Chapter 430

There is another person who has achieved a similar miracle in this arena. At the press conference, he will definitely meet and bring crazy questions from reporters.

"He must be congratulated. This is a special honor. But I believe he will continue to break this record in the coming time." Kobe still calmly appeared at the press conference after a frustrating night. I have adjusted my mentality.

"He's still improving, he's not at his peak right now. I can feel his progress every time we play against each other. So..." Kobe shrugged, and some things don't need to be said after that.He believes that 75 people in a single game is not the limit of that person.

"If there is another way, no one wants to make the game ugly. But we have no other way, so next time we face him, we will do more fiercely."

Bryant's calm beyond many people's expectations, many people thought he would gnash his teeth, but no.

Although Kobe is arrogant and paranoid, he has self-knowledge.He can no longer score like before, and the extremely high gold content of Chen Mo's 75 points is that the opponent he faces is the favorite team for the championship.

"So, let's do it! I think the world will go crazy for him for a while," Bryant said.

Facing the reporter's questioning, Chen Mo seemed relatively calm. He also believed that his limit was not 75 points in a single game, and he would set a new scoring record in the future.

"My goal is Wilt Chamberlain. Some people always say that the technical statistics at the time were inaccurate and he didn't get so many points. I think I should do something for the fans so that they can say for sure when talking about the highest score in a single game in the NBA. , 'Oh, that's what Jack Chen created.'”

The mediocre performance of the two protagonists after the game could not conceal the excitement of this crazy game and the touch he brought to people.

The game itself was full of drama, coupled with Chen Mo's crazy performance, this game was even more exciting and perfect.

"The best screenwriter and director in this world can only be God, and only God can direct such an exciting game." Chris Paul updated his social networking site after the game.

In fact, this game is also a great game for Kobe and Paul.They set off greatness, but they're just as great.

Some people say that this night is like a volcano erupting in the deep sea. First, the vibration is felt, then the sea surface calms down, then the water surface starts to boil, and finally the rolling magma blasts out of the water surface.

The magician commented after the game, "The number of games won't affect anything. These two teams have almost firmly secured the top two in the Western Conference, but the desire to win expressed by the two teams in this game made them This game doesn't belong in the Finals. This game has all the drama you want to see."

"I thought Jack Chen's return of the king was the biggest climax of the game, but I didn't expect him to slowly push the game to the biggest climax. The three-pointers like a torrential rain stunned me I never thought of such a process."

"Jack Chen is as crazy as a storm, hearty."

The magician praised Chen Mo in the broadcast of the game, and Van Gundy felt as sick as if he had eaten shit.

How many fans frantically scrolled through all the news about the Warriors and Chen Mo on the Internet after the game, as long as they could click on it, they clicked in and read it, and they didn't miss all the websites.

Lin Wei called Chen Mo at 1 in the morning, "I'm sorry, I really don't want to disturb you, but I'm really excited now. Do you understand this feeling? After the game, I watched half an hour's advertisement , and then I stood up to go to the bathroom, but I found my legs were still weak. Jack, you are amazing, you have performed miracles!"

Chen Mo had just returned to the hotel and was going to sleep. After the game, he was asked by the coaching staff to have a detailed examination. His knee injury made everyone very nervous.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Since you choose to be my fan, you must have this kind of awareness! After all, I will often perform miracles in the future. If you keep doing this, I will worry about your health."

Lin Wei smiled. After expressing her feelings, she hung up the phone. She had to go to bed quickly, and she had to get up early to go to work tomorrow.But I don't know if she can sleep in this mood now.

There are many people who are too excited to fall asleep, but there are also many people who are too uncomfortable to fall asleep.

Lakers fans will now unconsciously think that that person should have belonged to Zijin!
The next day, almost all the media were reporting the news about Chen Mo scoring 23 three-pointers in a single game, 75 points in a single game, and the return of the king to beat the Lakers.

This makes the Lakers fans look so uncomfortable.

The magician accepted a telephone interview on ESPN's "Basketball Front" program that day. He said: "Letting Jack Chen go is the biggest mistake of the Los Angeles Lakers. If he is here, the current dynasty in Los Angeles will be almost seamlessly connected. But Now, not only has he not become a part of Zijin, he has also become an enemy of Zijin, which is terrible."

Magician's remarks actually blamed the Lakers' uniform team. Although he has withdrawn from the Lakers and is no longer the small boss of the Lakers, his heart is still purple and gold.If Chen Mo belonged to the Lakers, all this would be wonderful for him.

While praising Chen Mo, the Orange County Reporter also published an article full of remorse.The author of this article is a loyal fan of the Lakers, and this almost represents the aspirations of Lakers fans.

There are not many such voices, but there are also quite a few. In today's big Internet era, the voices gathered from all corners are still very powerful, especially the magician's words played a detonating role.

The struggle for power within the Lakers has actually continued. After the death of Old Buss, his two sons and daughters fought fiercely for the control of the Lakers.

In the end, Jim Buss took control of the Lakers, but the pressure from Jenny Buss never stopped.This time, because of Chen Mo's matter, Jim Bass once again received tremendous pressure from Jenny.

Jim immediately held a press conference. After announcing the conference, he hesitated, but finally decided to detonate the conflict and direct the pressure on himself elsewhere.

"We had sincerely asked him to come back this summer, but he turned us down. His request was too much. So we worked hard and there was no problem with our work."

"So, even if we implemented the team option at that time, he would not renew his contract with us. This is the logic of the matter, and there is no problem at all."

"But we have Chris Paul now. Chris is not worse than Jack, and he even does better in some ways. He is willing to share the ball with Kobe, and he is willing to sacrifice."

"Jack wanted total control of the ball, and he couldn't tolerate people touching his ball, so it was his selfishness that kept him from wearing a Lakers jersey again."

"The most important thing is that Chris helped us a lot. He made us stronger. 75 points is not something that can be obtained. If we meet in the playoffs, I think we will win in the end. We have Found a way to deal with him, didn't you?"

"Michael Jordan should know him well. I think Michael can prove what kind of person he is."

The purpose of Jim's press conference is actually to express that even if they implement the team option, Chen Mo will leave this summer.The reason is that Chen Mo would not be willing to share the ball with Kobe, he is a selfish player.Now our lineup is very strong. Paul is no worse guard than Chen Mo. If we meet in the playoffs, the Lakers will definitely become the final winner of the series.Then he also tried to drag Jordan into the water together.

Jim is throwing the blame. He thinks all of this is Chen Mo's fault, and they have done a great job. This summer they brought in Paul and Gerald Wallace, and the Lakers have become stronger. The Zijin Building is not It will collapse because of last season's sweep, and the dynasty will still be built.

Jim was complacent about his performance at the press conference, and finally he asserted: "Look! Jack Chen and the Warriors are just lucky enough to achieve such results this season. Now the whole league knows where his weakness is. We're going to take him together, and I don't think they'll even make it to the Western Conference Finals against us."

This kind of argument of Bass Jr. caused him a lot of trouble. He estimated the IQ of the fans too simply.

"If you didn't give up first, how do you know that Jack won't renew his contract?"

"In fact, you first abandoned Jack, and now you want him back. Do you think everyone is so cheap? He is the absolute core of any team, why should he come back as the second head?"

All kinds of voices bombarded Jim Bass, including Kupchak, who belonged to his direct army, and he was under a lot of pressure from public opinion.

Chen Mo responded lightly to Jim Buss, "Time will tell a lot, and history has no ifs. See you in the playoffs!"

Jenny Buss felt very happy after seeing Jim hold such a conference. "You may be in trouble." She sent Jim a text message.

After the Warriors beat the Lakers here, they will face three consecutive away games. Among them, they will first watch the back-to-back away games against the Grizzlies and Timberwolves.After a day off, they immediately returned to Oakland after the away game against the Jazz to face the Denver Nuggets back-to-back.

After Chen Mo's knee injury was checked, the team doctors gave their opinion, and they suggested that Chen Mo take a rest in the next three away games.


Old Mota helped his presbyopic glasses, and said seriously: "This is the safest suggestion for the time being. Your return made your injury a little worse, but this is within my expectation. The injury is still serious. It's not a big problem, it mainly depends on the recovery situation afterwards."

What Mota gave was the safest suggestion. The coaching staff believed that Chen Mo should follow Mota's arrangement. After all, he is the absolute core of the Warriors, so nothing can go wrong.

Chen Mo didn't argue with the coaching staff either. Since he was asked to rest, he should rest.

The coaching staff launched a detailed routine for the upcoming schedule, and they will discuss the team's rotation situation.After that, their schedule is not easy, but based on the current record of the Warriors, they don't need to do their best in the next game.

Chen Mo got nearly a week's vacation. If he doesn't need to go to Denver with the team as a guest, he will have three days' vacation after April 4th.If the team doctor thinks that Chen Mo still needs to rest, his leave will be longer.

The Warriors announced Chen Mo's truce plan on the official website, and the fans didn't think there was anything wrong.The Warriors will definitely take a rest in the next game. It is a fact that Chen Mo's knee is injured. Since the Warriors have a reason to let Chen Mo rest more, they will definitely not waste the opportunity.

After hearing the news of Chen Mo taking a break, the most excited person was not Jessica, but Reggie Miller.

Uncle Miller was staying up late and working overtime on his new book recently. He immediately asked for a week off after hearing the news that Chen Mo was resting at home, and flew to Oakland to discuss the book situation with Chen Mo.

The new book Miller is preparing to publish is called "Everyone Can Be Jack Chen". He has written all his understanding of shooting and training methods, and then he needs Chen Mo to supplement.

Chen Mo met Miller that night, and they had dinner together at a Mexican steakhouse in the Bay Area.After the meal, Chen Mo wanted to invite Miller to have fun, but Miller directly refused. Uncle Miller immediately went to work. This guy seemed very fanatical.

"Are you okay! Old guy, are you bewitched? You have achieved financial freedom when you were 25 years old!" Chen Mo said, "You don't need to work so hard! Do you want to be with Hakeem (Austria)?" Rajuwon) compete to see whose training camp is more popular? You have nothing to do with him, do you?"

Financial freedom means that you don’t have to work from now on, you can live at a normal pace every day, and you have enough money to spend 30 years.

Miller said: "There are many people who have achieved financial freedom at a very young age, but they are still working hard. In fact, it is just to realize their own value and do something that they think is meaningful. The TV industry is what I like. Yes, and making shooting and three-pointers a more important part of basketball, even changing the status quo of the league and promoting an innovation is also very meaningful."

"I used to think I wasn't capable enough, I didn't have enough weight. But now that you show up and join me, I feel like I can start this thing, and I also got Jeff (Hornacek), and we can definitely work together. Make it happen."

Miller raised his eyebrows, and then said: "So you kid, hurry up and work for me, you have to share so much money, do you have the nerve to just watch the fun?"

"Old guy, are you going to break the contract?" Chen Mo said.

Miller smiled, with a rascal look on his face, "You can come to the training camp as you like, but you have to participate in our first textbook, otherwise I will bombard you with phone calls every day."

Chen Mo was defeated by the old rascal, "You are still so worthless at such an advanced age."

Miller smiled, and said immediately: "Jack, I think this is really meaningful. I studied many classic teams in the history of the league. You know that Utah had one of the best pitchers in the league in 98. How many [-]s do the Jazz take per game?"

Miller got into work really quickly, and Chen Mo really didn't know the questions he asked.

(End of this chapter)

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