genius point guard

Chapter 504 One wave just flattened one wave again

Chapter 504

After the Warriors won an away game, the total score of the two teams came to 2 to 1. After the time entered the playoffs, most of the players' entertainment activities have been cancelled.And in the city of San Antonio, there isn't much entertainment.

Although Texas nightclubs have their own unique charm, players have little interest in them at this time.

The time has entered June, and the big white legs have become a unique street scene on the road.The Warriors didn't do much training on the rest day in San Antonio, but Chen Mo chose to do extra training as usual.

Chen Mo is more anxious to start body enhancement, and Lei Ao is more anxious than Chen Mo.

In the evening, when Chen Mo was doing squat training, he suddenly threw the dumbbell to the ground, which shocked Leo.

"What's wrong with you?" If Chen Mo gets injured during training, it will not only be a disaster for the Warriors, but also a disaster for Leo's career.

Chen Mo knelt down and supported his Achilles tendon with both hands, and said, "I feel pain here!"

Chen Mo's sense of self-protection has always been very good, otherwise his physical fitness would have been injured in the game.

Lei Ao roughly recalled Chen Mo's training data in his mind, and he was sure that this kind of intensity training would not cause damage to Chen Mo's body.Years of work experience made Leo feel a little bit down.He quickly checked Chen Mo's Achilles tendon, and then asked Chen Mo to stand up.

"It's not the kind of hurt." Chen Mo said after feeling the faint pain, "It seems to be..."

Chen Mo searched for the adjectives in his brain, and then said, "It seems like something is about to explode."

"Just like when I was 14 and growing up."

Lei Ao was ecstatic about Chen Mo's answer, "Maybe you will have an explosive growth this season and shock the whole world."

Lei Ao felt that his own research would soon find the best proof material, which must be a precursor to the age of Chen Mo's muscles.

Lei Ao has always believed that Chen Mo's body only increased in bone age during puberty, but his muscle age did not increase. This is the time when his muscle age increases.

The theory of skeletal age has been recognized by most people, but the term muscle age has not been recognized by too many people.

"I'm really looking forward to it!" Leo looked at Chen Mo, as if looking at the most beloved woman.But that doesn't seem to look like someone's eyes, it seems to be looking at some treasure.

They continued to train, and Lei Ao increased the amount of training for Chen Mo in order to stimulate the energy in Chen Mo's muscles faster.

After the training, Chen Mo felt that he was in good condition.And according to his observation, there is only a slight gap in the second energy slot of Vic's ring, and the physical enhancement is indeed about to start.

The focus of the NBA on this day is the battlefield in the East, the third game between the Miami Heat and the Boston Celtics.

The North Shore Gardens prepared a "spectacular" welcome ceremony for their guests tonight. In the opening animation, the little man on crutches on the Celtics logo waved the cane to hit the Miami Heat logo, and then the logo broken.The fans in the audience cheered wildly, and the green ocean was churning.

This color, coupled with the darker tone of the North Shore Garden Arena, makes people feel chills for no reason.

Green should be warm, but the green here seems to be the biggest piranha in full bloom.He wants to be here, to devour everything.

Watching the game has become the main entertainment activity for the Warriors players at night. Chen Mo watched the game while doing physical therapy.

Bostonians are as fierce and tough as ever, and the real Wolverine-Mr. Pierce seems to have a pair of steel claws installed, and he wants to destroy and tear everything apart.

Pearsa scored 18 points in the first quarter and the Boston Celtics took the lead at the start.

After that, Ray Allen began to exert his strength. He scored three-pointers in a row, making Spoelzla's team's counterattacks come to naught again and again.

Then it was the time for Wolf King Garnett to exert his strength. Continuous high jumpers became a nightmare for the Miami people.They seem to have always had a chance to catch up with the score, but they have never been able to exceed the score.

The Big Three of the Celtics played in turns, and the Miamis were hard to parry. In the end, they lost the game 91 to 99, and the Celtics took the lead.

After the game, the fans were still full of enthusiasm.

But as the NBA gets closer to the end, when the climax is about to come, it seems that it will never be calm, and it will always be lively.

The game has just ended, and some fans said that they want to quickly see the game between the Spurs and the Warriors tomorrow.

However, they saw a scolding battle ahead of time.

Eva posted a GIF of the game between the Celtics and the Heat on social networking sites. James and Pierce were entangled, and the two fell to the ground at the same time.And she said: "It's too barbaric, completely different from our Chen Chen's elegance."

Even Chen Mo felt goosebumps dripping all over his body. Who would have imagined that such nasty words came from a woman who was nearly 40 years old?

"Has his account been hacked?" Chen Mo's first reaction when he saw this sentence was this.

But it turned out that his first reaction was wrong. When Chen Mo saw it, the scolding war on social networking sites had already started for a while.

Ajiali fired at Eva almost immediately, "Shameless, does anyone care about you?"

The escalation of the scolding battle came from Eva's reply, "I am willing, do you care?"

The scolding between women is very unnutritious, but the speed of upgrading is very fast.If the two of them were arguing face to face, I'm afraid they would have torn each other's face and hair by now.

When Jessica's fans then joined the scolding battle, the situation was out of control.Although Chen Mo called Ajiali and told her to stop making trouble, the seedlings of farce didn't need to be taken care of after being planted, and they would grow wildly by themselves.

The snowball effect is the most appropriate explanation in this environment.

"Crazy!" Chen Mo said to Curry when he was about to go to bed: "One wave of farce has just subsided, but another wave of farce has begun even more intensely."

Curry covered his mouth and smiled: "But all the farce is related to you, and I must stay away from you in the future."

"You can't leave me anymore." Chen Mo said.

Curry couldn't take it anymore when Chen Mo said such disgusting words suddenly.

Curry shrank his head and said, "Next time I won't sleep with you in the away game, I'm a little scared, you might really be gay."

"Hurry up and go to bed!" Chen Mo said: "Tomorrow it will be decided whether we can save a plane ticket from Oakland to San Antonio."

Chen Mo can stop the farce of tactical discussions with actions, but Chen Mo can't handle this kind of brainless scolding.No matter what he does, it will only make the farce more noisy, and the only thing he can do is to keep his mouth shut.

(End of this chapter)

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