."

"Okay!" Ajiali's attitude was not particularly tough, "but tonight..."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "I will give you whatever you want!"


The meeting with the 29 teams was finally over. These days, Chen Mo's mouth is almost dislocated, and his ears are almost callused.

At 6:30 p.m. on June 28, Falk texted the remaining [-] teams a rejection, followed by a video call with Warriors general manager Bob Myers.

"Man, I'm so happy to see you at this time." Bob Myers couldn't hide his excitement.If it is a rejection, a text message is enough, and the video call is obviously to say something different.

"Bob, if nothing else happens, I've decided to bring my talent back to Oakland." Chen Mo said, "But I have one last condition."

Bob Myers didn't know what kind of conditions Chen Mo would put forward. He was a little nervous and motioned to Chen Mo to say.

"The new labor agreement will definitely not appear tonight. The league is about to be suspended. The next time we talk about it, we must wait until the league resumes. I think you should know the news about me and Stephen Jackson some time ago!" Chen Mo said.

Miles must be very familiar with this news, and at this moment he also knows what Chen Mo's remaining conditions are.

It is not unacceptable for Miles to sign a marginal substitute.

"Stephen is a man with strong self-esteem. I think you should have a way to bring him back to Oakland without hurting his self-esteem!" Chen Mo said: "After all, he was in good condition before he was injured, and his competitive state is also good." Great, no one knows what level he will be able to recover after injury, signing him should not be a loss."

Miles smiled: "Jack, no problem, we will satisfy you."

Bob Myers really never dreamed that they could get Chen Mo.

Let alone NBA insiders, even ordinary teams know that the lockout is inevitable.If the lockout was not inevitable, Bob Myers really wanted to fly to New York with his contract and assistants to negotiate the contract with Chen Mo, and then let Chen Mo sign the contract.

After all, there are so many dreams in the night!

Chen Mo has said all that should be said, and the next step is Falk's work. They have to discuss the details of the contract initially.After all, the lockout does not know when it will end. Talking about these issues now can show my sincerity and make Bob Myers more at ease.

On July 2011, 7, after the three-hour final negotiations between labor and management broke down, the NBA officially announced the suspension.

The NBA is the second of the four major leagues in North America to announce a suspension this year. As early as March, the NFL announced a suspension.

During the lockout period, NBA players will not receive salaries, and NBA teams cannot negotiate with players, nor can they sign and trade players.At the same time, players cannot use the team's training facilities for any reason, and the team cannot hold any summer training camps, exhibitions, team meetings, and coaches' gatherings.In addition, NBA team websites can no longer use the image of players, and players can no longer be used as representatives of publicity.

With the lockout coming, all the negotiations between Chen Mo and the other 29 teams have come to an end. His destination for next season has basically been determined. The Golden State Warriors will usher in a pair of brand new super backcourt combinations.Falk's most important job this summer also has a working direction.

Falk bid farewell to Chen Mo, but Chen Mo waited for a special guest at noon local time. It is not particularly appropriate to use the word guest to describe this person.

When Chen Mo saw this person, he was stunned.He would never have thought that Chen Hui would appear at this time, at this time.

"You have been great these two years. Your grandfather is anxious when we go home." Chen Hui still didn't say much, and he didn't even explain to Chen Mo.

"But don't you have to explain to me?" Chen Mo frowned.

Chen Hui scolded with a smile: "The boy has grown tempered in the past two years!"

"Your grandpa is in a hurry. Let's talk about the plane ticket at two o'clock on the way." Chen Hui said.

After the plane took off, Chen Hui explained the whole thing to Chen Mo.

"I won't force you, how do you make money? Now, you are doing great." Chen Hui said: "By the way, how much did you gain in Las Vegas a while ago?"

Chen Hui knew that Chen Mo must have won money in Las Vegas, but he was not sure how much he won. After all, 2500 million is not a small number. Although he has accepted the failure of the bet with Chen Huang in his heart, it is enough to prove that his son is excellent, but he is still somewhat unwilling in his heart.

"Excluding expenses and the like, it's about 3000 million!" Chen Mo said, "I've invested in the company, so I'm very poor now."

"3000 million? That's enough!" Chen Hui smiled in surprise.

"What is enough!" Chen Mo asked.

"My bet with your uncle! With your 3000 million, I won!" Chen Hui said: "Finally, he has to admit that he lost, he is not as good as me."

During the continuous chat with his father, Chen Mo finally knew what kind of competitive relationship his father had with his uncle.

Chen Hui named his son Chen Mo. The reason for this name is not only the homonym of Chen Mo and "Silent", but also because Chen Huang's son is called Chen Ling, and Mo is a little more than Ling.

When Chen Mo heard this story, a row of black lines appeared on his forehead, and he was convinced.

Today, the weather in the capital is not good. There is light rain in the sky and the humidity is relatively high.But what Chen Mo was more curious about was his grandfather, uncle and cousin who had never met.

"Shouldn't that boy Chen Hui be here? He won't mess with me again, will he?"

"Dad, don't worry! I called just now and I'm on the road. Don't you know the road conditions in BJ?"

"I don't know. Why do you say that I gave birth to you two things? You are so old, and you are nothing! It doesn't make people worry at all."

When Chen Mo and Chen Hui entered the room, they heard the old man cursing and Chen Huang explaining.

Chen Hui brought Chen Mo into the house just now, when the old man saw Chen Mo, his expression immediately turned cloudy, he ignored Chen Hui, and directly came up and took Chen Mo's hand and said, "Okay, okay, Good! I'm finally back, you and grandpa come in, let's have a good chat."

The old man dragged Chen Mo to the study. Chen Mo greeted Chen Huang, and then said, "Grandpa, don't worry! I'll go to the bathroom soon."

As soon as Chen Mo entered the room, he didn't feel any sense of birthright. The people in the room were all closely related by blood. Probably because of this reason, Chen Mo didn't feel any birthright at all!

"Okay! I'll wait for you in the study." The old man pointed to the location of the study, and went with a smile.

Seeing that the old man had left, Chen Huang immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Damn it, it's said that the old man treats this kid differently."

Chen Hui gave Chen Huang a supercilious look, didn't say much, sat on the sofa, picked up a cigarette and lit it for himself.

"Look at you like that, isn't it a loss?" Chen Huang said: "I admit that your son is very good, and I feel better when I meet him, but if you lose the game, you lose! At dinner later, You have to say it at the dinner table!"

"Who lost?" Chen Hui said.

"You! You want to renege on your debt?" Chen Huang said, "Win 2500 million in a few days in Las Vegas? Do you think it's possible? You think I've never been to Las Vegas..."

Before Chen Huang finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of the old man coming out again from the corner of his eye, and immediately changed his words: "I have never been to Las Vegas, but is it possible? Las Vegas is not the same as other places? Can I still pick up money?"

The old man gave Chen Huang a hard look, and continued to stand at the door of the study waiting for Chen Mo.

Chen Huang muttered in his heart: "The old man is waiting for someone at the door of the study. I have never been treated like this before."

When Chen Huang opened his mouth, he probably finished what Chen Hui said all day.

Chen Hui exhaled a smoke ring and said, "2500 million is impossible."

Chen Huang said: "That's it! It's impossible at all! Even if you pick it up, you will be exhausted, so you lose!"

"But the truth is 3000 million!" Chen Hui continued to take a breath and said.

"Really? Don't lie to me!" Chen Huang said.

Chen Hui smiled and said, "Why am I lying to you, there is nothing to lie to you about this matter."

Chen Huang swallowed, and said, "Damn it, both of you father and son are descended from the God of Gamblers? I shouldn't bet with you. I won you all my life, but I didn't expect to lose in the end."

"When did you beat me for the rest of my life?"

"When didn't..."

At this time, the old man's voice came out from the room, "If you two quarrel, get out and quarrel outside, don't quarrel at home."

(End of this chapter)

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