genius point guard

Chapter 397 Harden's Provocation

Chapter 397 Harden's Provocation

Perkins was big, but he was short and slow.He steels the opponent's big center inside and can make up for his lack of height with his own strength, weight and hard work.

But once he gets to a high position and faces more flexible forwards or even defenders, he is like a human target.

Kirilenko would not be polite to him at all. Mr. AK dribbled the ball to the outside of his right leg, bent over sharply and then made a big turn to pass Perkins directly.

Durant retracted from the wing to defend, Kirilenko made an emergency stop to shoot, and the ball hit the board and went into the frame.

With the small ball style led by the Bobcats last season, the entire league is shifting towards a small ball style.The Thunder, which has three young players, also want to play fast, but Perkins seems a bit out of place in their lineup.

Perkins has basically become a false starter now, and his role may be to not disrupt the Thunder's rotation rhythm.

With Perkins on the court, Chen Mo didn't take the initiative to attack at all. No matter who Perkins was defending against, Chen Mo just gave the ball to that person.

Coach Brooks called a timeout in the 3rd minute, he changed the defensive strategy, he told Perkins to go to Biedrins.He can't let Perkins be stared at by the Warriors like a target again.

Perkins himself is also irritated. He seems to have changed from an important imposition of a championship to a guy with a garbage contract.

Those who cannot keep up with the times will be eliminated. This is natural selection.Darwin's theory of evolution is very clearly written.

Perkins went to defend Biedrins, and the Thunder could only choose not to switch defenses when Chen Mo and Biedrins were playing pick-and-rolls.If Chen Mo were to beat Perkins, Perkins would be beaten miserably.

"But this is bound to give him room to shoot. Should we double-team in advance?" Thunder's assistant coach said to Brooks.

Brooks frowned, shook his head, and said, "Let's talk about it later!"

Chen Mo also considered giving Brooks some face. The Thunder didn't switch defenses after he and Biedrins picked and rolled. He still didn't choose to seize the space created by the screen and shoot. He still fed the ball to Biedrins.

After the Thunder scored another difficult layup by Durant, it was the Warriors' turn to attack. Chen Mo gestured for Biedrins to come out, and they continued to pick and roll.

After the pick-and-roll, Biedrins seized the space, squeezed past Westbrook and cut directly to the basket.Chen Mo took a step back and pretended to shoot. After Baifo shook Brooks away, he flicked the ball forward vigorously.

Perkins was chasing Biedrins, but there was no way he could catch Biedrins when he was half a length behind at the start.

Chen Mo's pass passed between the two of them, and the ball was very fast, but this arc pass, which swirled after hitting the ground, reached Biedrins's hand.

This is an extremely comfortable feed, and Biedrins caught the ball almost subconsciously, then he took three steps almost without using his mind, and then jumped up at the basket, pouring his hands vigorously basket.Everything seems so simple and effortless.

Biedrins let out a strange cry after landing, and he dunked the ball very well.

"Ho Ho!" Chen Mo laughed and said, "Perfect cooperation."

Chen Mo said it to Westbrook on purpose, because Westbrook never paid attention to Chen Mo's trash talk.Chen Mo felt that it was necessary for him to speak, otherwise this would be a failure of his trash talk.

Westbrook pursed his lips and said, "I will call back."

"I thought you switched to dumb form as soon as you got on the court!" Chen Mo said.

"You defend me, one-on-one!" Westbrook spared words like gold.

Chen Mo shrugged, with an indifferent attitude on his face, and said: "Then come!"

Chen Mo's defense has always been underestimated, firstly because Chen Mo's outstanding performance on the defensive end is not much, everyone remembers his steals deeply, and secondly, Chen Mo's shining performance on the offensive end is too much. too much.

Westbrook also believes that Chen Mo's defensive level is not high, so he wants to play this one, and he is full of confidence.

Westbrook took the ball and his teammates consciously pulled away after halftime. As teammates of Westbrook and Durant, they must always be ready to open up space for them to play singles, and rush to the frontcourt after they hit the iron rebound.

Chen Mo stood at the top of the arc and opened up his defensive posture. He didn't dare to put Westbrook too far away.Westbrook's speed after starting is too fast. His shortcomings lie in the ability to change direction and handle the ball in a rapid state.But if Westbrook doesn't force him to slow down immediately after he starts up, the ball is basically unstoppable.

Just as Westbrook was about to start, Chen Mo immediately moved sideways, and then swept over with one leg.

A long leg stood in front of Westbrook. When Westbrook was about to change direction, Chen Mo lightly poked him on the waist. He stopped this action immediately, and the referee didn't see it.

Taking advantage of the small movement, Chen Mo moved sideways again to block Westbrook's change of direction.

Chen Mo must use some tricks to defend against Westbrook alone, otherwise his small body will be crushed by Westbrook's body like a small steel cannon sooner or later.

Westbrook failed to break through Chen Mo's defense three times in a row, so Master Wei played a little impatiently.

Chen Mo's defensive positioning is almost perfect, and his anticipation in defense is so good that Westbrook can't even find a chance to draw a foul.

"What the hell!" Westbrook cursed secretly, and even took a step back to shoot.

"So irritable?" Chen Mo stepped forward to interfere casually, and immediately shouted after the ball was released, "Rebound!"

Biedrins protected the rebound, Chen Mo immediately controlled the rhythm, and he was not in a hurry to fight back.

Lei Ting's retreat speed is very fast, he feels that there is no need to compare the speed with that group of guys with outstanding physical fitness, this is not a [-]-meter trapeze battle.

Chen Mo said that he was controlling the pace of the push, but the speed of the push was not slow, it was just that he didn't deliberately race against Thunder.

Before Biedrins was in position, Chen Mo had already played a pick-and-roll with Millsap in the frontcourt. Durant switched on Chen Mo, but Chen Mo did not see Chen Mo break through to the low post. He moved laterally and brought Durant to the right.

Durant was still guarding against Chen Mo's next move, but the ball was already stuffed under Durant's long arm.

Biedrins was running towards the basket almost at a sprint speed, and the ball had already appeared in his hands at this time.

"Kang Dang!" It was another vigorous pouring of both hands.

In this game, Biedrins seemed to be the battering ram of the Warriors.Every time, it hit the gate of the Oklahoman with a lot of force, and it seemed to hit their heart even more tonight.

Biedrins hammered his chest frantically after landing, and he played so well tonight.

"Andris's dunk is wonderful, but Jack Chen's pass is the real essence." Smith said: "Just now I saw very clearly that he passed the ball under Kevin (Durant)'s hands. Going out. With Kevin's wingspan, I'm afraid no point guard in the league would dare to pass the ball out of his hands, right?"

"Yigao is bold, and he is talking about Jack Chen!" Barkley said: "This guy's passing is really worthy of the Chinese idiom I have learned-supernatural."

"You still learn Chinese?" Smith asked in surprise.

Barkley said with a smile: "I have suffered from two Chinese players in my commentary career. I have to learn Chinese to see what kind of monsters are people in this country?"

Smith laughed: "You didn't kiss a donkey's ass because of the Jack-Chen bet."

"I kissed the donkey's ass last time. If I bet again, it won't taste more serious? For example..." Buckley shook his head and said, "I'm not a pervert with such a strong taste, so I will never be on Jack Chen. It's a bet. Maybe you won't see me betting on similar things in the future."

Smith laughed, and Coach Brooks called a timeout again.

Brooks couldn't understand how Chen Mo could play like this.Moreover, everything Chen Mo did on the court today almost choked the Thunder by seven inches.

Brooks prepared almost all defensive tactics for Chen Mo, and his research on the Warriors basically focused on Chen Mo.But today Chen Mo didn't play by himself when he came up, he was all attracting defense, and then assisting his teammates to score.Only in the first round, Chen Mo fought by himself, and for the rest of the offense, he existed as the initiator of the offense.

Today's game lasted 5 minutes, and Chen Mo scored 2 points and 4 assists.

Chen Mo's statistics are not impressive, but no one can deny his value on the court.He initiated a lot of offenses, but many of the balls were passed by his teammates to beat Perkins in singles. Such balls are not counted as assists.

Almost all of Chen Mo's assist data came from Biedrins. After the two of them pick-and-roll, Chen Mo directly sent a pass, and Biedrins took the ball and ran directly to the basket to score a dunk.

The Thunder team is more like a super fighter with three magic weapons and rampage.Under Chen Mo's mobilization, the warrior was like a calm river.Calm without waves, but murderous everywhere.

When the Thunder faced the Warriors, it seemed that they couldn't find any point of strength.

Since they couldn't defend, they had no choice but to attack and let their two big killers show their strength and power.

Durant and Westbrook began to take turns to attack the ball, they tried to drag the game into their own rhythm.They all believed that if Chen Mo followed them with the ball and swung it up to attack, Chen Mo would definitely not be their opponent.

But Chen Mo would never go head-to-head with his opponent if he had the means. The game was going on in the rhythm of the two teams.

The strength of the Thunder is that they can disrupt the opponent's rhythm. They are the most powerful when the rhythm of both sides is chaotic.But when the opponent can ensure that their rhythm is not chaotic, they must not take advantage of it.

In the 8th minute of the first quarter, the Thunder trailed 17 to 26.

Coach Brooks brought in James Harden, the last card in his hand.

It can be seen that Harden played at this time to strengthen the offense.The Thunder already knew they couldn't defend against the Warriors, so they simply played at their own pace.But in this case, they still can't gain an advantage, so continuing to strengthen their offense is the best choice.

"Harden replaced Sefolosha, and it looked like the Oklahomaians were going to put all their eggs in one basket," Smith said.

"Isn't it too early to be in such a lineup at this time?" Barkley said with a frown.He was afraid that after the Thunder's offensive was suppressed by the Warriors, the game would be spent prematurely.You know, the most painful thing is spending the commentator in the game.There is nothing to say in the game, and they have to continue talking. At that time, they can only find something to say.

"The Thunder team is different from other teams. Their strength lies in their fierce and strong personal offensive firepower. If the rhythm has not been suppressed by the Warriors, it is very likely that they will not be able to explode even if they want to explode later." Smith said.

Thunderclap's three juniors are all present, and as long as they stand on the court, they are doing things for each other.

Harden, who was new to the game, naturally came to play this offense. Harden made a quick change of direction and forced Thompson, which directly caused Thompson's foul.

The reason why Harden replaced Sefolosha was because Sefolosha had been entangled with Thompson today. His defensive champion was held back by a rookie, and he did nothing on the offensive end. This is really a waste of resources.

Harden received a miraculous effect when he came on the field, and then Harden played a pick-and-roll with Durant on the outside, and then he hit a three-pointer from outside the left three-point line.

The bearded Harden scored five points in a row after he came on the field, helping the Thunder to directly narrow the gap.

Timothy Glenn called a timeout, and the Warriors started making substitutions.Thompson, Kirilenko and Biedrins were all replaced, and Raja Bell, Dorell White and David Lee were replaced.

The Warriors' lineup strengthens the defense of the striker and the ability to single-handedly defend against the opponent's defender's breakthrough, and strengthens the ability to attack in the low position.From the book point of view, after they changed three players, they are not weaker than the starting lineup.

"The Warriors changed three people, but it seems that their lineup is still so luxurious." Barkley said.

"That's what's scary about them. The bench is deep, and the players on the bench can score when they get up, and they are extremely strong." Smith said.

After the substitution, Chen Mo still didn't attack by himself, he was still assisting his teammates.

He assisted David Lee for a mid-range rebound and the Warriors continued their unhurried style.

The Thunder will not relax the rhythm, this time their offense is still played by James Harden.Beard looked extremely excited after playing, and had a strong desire to attack.

Facing Raja Bell's defense this time, Harden continuously changed his position, then seized the opportunity to turn around and rush to the basket.

Most people hide the ball when they break through, and they will never leak the ball to prevent it from being broken, but when Harden breaks through, the ball is always exposed.

"Be careful not to foul!" Chen Mo told Raja Bell once just now, but this time he still has to tell him again.But it was too late when Chen Mo spoke, the referee whistle sounded, and Harden made two free throws again.

Harden gave Chen Mo a hard look, and said, "Next, you guard me!"

(End of this chapter)

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