genius point guard

Chapter 352 It's Like Getting on a Bus

Chapter 352 It's Like Getting on a Bus
When the basket was evacuated and Chen Mo successfully entered the basket, it was like a wolf joining a herd of sheep, or five D.Va entering Huacun. How could there be a chance to shout at the other side?
Although the opponent had to hit one more person at this time, Chuan Cunzhuo who was following Chen Mo was just a prop for performance in Chen Mo's view.

The moment Chen Mo rushed in, shouts of "Shenluo Tianzheng" erupted in the entire arena.

Chen Mo naturally heard the shouts of the fans, he smiled slightly, he likes the feeling of being seen through by the fans.

The moment Zhang Bentianjie took half a step forward, Chen Mo immediately stopped and retreated.In the process of retreating, Chen Mo resisted Takuo Kawamura.

In this confrontation, Chen Mo not only did not fall into a disadvantage, but took some advantage.

With this opportunity, Chen Mo pulled the ball behind him, and the two players from a certain island missed the target of the ball at this moment.

"Could it be a pass?" The moment this thought appeared in their minds, Chen Mo pulled the ball from his crotch to his front again.

In the small space, Chen Mo quickly changed direction in front of his body, making use of the gap left by the physical confrontation just now, and directly started from the left to lay up a layup.

"I won't let you succeed." Zhang Bentianjie yelled angrily. He spoke in the language of the island, which shows that he already thinks that he is from a certain island in his heart.

Chen Mo chuckled, kicked the ball back with one hand, and immediately flashed to the right.

Zhang Bentianjie couldn't keep up with Chen Mo's footsteps at all, he had lost his focus.Chen Mo's movements have not stopped yet, he half turned around and turned his back to Takuo Kawamura, dribbling the ball behind him, pulling the ball quite slowly, the seductive Takuo Kawamura wanted to steal the ball directly.

Any opponent facing Chen Mo, no one does not know the reward offered by Chris Paul. The reward for who can intercept the ball from Chen Mo has risen to 200 million U.S. dollars, but so far no one is qualified to send him Take it.

Everyone wants to be famous all the time, and no one can bear such a temptation.

Chen Mo can often take advantage of this temptation to easily achieve the effect of his own attack.

The moment Zhuo Kawamura leaned forward, Chen Mo turned around quickly and went straight to the basket.This time, Chen Mo really made a layup.

But at this time, neither Zhang Bentianjie nor Kawamura Takuo could stop Chen Mo from laying up.

The two of them were not only unable to stop Chen Mo, but their own situation was the worst.

Zhang Bentianjie stumbled on his right foot with his left foot and fell straight backwards. Zhuo Kawamura bumped into Zhang Bentianjie when he wanted to recover quickly.

The two fell to the ground together, and the timing of the two of them falling to the ground happened to be the time when Chen Mo waved his hands when he put the ball into the basket and landed.

The timing was perfect, exactly.

The fans are crazy, this is the perfect "Shenluo Tianzheng"!

There are a large number of Naruto fans in China, and they are very familiar with "Shenluo Tianzheng". When Chen Mo's trick on the NBA court, "Shenluo Tianzheng" was used in the national team's arena, especially when it was against a certain island. It's easier to go crazy.

The most important thing is that this "Shenluo Tianzheng" seems to be the most perfect time since Chen Mo used this skill.

This is the first time that Chen Mo has completed an attack at the basket "simultaneously" with his skills. In the past, he either shot the ball or knocked his opponent down while dribbling. This time, he was the most beautiful and domineering.

Zhang Bentianjie was pulled up by his teammates. Chen Mo pulled his jersey and said softly, "You can't even touch my jersey."

"You! Come again if you have the ability?" Zhang Bentianjie looked displeased.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Every minute, I can handle you 1 times, you are too weak."

Zhang Bentianjie had a look of displeasure. He always felt that he could become the next big Yao in Asia. He thought that he could also enter the NBA and become a superstar.So, after the coaching staff talked to him about provoking Chen Mo, he immediately agreed.It just so happened that he also wanted to beat Chen Mo in the game. If he could give Chen Mo two hats in the game, he might become famous in one shot.

Which basketball boy doesn't have a dream of becoming famous?

The most difficult thing for people is nothing more than recognizing themselves.

Zhang Bentianjie has been playing in Japanese national teams at all levels for seven years. He has already entered the field of vision of Chinese fans. From the day he entered the field of vision of Chinese fans, he has been stigmatized, so he has some unhealthy factors in his heart. .

Zhang Bentianjie himself couldn't figure out whether his revenge on Chen Mo was due to jealousy, or he really wanted to compete.

In this attack, Zhang Bentianjie took the initiative to ask for the ball inside. In the last warm-up match, he scored a double-double of 19 points and 10 rebounds. In his eyes, the two insiders of the Chinese team who have played in the NBA are nothing more than that.

However, this time his offense missed the basket under the interference of the UAE.

The rebound was caught by Chen Mo who went inside and directly grabbed it.

Chen Mo dribbled the ball and rushed to the front court. He had a good chance to shoot a three-pointer, but he didn't choose to make a quick shot. He was waiting for Zhang Bentianjie to drop.

To deal with this kind of guy who provoked him several times on and off the court, Chen Mo has always believed in shooting him to death with a stick, without showing any sympathy.

Zhang Bentianjie, who had just been teased by Chen Mo with "Shen Luo Tianzheng", yelled at Chen Mo crazily as soon as he took his seat.

"Come on! Come in!"

Chen Mo didn't bother to talk trash to this kind of inside player who had to be in a good position before he dared to provoke him.

In FIBA ​​games where there is no defensive three-second limit, it is a very huge advantage for the inside players to take the lead in landing under the basket to defend the breakthrough of outside players.

If there is a three-second limit on defense in FIBA ​​games, the US team can easily beat any team.

This time, the two insiders of a certain island stayed under the basket and waited for Chen Mo. Chen Mo still waved A Lianhe directly to withdraw from the basket.

Captain Li said a little worriedly: "Chen Mo rushing into the other party's inside line like this, will there be no danger? I'm not worried about his technical problems. The main reason is that if the other party goes crazy, Chen Mo may Hurt!"

Deng Huade probably understood the meaning of Captain Li. After all, he has been in China for more than two years, and Captain Li has been in the coaching staff for a long time. There is still a tacit understanding between them.Therefore, even without a translator, Lao Deng understood a little bit.

"It doesn't matter, they can't even touch the corner of Chen Mo's clothes." Deng Huade is very confident in Chen Mo, his mixed Chinese and English answers are really incomprehensible to ordinary people, but Captain Li understands.

Captain Li nodded, and turned his attention to the duel on the court again.

Chen Mo's intention to shoot anyone who dared to provoke him with a stick was very clear, and the coaching staff did not intend to interfere with him, but they were still a little worried after all.

If Sloan was here, he would have absolutely no worries.There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides, and Sloan will be worried that Chen Mo will make things worse for the other side.In addition, Sloan knew Chen Mo very well. Chen Mo would never put himself in danger. He dared to attack the opponent's big center, basically taking into account all the situations, including the opponent's madness. Malicious foul.

At this time, Chen Mo had already dealt with Takumi Kawamura at the top of the arc, and Chen Mo used his back and forth side swings, followed by a sudden back turn and completely murdered Takuo Kawamura's ankle.

Afterwards, Chen Mo rushed directly to the inside line. He had already passed the positions of the opponent's two players from the three-point line to the basket, and roughly calculated the subsequent actions.

Two people in the basket, this is a natural "Shenluo Tianzheng" material!
There is a dislocation between the two people at the basket, one behind the other. This is obviously because the front one is the main defense, and the back one is filling.

Zhang Bentianjie is the one in front, but in Chen Mo's view, the final destination of these two people is nothing more than bumping into each other, and then it's over.

Chen Mo suddenly stopped in front of Zhang Bentianjie, and immediately pulled the ball behind him. His unparalleled dribbling touch made Chen Mo regard the back dribble as his starting move for breakthrough.

Although countless opponents knew that Chen Mo was about to break through when he pulled the ball behind his back, but Chen Mo's breakthrough was still the most deadly move among the cumbersome and gorgeous.You never know where the ball is.

Zhang Bentianjie's mood fluctuated obviously, and he made a lot of defensive moves.But everything he did, in Chen Mo's eyes, was nothing more than a puppet being pulled by him, and the lines he moved the puppet were the basketball in his hand.

After a series of gorgeous dribbles, the two players from a certain island were mobilized by Chen Mo, and Takuo Kawamura also quietly covered him from behind.

Chen Mo had seen Takuo Kawamura a long time ago, and he didn't mind having one more person bring shame on himself.

With a sliding step close to the seam, Chen Mo quickly dodged all the defenses.He had a chance to layup directly, but Chen Mo didn't layup, he dribbled the ball back, he must have a perfect effect.

At this time, even the opponents didn't notice their position, but their position has reached the most dangerous point.

After Chen Mo leaned forward, he quickly pulled back, and then after the ball was divided and played with Zhang Bentianjie, he threw the ball to the basket from the gap.

Zhang Bentianjie collided with Kawamura Zhuo in embarrassment, and then they all got mixed up like dominoes.

After Chen Mo threw the ball, it hit the backboard and bounced straight out.

At this time, a red figure jumped up in the direction of the ball ejection.

Ah Lian directly knocked all three players from a certain island whose center of gravity was unstable, and then there was a distorted creaking sound from the basket. What was more painful and twisted than the basket was the three players from a certain island who flew out of the baseline.

The emotions of the fans at the scene had already exploded, a tsunami of cheers swept over, the floor was trembling, and the ceiling was trembling.

Chen Mo chuckled and said, "bong! triplekill!"

If we say where the most imaginative and powerful photo master group in the world is, it must be the masters hidden in the Chinese Internet.

Just now, when Chen Mo assisted Ah Lian and directly hit the three of them, the GIF almost entered into the emoji pack series of Chinese netizens at the same time.

This GIF animation was quickly produced. After the dunk scene ended, it was immediately switched out to be the head of the nose team with the text - "Explode in an instant! Triple kill!"

The effect of Chen Mo's attack this time was explosive, and his confidence in the players of a certain island was a devastating blow.Especially for Zhang Bentianjie, who is always favored by Chinese fans, and he is also a person who likes to read comments from netizens. This kind of psychological growth makes him unable to face difficulties and gaps directly.

What Zhang Bentianjie wants to do most is to blow up all the basketball players in China, in order to respond to the humiliation of Chinese fans.

At this time, Zhang Bentianjie was a little bit red-eyed.

The last person who was teased by Chen Mo to go crazy and wanted malicious revenge was Noah. He was educated by Chen Mo as an actor, and then he was suspended for one game.

The last person who had this idea about Chen Mo and put it into practice most thoroughly was called Randolph.He ended up having a close contact with the floor with his head and was eventually taken to the hospital.

Zhang Bentianjie was the third inside player who wanted to take malicious revenge after Chen Mo rushed to the basket. Chen Mo could tell his inner thoughts from his body language.

This kind of guy who is about to lose his mind has great body movements.

Chen Mo didn't care so much, he would not deliberately avoid this kind of person, otherwise the pent-up anger of this kind of person would probably be vented on his teammates.It is absolutely impossible for his teammates to bear the things he provoked.

At the moment when the offensive time was about to run out, a certain island finally hit the mid-range shot at the buzzer.

The Chinese team attacked again, and Chen Mo controlled the ball and went straight to the basket on the opposite side.

When a player enters a state of rage and revenge, that is the most vulnerable moment.

Zhang Bentianjie is in this state at the moment, Chen Mo just raised his center of gravity a little, and the action of pretending to receive the ball passed him by.

Chen Mo directly clasped his wrist back, it was just a prayer to Buddha.

Zhang Bentianjie was back and forth three times by Chen Mo, Kawamura Zhuo was ready to come over to help double-team, this certain island defender with a unique style of play also wanted to defeat Chen Mo and become famous in his heart!But his thoughts are not as strong as Zhang Bentianjie's, and he doesn't have so much hatred in his heart.

When the double team formed again, Chen Mo jumped directly between the two, and Zhang Bentianjie slapped Chen Mo's face with both hands in a blocking motion.

But Chen Mo didn't jump up completely at all, and his ball was just thrown to the edge of the backboard.

Chen Mo dodged quickly, and hit Zhang Bentianjie's waist with an elbow during the movement. Then he touched the rebounding ball with one hand, flicked his wrist lightly, and the ball changed its trajectory, directly Flew to the basket.

The ball went into the basket nimbly, and Chen Mo's offense didn't seem to be interfered by the opponent at all.This was a smooth and perfect personal attack, and Chen Mo perfectly interpreted the strength gap between the two sides.

"Before you were more casual than the hero-up-female protagonist of an action movie on an island." Chen Mo turned around after saying this, only to find that the scene was a bit bloody...

(End of this chapter)

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