genius point guard

Chapter 521 Warrior's Warrior

Chapter 521 Warrior's Warrior

The news that Chen Mo will play a closed game in G2 of the finals made the fans who really care about him very worried.

"He must have endured great pain?"

"I've sent the blades to Norris Cole's family, the son of a bitch."

The denunciation of the fans blocked all the retreats behind the Miami Heat and Pat Riley, and they only had one way to win the championship.

If you don't win the championship...

James shook his head fiercely. He couldn't imagine the consequences of not being able to win the championship this year.

Pat Riley, a wily and calculating guy, is also used to thinking of the worst outcome when thinking about problems, but this time he has no way to think of the worst outcome.Before him, there is only one path to success.

The second game of the finals did not make fans wait too long. Chen Mo appeared in the starting lineup of the Warriors as scheduled.

"Don't be too pushy." Ajiali held Chen Mo's hand in the player tunnel. She knew the pain Chen Mo was enduring now, so she felt very distressed.

"You can control the scale yourself." Jessica said, "Even if you are really disabled, I still want you."

Motta couldn't stop Chen Mo from participating in the game, and he gave the worst result.If Chen Mo forced himself to participate in the competition, if he injured his lumbar spine, he might have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

"My luck has always been very good." Chen Mo said with a smile: "Even if I am really disabled, I can still participate in wheelchair basketball! I will still be a star there."

Jessica thumped Chen Mo's chest, "Shut up! Don't talk nonsense, you bastard."

Chen Mo said with a smile: "I have been with Stephen for so long, and everything I say is poisonous milk, don't worry!"

The topic of Curry's poisoned milk before the game is rarely mentioned now. After all, this is not the time for jokes.But in fact, he poisoned his own success again, and he opened a series of hell mode for the Warriors.

"Here we come!" Barkley said: "The number 23 of the Golden State Warriors! He really appeared on the field as scheduled."

"We all know how badly Jack Chen suffered from his back, but he still appeared in the game." Kenny Smith said: "He was a real warrior tonight. No matter what the outcome of the game, this series It all belongs to Jack Chen."

"Golden State Warriors No. 23 Warrior, let's wish him luck!" Barkley said.

The Heat's starting lineup returned to normal today, and Norris Cole's foul was quickly punished by the league. He was suspended for 15 games.This is probably one of the largest penalties for individual players in league history.

In fact, Norris Cole's foul action should not be punished with such a level of suspension.But the league was eager to appease the already bursting fans, and they gave a marginal rookie the most direct and severe suspension penalty.

Stern held a press conference yesterday. He said that in the future, the league will use this punishment as the benchmark for the punishment of violent fouls in the game.

This year, the NBA's overseas income has doubled. The overseas plan that had been abandoned and basically failed was almost saved by Chen Mo alone.If Chen Mo is destroyed, Stern will kill people.

The referee blows the whistle and the game begins.

Biedrins won the jump ball, and Chen Mo controlled the ball forward.

The person assigned by the Heat to defend Chen Mo was Wade. Chen Mo in this state did not need to use James to defend, which relieved a large part of the pressure on James.

"Don't delay your career because of being brave." Wade said: "We are very guilty of your injury, and hope that we will continue to fight next season."

Wade did it out of good intentions, because he felt guilty, so he talked a lot today.

Chen Mo shook his head, he didn't want to discuss with anyone what kind of impact his forced comeback would have on his future career.Anyway, if he wants to still stand up, he has to work hard.

"I will defeat you this time." Chen Mo said.

He closed his mouth after he finished speaking, and now he has no feeling in his waist.

This is a hidden threat of playing closed games, because the players' injuries are completely unfeeling, even if they are injured twice during the game, they cannot feel it at the time.It's too late to feel it when the medicine wears off.

Millsap came up to pick and roll Chen Mo, and Chen Mo adjusted his position with small steps backwards.

As soon as the cover arrived, Chen Mo rushed out with a quick cross step.

Wade was blocked tightly, but the Heat still adopted the strategy of not changing defenses.

Chen Mo seized the opportunity and made a direct mid-range shot.


Chen Mo generally doesn't like to shoot this kind of mid-range jumper. This kind of long-distance two-pointer is the cheapest shot. Although his shooting rate is high, his efficiency is low!
Today, Chen Mo had to change his usual game strategy.

"Do you think the back injury really affects him?" Barkley said: "There is no problem with this offense at all. Now I can guarantee that he is the most powerful player on the planet."

Kenny Smith said: "There is no difference in the action, but it can be seen from his expression that the impact is not small. Otherwise, we will definitely be able to see him smiling, shaking his head and stepping back now."

"In addition, generally speaking, he will not choose this kind of mid-range shooting." Smith continued: "In the normal rhythm, he should break through, and then find an opportunity to pass an alley-oop or let the outside line find a three-pointer. Chance."

Watching Chen Mo's games a lot, the commentator also knows Chen Mo's game habits very well.Chen Mo violated his usual game habits, which must have been affected by a certain back injury.

The Heat attacked, and they kept looking for money for Mourning's pick-and-roll.

They would never allow Chen Mo to take advantage of this weakness in this kind of game. The general strategy of the Warriors against James is to switch defenses infinitely, but they cannot let Chen Mo switch defenses against James.

After constant, patient cover.James still found a chance to single Chen Mo, Chen Mo stepped aside, he was unwilling to confront James at this time.

James easily hit the jumper, and Chen Mo sighed.The difficulty of this game is not just from the waist injury.

"Use offense to solve the problem!" Chen Mo thought to himself.

"Give me the ball!" As soon as Chen Mo brought the ball to the frontcourt, Curry reached out for the ball.

"Find cover, don't fight alone." Chen Mo shouted, and Curry nodded, agreeing to Chen Mo's arrangement.

On the strong side, Chen Mo and Biedrins cooperated in the pick-and-roll, and on the weak side, Curry continued to perform off-ball screens with Millsap and Kirilenko.

The Warriors' off-ball screens have always been threatening, and this time they screened for opportunities.Kirilenko and Biedrins made an air cut to the inside. After Curry and Millsap made the last screen, Chen Mo leaned on Wade and gave a pass behind the head.

Curry took the ball and shot directly. His rhythm of catching and shooting was very good, and the ball went into the basket accurately.

(End of this chapter)

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