genius point guard

Chapter 386 Disgusting Confidence

Chapter 386 Disgusting Confidence

Chen Mo replied to Sean Williams' social networking site, and immediately many netizens followed and commented.

Cyber ​​violence is not only a specialty of the Chinese Internet, it also exists in the United States.

There is no need to go through the process of trolling people on the Internet, and you can spray them when you go up, so that after a group of trolls passed by, all the women in Sean Williams' family were taken care of.

Having been a commentator for so many years, there are always some people who agree with Sean Williams' views and become his fans.

"Go and lick your jack-chen, don't come here to blind BB."

"Jack Chen's rhythm band is so good, it doesn't look like it's a good thing."

"His face makes me sick. I didn't expect so many people to lick him just by saying a word."

After the scolding war started, Sean Williams had to respond. The huge pressure on the Internet made him even lose the mood to eat supper.

"If Stephen Curry and Stephen Jackson can prove me wrong in the next game, I will live eat Irvin Johnson's shoes." Sean Williams responded: "If they don't Proof, you, Jack Chen, just leave the address and let Erwin Johnson send you the shoes."

The magician did not expect that he would be dragged into a "big gamble" for no reason, and he also responded: "It seems a very interesting thing. I don't know which of you can get this pair of Casino leather shoes. These shoes It is purely handcrafted, and the leather is extremely high-quality, so it must taste good.”

Jackson and Curry naturally knew that Chen Mo and Sean Williams were fighting again. As one of the parties involved, when they saw this incident through social networking sites, they must have different feelings in their hearts.

Jackson put down his cell phone, got up from the bed and searched at home, and found the cigar that he had quit for a long time.

It felt like when he was bullied as a kid and the brothers went out to get him back.

It's been a long time since I've felt this kind of feeling. He felt warm and happy.

Curry put his phone aside, a rare serious, tense expression on his face.After a while of silence, Curry sighed slightly and did not speak.His inner feelings were the same as Jackson's, but a little different.After all, he Stephen Curry is a senior!

The game between the Warriors and the Heat also attracted a lot of attention, and that was the real grievance between Chen Mo and James.If the Southern California Derby is driven by the league, the game between the Heat and the Warriors doesn't need the league's promotion and packaging at all.Their feud and story is enough to attract attention.

"I've heard about the bet between Jack Chen and Sean Williams. It's very interesting, but I hope Jack Chen loses the bet." James updated the status on the social networking site, two teams The atmosphere of the competition between the teams has been detonated in advance.

Curry replied to James on the social networking site, "I am ready to face all defenses. Stephen Curry has become stronger after a long offseason of training. It is time to fully show my strength The training paid off."

The massive number of users of social networking sites has made this place a new battleground for saliva.

Jackson did not publish any text, but he released a photo of the incident at the Palace of Auburn Hills.

Some people speculate that Jackson will face this game with the bloodiness of the year, and some people think that Jackson will stage the second season of the Palace of Auburn Hills incident at Oracle Arena.

"If he punches LeBron James off in a game, does that prove his worth?" Sean Williams seemed to continue to taunt Stephen Jackson in a brisk tone. .

If Sean Williams is to predict the outcome of this game with a fair attitude, he may not be able to predict it.But now Chen Mo wants to help Curry and Jackson to prove themselves while winning the game.Sean Williams thinks he has a win.

Perhaps against a weak team, Chen Mo can help his teammates score points with his passing ability, but in a strong dialogue, how can he do it?This is simply a fantasy.

"Some people think this is impossible, but who would have thought last season that the championship would belong to the Charlotte Bobcats?" Chen Mo said in a calm tone when he was interviewed by reporters during the warm-up before the game.

Chen Mo has already made full preparations for this game, while LeBron James on the opposite side looked confident when talking about this issue in front of the reporter's microphone. "I hate how confident he is, like all of us are crap."

"No one says you are a waste, if you think you are a waste, then you are really a waste."

This sentence was said by Chen Mo to James before the game, and this was the only communication they had before the referee blew the whistle. Chen Mo didn't want to talk too much with James.

In this game, Ajiali and Jessica both came to the Oracle Arena because of the turmoil on social networking sites, as well as Chris and Falk.

Chris and Farke are ready to start doing crisis public relations immediately if Curry and Jackson don't play convincingly tonight.

"He's really messed up." Falk looked a little annoyed, "He should at least discuss this with me, right?"

"If he's really angry, he won't talk nonsense to anyone." Chris obviously knows Chen Mo better, "Of course, even when he's angry, he never loses his composure."

Keep calm when angry, this is what Chen Hui taught Chen Mo since childhood.Laozi made a bad decision when he was angry, and he hoped that his son would not make the same mistakes.Therefore, maintaining the ability to think when angry is a habit Chen Mo has developed since childhood.

"I still have a lot of confidence in him." Chris continued.

"Then you're still here?" Falk said angrily.

Chris responded lightly: "I haven't seen him play for a long time."

The game entered an extremely fierce competition from the moment the referee blew the whistle, and Curry rarely put on a serious expression on his face.Stephen Curry is so focused right now that he has temporarily thrown all of his game-playing habits down the toilet.

Jackson rarely pays attention to the movements on the court when he is on the bench. This time he is fully prepared to play.

"That part of the conduction that we've been working on that we've been working on, it's ready to be used."

Timothy Glenn remembered what Chen Mo said to him yesterday, and he felt more confident.

It is difficult for Curry to become the Warriors' second playmaker, at least for now.Therefore, Chen Mo thought of another way.

In the counterattack, Curry passed the ball to Chen Mo in the backcourt as the first passer. This is the method Chen Mo thought of, and the results have proved to be good.

In addition, in the positional battle, Chen Mo also came up with a solution.Jackson's movement is slow, but his top three-point ability and the ability to transfer the ball are still there.If the three of them are on the court at the same time, the defense will be greatly weakened, but the smoothness of the ball transfer can be guaranteed.

But under any defensive intensity, the smoothness of their transfer of the ball can be guaranteed.

This is the source of Chen Mo's confidence. He feels that the level of training is basically enough.

Curry faced Qian Mourning after receiving the ball. He wanted to make a strong shot, but he held back his intention to make a strong shot.

The Heat's defensive formation is very stable, and there is no scattered performance.Ilgauskas retired, Joel Anthony became the starting center for the Heat, and their overall movement and defense speed can be guaranteed.

After winning the scrimmage, the Warriors failed to find a direct attack opportunity in the first place.Curry took two singles and failed to find a chance to break through. He directly returned the ball to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo continued to organize.

As soon as Chen Mo got the ball, he was flanked by the Heat. James and Wade pushed forward together, obviously giving Chen Mo enough face.

The Heat wanted to win against Chen Mo, so they didn't take out all the things they had prepared.

After several pick-and-rolls, Chen Mo couldn't find a chance to pass the ball.Obviously, when they are physically fit, the Heat do an excellent job of preventing pick-and-rolls by virtue of their rotation rate.

With 8 seconds left on the offensive clock, Chen Mo made a gesture to Curry.It was a gesture that only the two of them understood, meaning to face hard steel.

Curry came over to cover Chen Mo, and Chen Mo stepped back and opened the distance.

No one put a screen on Curry, and Curry quickly bypassed James and Chen Mo.When Chen Mo was dribbling the ball, he flicked his wrist lightly, and the ball bounced in the direction of Curry's movement.

This passing action was connected to Chen Mo's dribbling action, and neither James nor Wade noticed this pass.And Qian Mourning, who came out with Curry, was blocked by Curry borrowing James' body and couldn't keep up in time. After Curry got the ball, he directly made the action of collecting the ball and shooting.

The time given to Curry is very short, but Curry's release speed is very fast, and his release speed has always been fast.Almost at the next moment of receiving the ball, the ball was released.

"Shua!" The ball went straight to the center of the basket.

The ball came almost down the center of the top of the rim, and the Nets didn't even seem to shake.This is a standard Curry goal, it seems to be the same as the three non-stick.

Curry and Chen Mo have been using this routine before, taking advantage of Curry's fast shooting speed, borrowing the cover of the opponent's defensive player, and fighting for the time that is less than 0.5 seconds for Curry to throw the ball.

"This is what Stephen Curry is for," said Reggie Miller, who was announcing the game.Uncle Miller's commentary seldom has such a crazy roar, obviously because of the previous social networking site turmoil that has affected his emotions.

Uncle Miller was obviously on Chen Mo's side. Although he didn't take the initiative to express his position, it can be seen from the words he shouted that his position is very firm.

This season, the Heat have significantly enhanced their offensive speed.Qian Mourning was a qualified porter in the Heat. He started very quickly after taking the ball. After passing the half court quickly, he handed the ball to James.

James also made an off-ball screen with Wade before receiving the ball. It can be seen that they have absorbed the tactics of the Bobcats last season.

The NBA is a small circle. After a team is successful, all teams will study them under the microscope, and then come up with ways to restrain and learn from their strengths.

The off-ball screen between James and Way forced the Warriors to switch defenses, and James faced Curry.This is the one-on-one matchup the Heat have always wanted to create.

In the past, the Heat could only try their best to create a situation where James faced Chen Mo, but now they have another option when facing the Warriors, they can go to Curry.

Curry faced James, and James turned around and hit Curry with his back.The gap in size is too great, and James has taken advantage.He almost rolled into the paint in a steamroller fashion.

Chen Mo had expected this a long time ago, but he still suggested not to double-team on the defensive end.

The way to deal with James is to steal the ball.Especially on the premise that there is no foul trouble, directly seize the opportunity to steal the ball.

Millsap faked a double-team from the wing, and James decided to wait for Millsap to get closer before passing.The moment Millsap caught James' attention, Curry stepped up to grab it.

James' reaction was also extremely fast, and he was about to turn around and step up to throw.

The two missed, and Curry hit James' ball.Curry made a fist with this ball and hit James' hand.

However, the referee didn't blow. Millsap hurried over to pick up the ball and handed it to Chen Mo who had already run to the center line. The Warriors began to counterattack.

Seeing that Chen Mo assisted Kirilenko and scored a layup, James ran directly to the referee to complain.

"Hey! Sir, he fouled, he hit my hand." James said: "This should be a foul."

Curry's strike was too fast just now, he really didn't see it clearly, but the Warriors' counterattack has been finished, and he has nothing to do.

The referee told James to shut up, but his tone was not firm.James knew that the effect he wanted had been achieved, so he stopped making too much entanglement and directly prepared for the next attack.

On the contrary, Miller has been talking about Curry's successful defense just now, "Steph's hands are extremely fast, and his hand speed is the fastest I have ever seen. As a pitcher, when the height, bounce, and speed are not good. , exercising hand speed is the best choice."

"The backcourt combination of Stephen and Jack will suffer when facing the opponent's strong perimeter players, but if they can defend the opponent alone, it will make a big profit."

The Heat kicked off again, and they still used Janeway's off-ball screen routine.

This time the Warriors were prepared, Millsap followed, and the screen didn't result in a switch.James did have a chance to shoot from outside the three-point line, but he didn't choose to shoot by himself. He was not particularly confident in his shooting.

James began to choose a strong breakthrough, and James, who had a breakthrough space, rose like a full-throated tank.

Millsap didn't keep up, and after being rushed in by James, he took all the defense in the middle empty.Bosh took the ball and was going to charge directly from the middle. Chen Mo came from one side to block Bosh's breakthrough, and Curry also rushed directly from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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