Chapter 409

The All-Star Game is a rest time for many NBA players. Many players will choose to take a vacation during this time period, travel and relax.But this is only for those players who don't participate in the All-Star Game, and those players who participate in the All-Star Game don't have much rest time.

Even if Chen Mo only participates in the All-Star Game on the night of the 26th this year, he will get Orlando on the 23rd. They need to participate in many charity activities organized by the league.

And this year, Chen Mo will also promote it as his own clothing brand.

Chen Mo's personal brand J-C23 actually appeared on the market after the finals last year, but at that time his clothing brand only involved T-shirts, and the product content was very thin.This time, they are going to make shirts and jeans.

Under Armor is also planning to make a big deal this year. The Reaper II All-Star model they launched has three colors, namely green, purple and white.

In fact, Chen Mo really didn't want the All-Star Weekend to come, he wouldn't have an easy time this weekend.Especially now that he is the top player in the league, during the four-day offseason from the 24th to the 27th, Chen Mo has to accept interviews from at least 4 media.

Falk and Chris all came to Orlando, and even Hua Xiaoou came from China.

The All-Star Weekend is also an excellent promotional and packaging platform for players. There will be many exposure opportunities here, and there will be many stars who would not meet each other here. There will always be many interesting stories happening during the All-Star Weekend.

Chen Mo arrived in Orlando on the evening of the 23rd, and Chris picked Chen Mo up at the airport.

Chen Mo did not go with Curry. This time Ayesha also came to Orlando. Curry brought a team of nearly 20 people to Orlando. Their bloated team will not arrive until tomorrow morning.

Chen Mo said that Curry didn't seem to be here to participate in the All-Star Game, but more like he was here to fight.

Chris took Chen Mo to the Hilton Hotel in Orlando. In the suite on the top floor, Falk and Hua Xiaoou had already started drinking tea.

Falk seemed to like the tea Hua Xiaoou brought from China very much, and they were discussing the tea ceremony.

"It's better than all the Chinese teas I've ever had before." Falk praised: "I'll have to cultivate my hobby in the future."

Chen Mo took a sip of the tea Hua Xiaoou brought, and it tasted really good.

"I got a box from your father, but I took that boy away because he was reluctant to drink it." Hua Xiaoou said, "There is one third left. I think I can't drink it and bring it to my son."

Chen Mobai gave Hua Xiaoou a look, and Hua Xiaoou always looked serious.

Sitting here is now Chen Mo's core team, and they are all grasshoppers tightly tied to a rope.

In fact, the packaging and operation of the star is difficult.And after the image and packaging, you have to make money through the established image.

After a break, they got down to business.

"About Jack's image establishment, I think that when we present a kind of Jack Chen that we hope fans can see, we also need to put some shortcomings in front of the fans." Hua Xiaoou said: "The affinity of the character is very important."

"This is not acting in a movie." Falk said, frowning.From the very beginning, he felt that this unprincipled Chinese was unreliable.

Hua Xiaoou said with a rare serious taste: "The packaging of the star is to establish an image in front of the fans. The characters in this movie and novel are actually the same."

Falk wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Chen Mo, "Let him continue talking! He must have arguments to convince us."

Hua Xiaoou took a sip of tea and said, "There are about three stars who are most successful in promotion and publicity in the NBA—Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and LeBron James."

"I will not talk about people like Irvin Johnson and Larry Bird before Jordan. Their era is relatively long. The propaganda method is single, which is not within the scope of the discussion."

"Among the three, the packaging of Jordan and Kobe is relatively successful. But I think the packaging of James is a failure."

"LeBron has been a packaged image since before he entered the league, and he is still a packaged image after that."

"But what impression does he give fans? Ruthless! This is the LeBron that the media and the NBA want fans to recognize. But he is different from the two mentioned above."

"In terms of style of play, LeBron is a team player. He can make his teammates better. He is not a pure scorer. But Kobe and Jordan are both pure scorers. On the basketball court The scorer is like a killer, he can be ruthless, he can be ruthless. This image is right, and the paranoia of the two of them also determines that this image is right. But this way is wrong when applied to LeBron.”

"In fact, the biggest mistake, or a coincidence. It is that LeBron has been packaged before entering the league. He did not give the fans any other image, which is the so-called shortcoming."

"When Jordan entered the league, he was overwhelmed by the bad boys. And at that time, limited by publicity methods, his packaging was not perfect, and he would leak a little about his shortcomings. For example, he was harsh on his teammates, such as Talk about his paranoia."

"Kobe is the same. He was only the No.13 pick when he first entered the league, and he also played as a substitute for two years. When he first came, no one packaged him. What he is, the fans are what impression. "

"LeBron is actually funny and funny in life. But the fans almost don't have this impression at all."

"What is Jack's situation now? He didn't get any packaging at the beginning, but now the Internet is too developed, and no one remembers what he was like at the beginning. Therefore, we have to think that we have leaked some of his life The image makes him closer to the fans."

"So I think we should have a deeper cooperation with Mike Tollin. I want some interesting videos of him during the filming process for fans to see. This can make his image closer to the fans."

Chen Mo nodded after listening to Hua Xiaoou's analysis, he thought it made sense.

After Falk heard this, he didn't continue to refute Hua Xiaoou, but Chris thought for a while and said, "Let me add something."

"While we're doing that, we also need to make Jack more of a star."

"He should have some comments on other events on social networking sites. I think we should form a small team to do this."

After listening to it, Chen Mo only felt that his head was big. He waved his hands and said, "Then let's do this! If you don't have any opinions, I will listen to you."

"Well! In addition, we are writing an autobiographical novel about Jack Chen. From the beginning of Jack's exposure to basketball to the end of this season, the novel will be sold after the end of this season." Hua Xiaoou said.

Chen Mo frowned and said, "The novel is finished? This season is only half over!"

Hua Xiaoou said: "The story is almost over."

"What about the results of this season?"

"The Warriors win the championship!"

"I @#¥#" Chen Mo said a sentence of swear words commonly used by black players.

"So you have to win the championship this season, otherwise our novels will all fall into your hands." Hua Xiaoou seemed to say it as a matter of course, and then he briefly talked about some of the following operation routines.

"After the novel is released, it is expected that in July we will announce the news that the film is ready to start shooting, and then the adaptation of games and comics will follow directly." Hua Xiaoou said: "Start pulling from the novel, and then compile some into One net. We have to take the first step out of pan-entertainment.”

"You have to cooperate with the publicity in Xia Tian. By the way, the protagonist of the movie must be you. There is nothing wrong with your acting skills." Hua Xiaoou said.

Chen Mo said: "Are the novel and the script being produced at the same time?"

"Yes, the work including casting is also going on together." Hua Xiaoou said lightly.

Chen Mo covered her head and said, "But all of this is based on our winning the championship this season?"

"I believe you can." Hua Xiaoou's tone was extremely flat.

Then he took a breath and said: "In order not to put too much pressure on you, we actually made a second plan. If you really fail to win the championship, the story will end at the end of last season. Of course, I still hope you can Win the championship."

Chen Mo let out a sigh of relief, after all, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.No one can say that they must win the championship, the pressure is too great.Even if he was Chen Mo, he couldn't accept it.

After Hua Xiaoou finished what he had to say, he spread his hands and said, "I'm just doing these things, and I will cooperate with you in the specific implementation of some work, including interviews with several domestic media. And what we were doing before During the lottery, three Lieutenant General fans will come to watch the All-Star game, see you tomorrow afternoon and have afternoon tea with them."

Chen Mo swears again, "Why didn't you say it earlier."

"Are you busy!" Hua Xiaoou said, "It's not a big deal, so I'll just make a decision."

Chen Mo patted his head and said, "I really want to fire you."

"Three times the salary liquidated damages, I will leave immediately."

Chen Mo felt that he had no status as a boss at all.

After Hua Xiaoou finished speaking, Chris began to talk to Chen Mo about the promotion of clothing brands and future investment plans.

There are some directional issues that require Chen Mo to make a decision, and there are also some propaganda work that Chen Mo needs to cooperate with.Chen Mo is the biggest boss, but at the same time he is also a very valuable spokesperson, and the things of his own brand must be endorsed by himself.

In the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, there will be a launch event for new clothing products, as well as some live events, which Chen Mo must attend.

After Chris finished, Falk told Chen Mo all the arrangements for the past few days.These include the interview time of major media, as well as the official activities of Under Armor, Chevrolet and NBA.

After hearing this, Chen Mo felt that he might be the most painful boss in the world, and all his time was divided up by these three guys.

"You guys don't seem to have given me any time for Ajiali and Jessica!" Chen Mo said.

The three of them said in unison: "When you sleep at night."

"Overall, the two of them get the most time," Chris said.

Chen Mo leaned on the sofa and waved his hand. He felt that his head was big.

When the three of them left, Hua Xiaoou was at the end. Before going out, he turned his head and said to Chen Mo: "Being the best NBA player is really not just about playing well, let alone your goal. Let the history be remembered. And let the history outside of basketball be remembered, and you must pay more."

"Okay!" Chen Mo said weakly, his time has been arranged until summer, but now spring has just arrived.

Chen Mo is going to take a shower and go to have supper with Jessica when she is going to rest, and stroll around Orlando by the way.

Jessica came back after attending the event in Las Vegas. Her plane arrived in Orlando two hours later than Chen Mo.

Thomas Leo reminded from the side: "Jack, I'm afraid you don't have time to rest. If you want to catch up with Miss Jessica for supper, tonight's stretching exercise must start immediately."

"Can't you take a break?" Chen Mo felt a headache.

Thomas Leo said: "Your fatigue caused by travel and brain activity is actually an illusion. At this time, your body is not tired at all. And starting tonight's exercise plan now is actually helpful for you to relieve fatigue. Helpful."

Chen Mo really wanted to scold people now, he really suspected that he had a fake all-star weekend.This is not for rest at all!

"If we go to the gym downstairs to start training now, if the plane is not delayed and there is no traffic jam on the road, you have 10 minutes to take a shower and change clothes. Miss Jessica almost arrived at the hotel entrance." Thomas Leo said.

Chen Mo admired the German guy's accuracy in estimating the time.Chen Mo packed up and was just sitting on the bed when she was about to take out her mobile phone and send a message to Jessica asking where she was.Before he could finish typing, Jessica's message had already arrived—I was at the door of the hotel.

In fact, with his mind, he could be more accurate than Thomas Leo, but he didn't want to do the calculations at all.Because everything is clear, life will have no fun and surprises.

When Chen Mo went out, he asked, "Shall we bring you supper when we come back?"

Thomas Leo shook his head and said: "Boss, you should know that I have to go to bed on time at 09:30, and it is already 19 minutes overtime."

"Forget me talking too much." Chen Mo pouted and left.

Chen Mo thinks that these men are not cute at all, but Jessica and Ajiali are the cutest. Now he is going to start a wonderful night life with the lovely Jessica.This will probably be one of the few indescribably good moments of his All-Star weekend.

(End of this chapter)

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