genius point guard

Chapter 471 Changes in the blink of an eye

Chapter 471 Changes in the blink of an eye (33)

Westbrook burst out in anger, and he dribbled the ball into the Warriors' inside lane three times in a row.It is said that there must be a break just after the end, but Westbrook seems to have never had this kind of worry, he just went straight.

Westbrook took the Thunder's first three goals in the second quarter.

"Jack Chen is not on the court, Russell (Westbrook) is going crazy." Barkley said.

Kenny Smith said: "So I think Jack Chen should be selected to the first defensive team. His defense has always been underestimated. How good he was against Russell in the first quarter!"

Barkley said: "From an objective point of view, if Jack Chen wants to defend, his defense will be great. But more often he must focus on the offensive organization and scoring. His Physical fitness is notoriously poor, and it is impossible for him to devote extra energy to the defensive end. It is okay to exert strength occasionally, but it is too difficult for him to exert strength for a long time and focus on it.”

But Chen Mo knows how to use his own advantages. He will use his mouth skills to the extreme. Against Westbrook, Chen Mo will use one or two successful defenses to defeat Westbrook's mind.

But today, Westbrook's early exit in the first quarter allowed him to accumulate enough resentment and energy on the sidelines. When the second quarter came up, his small universe exploded, and the accumulated energy began to be released.

"Boom!" Westbrook used Durant's pick-and-roll to hit the inside line again. He smashed the ball vigorously with both hands, like a heavenly soldier falling from the sky.

He was howling on the ground, as if there were three brothers as strong as him behind him cheering him on.

When it was time for Chen Mo to play, the Warriors' lead was eroded to 7 points.

"Should we stabilize the rhythm later?" Timothy Glenn asked Chen Mo inquiringly during the timeout.

Chen Mo shook his head and said, "We have never had a solution to difficulties like 'holding the rhythm'."

Timothy Glenn nodded. After all, he still has a bit of the old basketball philosophy in his heart. When the opponent is aggressively chasing points or his own team is in trouble, the first thing he thinks of is to stabilize the rhythm.

But in the Golden State Warriors, there is absolutely no such argument.According to Chen Mo's words, "We are still leading now, why should we stabilize the rhythm? It is enough to crush the past with a strong offense."

In fact, the current situation is still very advantageous for the Warriors. The Thunder's three young players have played for a long time today, and Durant has not rested for 1 minute since he played. Their consumption is very high.The Warriors use their speed and rotation on the defensive end to bite the opponent tightly, and then hit a quick counterattack on the offensive end to kill the opponent.

The Thunder are not Po Povich's Spurs. Their players don't have the willpower to stick to the defense quickly.Just like the output position is always the most popular when playing games, no one likes to work hard in the support position, especially those attacking star players.

The game restarted, and the Warriors put on a small lineup. Their three powerful outside output firepower points plus Millsap and Kirilenko, this lineup is small enough and fast enough.

"The Golden State Warriors are on their most powerful and fastest lineup." Barkley said: "They are going to respond strongly."

Kenny Smith said: "Now we should not see Jack Chen on the defensive end against Russell Westbrook, but the next scene will definitely be very exciting. The Golden State Warriors will show their league's first The score was explosive."

Chen Mo doesn't like Westbrook's style of play very much. When he explodes, he seems to be proving his role as a lone hero every moment.He didn't show his toughness and determination to his teammates.Chen Mo likes his spirit. A team needs his spirit and state, but it is for the team, not just for a certain player.

The Warriors' first offense after coming back from the timeout failed. Curry's three-pointer bounced out of the basket, and he played a little anxiously.Their small lineup can maximize the space, but their players need to enter this rhythm and momentum, and Curry is a little anxious to handle the ball.

The Thunder's advancement speed is definitely not slow. After the backcourt rebound was accepted by Durant, Westbrook and Harden were like two fast arrows off the string and rushed towards the opponent's half court.Durant passed the touchdown pass to Westbrook, and Millsap and Thompson shrank to attack Westbrook. In the two-on-two situation in the frontcourt, Harden had a good chance at the first time.

Westbrook's pass came late, and Curry had caught up with Harden.Westbrook forced a layup, and his layup came out of the basket.Millsap took the rebound and made a long pass to Chen Mo.

Westbrook also saw Chen Mo come back, this time the attack was a little bit Shi Lezhi.

But the Thunder's fast break failed, and the Warriors directly created a scoring opportunity for Chen Mo with the ball.Chen Mo raised his hand and scored a three-pointer. He was surrounded by only Durant who was flying over. Chen Mo easily slammed Durant past him with a dunk.

The point difference returned to double digits, and Brooks couldn't help cursing on the sidelines.He is not a coach who likes to reprimand players on the sidelines, but today he has swearing twice on the sidelines, once to Harden and this time to Westbrook.

This round of the series is too important for the Thunder, they actually have a good chance this year.The shortened season is actually very advantageous for this group of young people, because the playoff schedule is also tight, and the Spurs and the Lakers strangled very fiercely there.If they make it to the Western Conference Finals, they have a good chance.But the premise is to cross the hurdle of the Warriors. Brooks thinks that in this round of the series, they should fight for every inch of land, and the details must be perfect. It's a pity that they didn't get such a stable score.

What's more, Durant's touchdown pass was wasted, and the Warriors immediately returned a touchdown pass for Chen Mo to score a three-pointer.One in and one out is 5 points!This is enough to decide the victory of this game.

Westbrook passed the ball to Harden in the frontcourt. Harden singled Curry. He wanted to make a foul, but the referee blew the ball every time. The actor Harden's performance in front of Curry was unsuccessful.

The referee meant to favor the Warriors. Harden went to the referee to argue, but at this time the ball had quickly reached the frontcourt.A chance for the Warriors to fight back.

Once a counterattack occurs, the Warriors will never talk nonsense with the Thunder. Chen Mo throws the ball at the free throw line, and Millsap falls from the sky and grabs the ball to the basket before Durant.Durant took the ball out, and the referee whistled to signal interference with the ball.

(End of this chapter)

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