Chapter 348

At the beginning of the day's training, Chen Mo directly took over the team's right to arrange tactics from Deng Huade.

Regarding this national team, Chen Mo envisioned two routines with very different styles.

One is to take advantage of roughly and A Lian's insider advantage to frequently set up pick-and-rolls with Chen Mo himself.It played the role of evacuating the inside line, allowing Chen Mo to break through, while the shooters on the outside stood still and shot directly.

This set of tactics tests the dribbling ability, breakthrough ability and passing ability of the player holding the ball.These three points are Chen Mo's strengths.

The second set of tactics is based on Chen Mo's previous habits in Bobcats, a set of harvesting small tactics designed.

FIBA does not have a three-second limit on defense, and opponents often shrink under the basket, but Chen Mo believes that under this rule, there is still room for small-ball tactics to operate.

When the speed of transitioning offense increases, it will be difficult for the opponent's big man to position accurately at the first time. At the same time, Chen Mo believes that he will be able to attract double-teams. As long as he holds the ball beyond the three-point line, the opponent must double-team. .As long as he is double-teamed, the rest of the players will have great opportunities whether they choose to look for opportunities on the outside or cut into the inside to attack the basket.Even, because of the impact and mobility of the UAE's advantages in Asian basketball, they can slow down a little bit and play a tactic of cutting around.

Of course, Chen Mo also designed a third tactic.

The third tactic is easy to say, with two pick-and-rolls or two screens, Chen Mo can shoot when he finds space.The confrontation in Asia is definitely not as good as in the NBA. Chen Mo feels that he should be able to get a better chance.

Chen Mo's feeling was well confirmed in the training game in the morning. No matter who was standing opposite him, he could find opportunities to throw the ball into the basket.

At this moment, Deng Huade felt that it was right for him to choose to stand alone and be Chen Mo's puppet with peace of mind.

The existence of Chen Mo will become a bug in the Asian Championships. Perhaps the Chinese team will play the most dominant performance in this year's Asian Championships.

After the training in the morning, no one was dissatisfied with Chen Mo anymore.Chen Mo's personal ability on the court and tactical arrangement are just right.

"Even if you retire as a coach, you can already become a top coach." Deng Huade communicated with Chen Mo during lunch.

Chen Mo said: "If players and coaches do it together, it will definitely feel better."

Deng Huade has also been paying attention to the NBA this season, but he is far away in China after all, and his attention to the NBA mainly comes from media reports.

However, Deng Huade is an industry insider after all, and his perspective on some issues is somewhat unique compared to ordinary people.

Based on Chen Mo's attitude towards the Charlotte Bobcats so far, it is basically certain that he will leave Charlotte next season, and the information revealed by Chen Mo's words also surprised Lao Deng.However, Deng Huade still thought that what Chen Mo meant was to take advantage of the suspension of the NBA, choose a European or Chinese team, and enjoy the addiction of playing two roles.

"Which team are you going to? If it's a Chinese team, I might be able to help you a little bit." Deng Huade said: "I also have something to do with Europe, so I can introduce you."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "I'm talking about the NBA."

Deng Huade was really shocked this time, "Do you want to play like this in the NBA?"

"Isn't basketball just for fun?" Chen Mo curled her lips and said, "Have a good time playing, and if you feel good about yourself, maybe you will leave a legend for future generations."

Judging by Chen Mo's appearance, he probably already got a promise from a certain NBA team, but Lao Deng didn't know which team was so bold as to make such a promise.

"It seems that next season's NBA will be very lively!" Deng Huade said.

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Who knows when the lockout will end! This damn lockout is really annoying."

Chen Mo really found the suspension very annoying, because of the suspension, he could not get any contact with his trainer from last season.Even if they contact him, they will not give him any training plan, let alone come to China to help him train.

In training this morning, Chen Mo was disappointed with the trainers of the national team.There was a lot of training, and the trainer couldn't give some clear instructions at all. Chen Mo didn't dare to accept that kind of ambiguous opinions.

In the afternoon for physical fitness and strength training, Chen Mo realized the gap between domestic trainers and NBA trainers.

"The gap is too big." Chen Mo felt that the training was not enjoyable at all.

In the evening, Chen Mo called David Falk. The jet lag was really annoying. In order not to disturb Falk's rest, Chen Mo didn't get in touch with him until night.

"David, you have to help me with something." Chen Mo said: "I need to form a training team. The training team in China is really bad. It's not that the level is too bad. Sometimes they make mistakes to themselves. They are not sure about the training plan, and they don’t know how to solve some situations.”

A big-name star like Chen Mo should have his own training team logically.It's just that Chen Mo himself has always had some problems, but he can't use such a professional team.

Because Chen Mo has always found that as long as he gains too much muscle and weight, it will affect his shooting touch, so that he has never received excessive strength training.

Although Chen Mo knows that it is more profitable to make up for his own physical and physical shortcomings, even if he loses some advantages in shooting touch.

But Chen Mo is greedy!After all, the third level of Vic's ring is body enhancement. Sooner or later, he will upgrade the ring to the highest level of the third level, and maybe this problem will be solved by then.Why did he weaken his shooting touch in the early stage and pursue strength and body?
He can maintain a super record that has never been seen before or since in the NBA, why should he break it by himself?
Chen Mo has always resisted strength training, which is also one of the reasons why the Los Angeles Lakers did not implement the team option and cut him.

Phil Jackson appears to be a benevolent grandpa, sometimes indulgent to the players on the court, even to outsiders.But the head coaches who came from their era, no one likes disobedient players.Otherwise, he wouldn't have had such a big conflict with Kobe back then, and in his bones, Zen Master was also stubborn.

If he hadn't been stubborn and insisted on himself, he wouldn't have achieved today's success. In the history of the NBA, the person who has won the most championship rings in the era of players and coaches must be remembered in history.Looking at the world's basketball circles, his achievements are all examples of success.

Falk said that he will do it as soon as possible. It is easier to find a trainer, but it will take some time to test the opponent's level.

With Falk's network, and this is indeed a good job, the recruitment is relatively fast.

In order to maintain a good cooperative relationship with Chen Mo, Under Armor also sent two doctors from Cologne Institute of Physical Education to join Chen Mo's team.

These two people are both Germans, and their working relationship is still at Under Armor, but their salaries will always be paid by Chen Mo in the future.

Three days after Chen Mo asked Falk to arrange the matter, a team of 8 trainers flew from the United States to China.

Coincidentally, the team of trainers and the film crew of Mike Tollin Jr. arrived at the training base almost at the same time.

Mike - Tollin arrived two days earlier than them, but their filming still needs to sign an agreement with the bad shoes, and they didn't come to the training base until the agreement was negotiated.

The camera crew had staff from the Rotten Shoes Sect to follow, and Chen Mo met the trainer team that Falke had assembled for him in the conference room of the training base.

This summer, Chen Mo has plans to upgrade, because the Vic ring is not too far away from breaking through to physical enhancement, and it will be next year at the latest.Moreover, Chen Mo's control over his hand feeling is getting better and better, and he can properly start his plan of gaining muscle and weight.

Thomas Leo is one of the two German doctors. As the head of the trainer team, he is in his early 30s, with a pair of worn-out black-rimmed eyes.

This guy looks stronger than a scholar, of course, the premise is not to look at the even muscle lines on his body.

"I have studied your recipes, and there are still some problems with the recipes. I will communicate with the nutritionist in China, and I need to make some improvements to the recipes. In addition..." Lei Ao just said hello to Chen Mo, and he has already entered the working state .

Chen Mo waved his hand and said, "Mr. Lei Ao, there's no need to explain it to me in such detail. I'll leave it to you in the future. I want to become stronger this summer, but of course the premise is that it doesn't affect my shooting touch."

"About the training plan, we need detailed data. Here should be able to help us complete the collection of these data. I have your previous physical data here, but I think this data should only be used as a reference." Leo said.

"It's easy to say, but I hope that if you can, you can also help my teammates, and even pass on some experience to Chinese trainers. After all, we have to cooperate for a long time, and I don't want to make myself too special." Chen Mo said.

"It's not a big deal," Leo said.

Chen Mo briefly communicated with the trainer, and after everyone got to know each other, they started collecting data about Chen Mo's body.

Each of Chen Mo's exercise data and static body data are recorded in detail, and then the body fat content and muscle percentage are recorded in great detail.

There are some data that need to use better equipment. In the absence of training bases, Chen Mo went to the provincial sports center for testing.

In fact, Chen Mo didn't want to be so troublesome, but Lei Ao insisted that he needed to see every piece of data before he was willing to make a training plan for Chen Mo.

"Jack, I am responsible for you. If it is ordinary muscle gain or fat loss training, it is very simple. But what you need is more precise growth, including strict control of the ratio of muscle growth and fat consumption. I must make sure you The recovery cycle of the muscles after fatigue, otherwise it is easy to cause strains under the condition of muscle fatigue. Straining is not a serious injury, but as long as you have suffered such an injury once, this part will be very easy to be injured again in the future. Your The waist was strained once last season, so we need to be more careful about the exercise of the waist and abdomen muscles."

Chen Mo was being manipulated by this German all day long.

Fortunately, when Chen Mo needed to borrow equipment from the Provincial Sports Center, no one made things difficult for him.Even if someone had the heart to embarrass him, he wouldn't dare!

When a thick stack of data was placed in front of Leo, he was a little shocked.

Judging from the comprehensive data, Chen Mo's muscles are only 14 years old, and at most will not exceed 15 years old, which means that Chen Mo's muscles will develop again in the next few years.

Muscle age is the subject that Thomas Leo is currently researching. In sports majors, children before the age of 16 will not exercise any weight training to build muscle, because the child's muscles are not fully developed before that, and weight training will give Excessive stress on the muscles affects the growth of the muscles.

But Thomas Leo believes that people's muscle age is different from their real age. Some people have older muscle age, while others have younger muscle age.But most people's muscle age and real age are the same, even if there is a small difference, so Leo has never found a suitable data sample.And Chen Mo seemed to be a perfect sample sent to him.

Lei Ao quickly took out Chen Mo's previous body data for comparison, and he found that Chen Mo's muscle age had almost stopped growing, which was a very strange thing.

"It stands to reason that this should be the fastest time for muscle growth, why did his muscles stop growing instead?" Thomas Leo thought about this question all night.

"This is very strange. It's like a lock that locks his energy, but where is the key to open the lock?"

Thomas Leo's excitement level at this time may not be lower than that of Columbus when he discovered the New World. This is an amazing thing.

Lei Ao felt that he had made a lot of money by being sent out by the company this time, and it might be God's will for him to meet the monster Chen Mo.

After staying up late at night until dawn, Leo finally came up with a training plan that satisfied him.

Chen Mo didn't know that he had been treated as a guinea pig by Leo, otherwise he probably wouldn't accept this training plan.

When Thomas handed over the training plan to Chen Mo, he also told about the weirdness of his muscles, and told Chen Mo the analogy he made before.

Chen Mo was shocked when he heard it.

He is the only one who knows the secret of "Vic's Ring", and this German guy actually used some data to guess that Chen Mo's muscles were probably "locked" by something.

Even Chen Mo himself did not expect this to be the case. The magic of the "Vic Ring" no longer needs to be proved again, but Chen Mo was still shocked by the "Vic Ring". At the same time, he also looked forward to the arrival of physical enhancement.

The lock that locked his muscles was obviously the "Vic Ring", and the key to unlock the lock was naturally the opening of the third row of energy slots.

From then on, Chen Mo added another training content after the joint training with the team every day.

Mike - Tollin's filming has officially begun.

Mike Tollin originally chose to come to shoot based on the principle that he would rather kill the wrong than let it go. He was a little hesitant when he came.After all, the competition in the Asian Championships is really low, but it is precisely Mike Tollin's shooting that will become one of the biggest selling points and highlights of future documentaries.

 I can't fall asleep at night, and my energy is poor during the day, and I am in a trance. What is wrong with it? Does anyone know how to adjust it?
(End of this chapter)

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