genius point guard

Chapter 445 Choose the Way of Victory

Chapter 445 Choose the Way of Victory (47)

Emma Watson and Eleanor were still sitting in their old places, and the fat boy came.It's just that it's not clear whether he came to the scene today as a loyal fan of the Warriors or as a private commentator.

In fact, these are not very critical. The key thing is that the Spurs point guard Tony Parker challenged Chen Mo during the warm-up.

"If you want to drink milk, it's most appropriate to go back to your mother's arms." Parker said.

"Does Eva still have milk?" Chen Mo asked.

Eva is Parker's wife, now it should be his ex-wife, and they divorced last year.

Parker wanted to hit Chen Mo before the game, but Chen Mo mocked him in turn.

For this kind of trash talk attack, Chen Mo is not afraid of anyone.

The commentary lineup sent by T-NT for this game is still the pair of golden partners. Barkley and Kenny Smith have already sat in the commentary booth, and they have chatted happily before the game.The topic of course cannot be separated from Chen Mo.

"Charles, what do you think of Jack drinking Yakult drinks at supper?" Kenny Smith said: "I took a look at this drink before I came today. To be honest, I have never paid attention to this drink."

"You don't pay attention because you have no children!" Barkley said: "I think this drink is very suitable for Jack Chen, after all, he is still a child."

"Hahaha!" Kenny Smith laughed. "I actually think this drink is more suitable for Steph Curry."

"I think Yakult should pay Jack one endorsement fee." Barkley said: "No, it should be two. They should also invite Stephen Curry to endorse together. The endorsement effect must be good."

"But I think we have to be more serious when it comes to this topic." Kenny Smith said: "Jack's choice looks fanciful, but in fact his choice is completely unreasonable from the perspective of a professional athlete. Right, it's a testament to his professionalism."

"Yes, anyway, if you appear on such an occasion, you will definitely choose alcohol." Barkley seemed to know that Kenny Smith was going to complain about him, so he said it first, "I mean you are still playing. when."

At this time, the director turned the camera on Emma Watson. Barkley was afraid that Kenny Smith would hurt him. He had a lot of bad things in his career. Anyway, if someone wanted to drink two drinks with him yesterday, he would definitely not drink. Yakult.At the moment, Barkley brought the topic to Emma Watson, "That was Jack's 'love assist' Emma yesterday!"

Kenny Smith felt a little unlucky. Based on what he knew about Barkley, he didn’t even need to Google to blackmail that fat man. I bet Emma didn't come here today to watch any crucial match, she came to see Jack Chen."

"Now I think those guys who can pass the ball are really happy, and they can get love with just a pass."

"Do you think Jack Chen is Cupid?" Kenny Smith said, "The main thing is to be handsome. Of course, if you can't be handsome, you must at least be thin."

Barkley and Smith pinch each other in the commentary booth, and the audience loves to watch them pinch each other.

At this time, the players have finished warming up, they returned to the locker room, and the game will start soon.This game is the last game in the NBA today, and they will not start until after the previous game between the Heat and the Celtics. The game may start 10 minutes later than expected.

The DJ on the scene continued to maintain the heat of the scene, and at this time in the locker room, Bo Povic once again began to emphasize their tactical arrangements.

"Don't let him shoot three-pointers, that's the basis." The old man said: "For us, his best shooting point is the distance between the three-point line and the free throw line."

"Once he gets inside the free-throw line, our defensive focus turns to the pass," Bo Povic said. "Defend their cuts and don't let me see one of them hanging on the rim."

"Finally, it's the key point we need to type today." Bo Povich took a marker and wrote a word on the whiteboard - "logging!"

"Once he breaks through inside the free throw line, I will shoot him to the ground. We don't need any sloppy fouls, tough, resolute! Most importantly, make him hurt! Make him afraid to come in again."

"Pay attention to the number of your own fouls, don't disrupt our rotation rhythm."

After Bo Povic finished talking about the tactics, he said: "Of course, this is just a regular season. We don't need to have too much pressure, just face them normally."

How to deal with the Warriors Bo Povic has been distressed before, but the Los Angeles Lakers gave him an excellent idea.The old man also doesn't like dirty, rough, ugly basketball, but he is a man who pursues winning and results.According to him, "I chose the way to win."

This is the way to defeat the Warriors, and he must choose.It's like he doesn't like three-pointers, but now in the Spurs' tactical system, the proportion of three-pointers has become more and more important.

The atmosphere on the Warriors' side seemed relatively peaceful, and they had no special focus.

Amidst the wave of targeting Chen Mo in the entire league, the Warriors gradually cultivated a kind of kingly temperament.Chen Mo was always targeted by others, but no one could truly defeat him.Even if the Los Angeles people used logging tactics to the extreme, they still couldn't really defeat Chen Mo.

This kind of self-confidence is the most critical thing they have been cultivated this season.

In other words, they already have the heart of a championship.

"Do you need a tube of Yakult before the game?" Jackson took out another bottle of Yakult from the cabinet and gave it to Chen Mo.

Everyone continued to laugh, Chen Mo gritted his teeth and took the Yakult from Jackson's hand, drank it in one gulp, and said, "It's been a while since you took it out, it's not because the ice is affecting the taste."

"It is enough to have an empty bottle here." Jackson said: "From now on, I will call you Mr. Yakult, and I will be responsible for collecting your empty bottles."

Jackson took out a storage box from the cabinet, "This one is specially used to collect your baby drinks."

At this time, the staff came in to inform them that the game was about to start.

Jackson restrained the smile on his face, and he became serious.

Chen Mo stood in the middle of the locker room, and everyone gathered around.Chen Mo shouted, "What time is it?"

"Battle time!" everyone collectively responded.

(End of this chapter)

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