genius point guard

Chapter 441 Love's Assist

Chapter 441 Love's Assist
The fat boy sitting next to Eleanor couldn't accept this woman's chattering, mainly because she thought that Jack Chen, who was so worthless, was weak?
"Woman, please shut up if you don't understand." The fat boy said in a bad tone.If it weren't for the fact that the two people next to him were beauties, he might have greeted her with his "genitals" long ago.

"What are you talking about? Are you talking so rudely?" Eleanor said, "No wonder you came to watch the game alone. There must be no girls willing to be your girlfriend."

The Fat Boy just got broken up and back single last week, and the guy who stole his girlfriend is his best buddy.The most important thing is that Eleanor and Emma Watson are now sitting in the seats of his girlfriend and his brother. In the past, the three of them came to the Oracle Arena to watch the game together.

"Is your boyfriend here?" said the fat boy.

"What are you asking my boyfriend for?" Eleanor asked.

"Hit him!" replied the fat boy, "I don't hit women!"

Eleanor got angry, "You rude fat man."

The fat boy started to roll up his sleeves, but his eyes were always above his head. Eleanor, who claimed to be a wealthy family, was very angry when she saw the fat boy's behavior.

"You nigger! How dare you do it?" Eleanor yelled. "The security will throw you out like a pig."

Mr. Director, who watched all directions and listened to all directions, immediately noticed the abnormality of this stand, and he pointed the camera at this place immediately.

The directors found the conflict there, and of course Chen Mo also found it. At this time, Kirilenko and Millsap cut to the basket at the same time. It was a perfect fit.No one would think that Chen Mo could not pass the ball accurately.

Some people have already started cheering in advance. If they wait for the dunk to happen and then cheer, it will always seem that they are slow to react and the people around them will clap.Fans at Oracle Arena have learned to cheer and predict over the course of a season.

But the expected pass did not come true, and even Millsap and Kirilenko were extremely surprised. On the one hand, they were frustrated that a good opportunity was wasted, and on the other hand, they were surprised that the ball did not come in.They never believed that Chen Mo would be blocked by Gordon, and there had never been a defender who could defend Chen Mo at the top of the arc without fouling.

Finally, they heard the referee's whistle.

"It seems to be a foul." Kirilenko and Millsap thought so in their hearts.

In fact, however, the ball flew off the touchline.Chen Mo passed the ball to the stands.

"My God, what happened?" The on-site commentator exclaimed: "This... What kind of mistake is this? Jack Chen already wants to leave work?"

Soon, everyone discovered the truth.Although there are not many Conan, as long as you are not a fool, you will understand it instantly.

Chen Mo passed the ball to the right hand that the fat boy swung, and the fat boy hugged the ball.Chen Mo immediately ran to the sidelines and shouted to the fat boy, "Dude, be gentle with women, wait for me here after the game, and I'll give you the jersey."

A conflict was invisible, but the narrator on the scene had another talking point.

"That's Hermione playing Emma Watson!" The commentator said, "Although I don't know how she walked into the Oracle Arena and how she clashed with the fans next to her, Jack Chen must be For the sake of being a hero and saving the beauty, I allowed such a low-level mistake in my technical statistics."

"Of course, it may be that my understanding is in the wrong direction, so I am still single at this age." The commentator continued after laughing at himself: "This may be an assist of love, although this assist will not be recorded in the game. Statistically, but will likely be recorded in the technical statistics of life."

"This guy is right." Jackson sat on the bench and tapped Erlang's leg to answer: "Maybe Jack will be able to play three books tonight. This guy's vision is really wide. I thought he could only understand the situation on the field. Who would have thought that this guy could even control every move in the auditorium."

"Yes, so Jack now has two beautiful girlfriends, and you can only guard your lioness to vent." Dorell-White added seriously.

The fans are also talking about what happened just now, which is more interesting than the game on the field.

The fat boy sat down quietly, he was too embarrassed to have another conflict with Eleanor next to him.Emma Watson breathed a sigh of relief, but Eleanor didn't speak for a long time. The moment the fat boy raised his hand, she was really terrified.

And after sending out what the commentator called "the assist of love", Chen Mo finally opened his scoring account.

Griffin warned Chen Mo just now, telling him to focus more during the game.Chen Mo told him that even if he stored half of his brain in the locker room, he could still easily kill the game.

Just after halftime with the ball, Chen Mo immediately took a shot. The ball went directly through the basket, and the nets were still beautiful.

"Sorry, I was wrong just now." Chen Mo shouted to Griffin: "Even if I store all my brains in the locker room, I can still easily kill the game."

Eleanor finally saw Chen Mo score a goal, relaxed and happy.

"So far?" Eleanor said, "Aren't you blind?"

The fat boy said impatiently: "Even if Jack is not in good shape, he can score one or two goals in a game."

"What about when you're in good shape?" Eleanor asked subconsciously.

"It's hard to say whether it's ten or twenty. Anyway, he now holds the NBA record for making 23 three-pointers in a single game." The two chicks in the school don't know anything about basketball!

"So powerful?" Eleanor said in surprise.In the Premier League, a striker who averages 1 goal per game is already a super striker. Although football goals are different from basketball, they throw 23 three-pointers in a game.Isn't that about the same as scoring five on a football field?
"No, it's much harder than scoring five in football." The fat boy began to explain to Eleanor.

Emma Watson has been watching the game quietly, she is also a little impatient, she is waiting for Chen Mo to fulfill his promise of massacre!
"The massacre scene he mentioned, wouldn't it be to massacre the opponent with a pass?" Emma thought worriedly: "Isn't that boring?"

But what happened next made her feel relieved...

"Shua!" The offensive end scored a three-pointer again, and Chen Mo pointed at Griffin with a gesture of three.

"Why do you think something as simple as drinking water is so complicated?" Chen Mo said: "You don't need to focus at all to win."

(End of this chapter)

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