genius point guard

Chapter 38 The Last Moment

Chapter 38 The Last Moment
Chen Mo put his hands on his knees and looked at the scoreboard, 86 to 90.According to the practice of the NBA, the visiting team is in front and the home team is in the back.Bobcats also maintained a 4-point lead.And the time, with 1 minute and 58 seconds left, Ginobili is making free throws at the free throw line.

Chen Mo's chest rose and fell like a bellows. He hasn't rested for a minute since the second half. At this time, his physical fitness has reached its limit.Otherwise, Qiancai would not have had time to cooperate with Jackson to pinch Ginobili after the pick-and-roll, and Ginobili is about to rise.If Manu Ginobili made three moves, Chen Mo would be beaten 1+2 if he didn't make it all.Therefore, he could only choose to hug the opponent and send the opponent two free throws.

Ginobili made two free throws at the free throw line and got his 11th point today.It seems that Ginobili is in much better condition than Chen Mo.Physical fitness is also one of Chen Mo's shortcomings.

88 to 90, the Bobcats also lead by 2 points.

Attacking again, Chen Mo controlled the rhythm of the game. At this time, he did not run without the ball anymore. The Bobcats needed him to control the rhythm of the game.Now is the time to really seek stability.What's more, Chen Mo's current state made him run on the field to get a chance to shoot, and he couldn't run anymore.

Facing Ginobili, Chen Mo tried to make his breathing look steady.However, the seasoned Argentine still discovered the essence of Chen Mozhi's tiger.He slid forward and pushed his knee to the side of Chen Mo's dribbler.

If Chen Mo is physically fit, he can easily pass Ginobili with a jump.At this time, he wanted to do this movement, but felt that his legs and feet were filled with lead, and he couldn't move.He didn't get out of the way for the first time, and Ginobili was even more rude.Bending down, reaching for the ball.

"Manu Ginobili, steal the ball, San Antonio fast break opportunity." Kenny - Smith began to shout.

Barkley also became excited at this time, "The Argentine directly controlled the ball, and he quickly got off alone. A layup! The ball scored, and San Antonio equalized the score!"

The fat man also ignored the worry of being attacked by stinky shoes, jumped up and shouted.

The score was tied, and with 1:37 left in the game, Larry Brown called a timeout.

This time, he didn't talk nonsense with Chen Mo, and directly replaced him with Livingston.

Because it was just a short timeout, Larry Brown didn't explain to Chen Mo, but directly arranged tactics. "With 1 minute and 37 seconds left, it doesn't matter if we don't score, but we have to stabilize the defense and don't let them score."

Then, Larry Brown arranged defensive tactics very quickly.Chen Mo didn't even have the idea to listen, and collapsed on the bench like a dead dog with a towel draped over his shoulders.

After the game restarted, Larry Brown explained to Chen Mo: "Gather up some energy and get ready for the final attack."

Chen Mo was a little grateful for Larry Brown's arrangement, but he didn't know the resentment in Larry Brown's heart that was about to go berserk.

"For this game, the whole team has been exhausted like this, is it necessary to lose?" This is the real thought in Larry Brown's heart.

At this time, the Bobcats who were attacking on the field passed the ball several times, and Livingston had an open shot.Although the big two points are a bit out of range for him, it is indeed a good opportunity.Unfortunately, Livingston's jumper missed.

"Damn it, it's a crime to waste this opportunity!" Larry Brown roared from the sidelines.

Before the saliva on the ground evaporated, Barkley's shout came again.

"Tim - Duncan! What a perfect hook at the basket! One of the greatest power forwards in history, he is the most stable stone Buddha on the court! 92 to 90, the San Antonio Spurs exceeded the score again! And At 1 minute and 19 seconds, the offense of Charlotte's lineup is too worrying. San Antonio just needs to defend..."

After that, Barkley couldn't continue, and the shoes had already flown up.The fans who were closer directly waved their inflatable cheering sticks and hit them up.

Kenny Smith nearly jumped out of the commentary booth, yelling at security.

Why didn't Barkley call?

Because the fat man can't scream anymore!
A group of fans were invited out of the arena by security, and Barkley's suffering stopped.

"Hey! Sir Charles, I think your face has grown round again."

"Damn Kenny, you desperate bastard!"

"How can I save you? I was able to help you deal with half of the people in the past, but I don't want to let the people who beat you take half of them to beat me."

Barkley gritted his teeth, and stopped dwelling on the topic, "Look at the game, Charlotte has 7 seconds left to attack, no chance!"

"Stephen made a strong two-point shot from inside the three-point line, look at this rebound!"

"Gerald Wallace! Take this offensive rebound from Tim, no foul, no scrimmage. Offensive back on the table, Charlotte still has a chance to attack. This is a key forward rebounds!"

Kenny Smith screamed, pumping his fists.

Gerald Wallace had a fierce look in his eyes, like a lion on the African grasslands!
It is undeniable that Duncan is old, but it is also undeniable that Gerald Wallace is a beautiful rebounder.

"Kwame, be tough, that's an old guy, why are you afraid of him?!" Gerald Wallace passed the ball to Livingston on the outside and yelled at Kwame Brown.

Seeing Wallace grabbing this crucial offensive rebound, Chen Mo swung his fist hard and threw the towel on the bench.

"Coach, call a timeout! I can do it!" Chen Mo said to Larry Brown.

"Wait!" Larry Brown watched every move on the field.

With the last 50 seconds left in the game, Dior and Livingston made a pick-and-roll, then got a return pass from Livingston, and made a solid mid-range shot.

92 to 92, the score was evened!
The cheers at the scene almost lifted the roof of the arena. Charlotte fans haven't seen such an exciting game for a long time.The group of fans who were kicked out watched the game broadcast in a nearby bar.Although they spent two shares of money, they have no regrets, because they are for the players they love and the team they love.

In the last 50 seconds, the two teams have at least one attack time each, which is still enough time.

Bo\Povich didn't call a timeout. He didn't want to give Larry Brown a chance to defend. He believed in the players he had worked with for many years, and he believed in the adaptability and strength of GDP.

Chen Mo stood on the sidelines, sweat broke out on his forehead again, but this time he was nervous.He found that watching the game off the court is more nerve-wracking than playing on the court!
The most critical moment of this game has arrived. Chen Mo, who scored 27 points and 9 assists, is standing on the sidelines. Whether his efforts in this game are worthwhile is the last 50 seconds!

(End of this chapter)

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