genius point guard

Chapter 570 This is my first time

Chapter 570 This is my first time

A man is by no means an animal that thinks from the lower body, but his lower body sometimes affects the judgment of the brain.

But at this time, Chen Mo didn't need to use his brain to make a judgment.

With red wine and dim lights, Chen Linlin was lying on the bed with a bath towel on.She saw the man, with a well-proportioned figure and a handsome face.

"With such a man, even just having him enough." Chen Linlin was full of such thoughts in her heart.

Chen Mo's dark eyes stared at the person in front of him, and his lips met the red lips stretched towards him.


At dawn, Chen Mo took Chen Linlin to the set.

Chen Mo went in with Chen Linlin on purpose, he wanted to let others know about their relationship.

The staff on the set today treated Chen Linlin a lot more politely. Chen Linlin thought it was good, and that was probably all Chen Mo could bring her.

On the other hand, the Chinese men's basketball team, which is competing in the Olympics in London, is not doing well.

The Chinese team without Chen Mo lost all five games in the Olympics, achieved the worst result in 20 years, and ranked bottom.

Dayao was invited to explain, and he said meaningfully at the end: "This is to repay the debt we owed before."

The fig leaf of rotten shoes is gone, and Chen Mo will not be their fig leaf. Coupled with Chen Mo's previous revelations, all the problems of Chinese basketball have been exposed.

Deng Huade became a scapegoat, and Lao Deng's journey as the head coach of the national team ended.

The shooting process of the Genius Point Guard movie went very smoothly, they completed all the shooting work on August 8th.

They plan to release it simultaneously in China, North America, Europe and other places on September 9.East Asia, excluding China, will be delayed by one week.

Some NBA video materials are used in the movie, and the copyright fee is not a small expense.

The investment of the whole film is 1 million RMB, which is not a lot of investment, but it is not a lot.What's more, Chen Mo himself only received a symbolic salary of 1 yuan.

Compared with the popularity of the previous novels, the movie is not favored by people.

The key lies in the industry's doubts about the cast. The film's production lineup is all newcomers, from the director to the actors, which is very rare in the film industry.

The most famous person here is Chen Mo, but Chen Mo is not a professional actor!
"The production lineup has no bright spots, and it only focuses on a basketball star. This is the biggest failure of this movie. I am not optimistic about the box office of this movie at all. I don't think even Chen Mo's huge appeal will make this movie. It makes money. Maybe in a few days, the major theaters will never see this movie again."

The well-known film critic Xiao Zhizhi on the scarf immediately sent a status after receiving the news that the genius point guard will be released on September 9.

Chen Mo is now the hottest celebrity, and everyone wants to catch the heat.

There are too many people who praise Chen Mo, and if you step on Chen Mo, you will feel like you stand out from the crowd.

Xiao Zhizhi has already written a large film review, and he will send it out as soon as the film is released.He posted the movie tickets for the premiere, and then used the plug-in to set up the automatic sending function of Weibo.

Before watching the movie, Chen Mo's acting skills were what Xiao Zhizhi could spray.He absolutely did not believe that Chen Mo's acting skills could be like a professional actor.

"I have to practice ball and participate in activities. How can I have time to train my performance?" Xiao Zhizhi looked at his file, full of sense of accomplishment. "If an actor only needs to be good-looking, I would have been an actor a long time ago."

He took the mirror and looked at the acne on his face that had been squeezed out two days ago and left acne marks.

"Actually, if I'm thinner, I'll be more handsome."

Narcissistic people always think they are handsome.

There are many people who think that the movie starring Chen Mo will hit the street with a genius point guard. This kind of competitive movie has been shot in China before.Jay Chou's basketball performance is very popular, and the box office is in a mess.

"I'm not optimistic about this kind of crossover. Acting is not so easy to learn." A tycoon in the entertainment industry who did not want to be named said.

But there are also people who are optimistic about this movie, at least Chen Mo's acting skills.

Before Chen Mo went to guest star in the zodiac, Brother Cheng Long did not comment on the story of the movie, but he highly affirmed Chen Mo's acting skills. "His acting skills are great, and I have thought about asking him to play an important role in the next movie. He is a natural actor."

"Chen Mo's team has spent a lot of effort on public relations!" Some trolls started to complain.

The navy is always spraying everywhere, they are always there, and they can spray at any time.

"What kind of PR can publicize Brother Cheng Long? Come and teach me."

"You believe that a person who has never studied acting can act well, anyway, I don't believe it, or I would have gone to acting long ago. What a shame!"

"That's right, I admit that Chen Mochang is handsome, but it would be nice for him to be a vase! If you want to play the leading role, isn't that just playing to death?"

"Is there anyone more suitable to play Chen Mo than Chen Mo? The upstairs is mentally handicapped!"

"Acting is the same as playing ball? You go eat some shit and calm down before talking to me."

The current environment on the Internet is like this, as soon as someone plays the rhythm, trolls will swarm in one after another.

Lin Wei's work in China is actually very busy. Apart from commercial activities, Chen Mo didn't have much to do with basketball throughout the summer, except for his own daily training.

Chen Mo's cross-border performance is a relatively important recording object for documentaries, and Torin wants to make this a separate chapter to describe.

Mike Tollin's request was to restore the most authentic Chen Mo from all aspects, including Chen Mo's favorite cartoon underwear.

This is what Hua Xiaoou muttered to himself when he walked out of the police station after seeing Liu Yuanxin's cartoon underwear. He said, "People nowadays like to spread cartoon underwear. That kid Chen Mo always makes some Disney cartoon underwear. It's disgusting." died."

Lin Wei didn't care how Hua Xiaoou knew about it, but she thought it was a very important detail.So... After she went back, she recorded a narration by herself, explaining Chen Mo's preference.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Yuanxin's life is very painful now. He now wears a small vest that cannot be bought in major wholesale markets across the country.The good news is that it didn't take long for him to pick quarrels and provoke troubles and did not cause any personal injury, but he caused heavy property damage to the other party. He promptly compensated and obtained the other party's understanding, and was detained for 5 months.

In the end, Chen Mo didn't ask them to pay for the exact same clothes, but asked them to pay for the [-]% discount.

Liu Yuanxin's father took out almost all of the company's working capital and paid the compensation in full.

Chen Mo agreed to sign the letter of understanding, and Hua Xiaoou naturally had nothing to disagree with.

That matter has long been left behind by Chen Mo, and now Chen Mo is actually quite nervous, after all, this is his first starring movie.

(End of this chapter)

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