genius point guard

Chapter 574 What kind of meat do you want

Chapter 574 What kind of meat do you want
It's that Kobe steak!
Chen Mo was almost sure that it was the effect of the steak.

But whether it is only the steak that is useful, or good ingredients like the Kobe steak, Chen Mo is not sure.

Chen Mo called Chris, and now he has anything to do with Chris directly.

"I think you need a dedicated housekeeper." Chris felt that Chen Mo was getting more and more involved.

Chen Mo was also a little embarrassed, after all, Chris' main responsibility was to make his money profitable.

"Let's talk about this matter at that time! Anyway, you arrange it for me and solve this matter for me." Chen Mo said, he didn't care whether Chris had any objections, anyway, they were already grasshoppers on the same rope.

When Chris was a child, he was well-clothed and well-fed, and he has a lot of research on eating.Chen Mo doesn't really want to eat, he just wants to make sure that the upgrade of body enhancement has something to do with what he eats.

Chris was so fast that he delivered five catties of meat to Chen Mo at night, but he refused to say what kind of animal it was.

"What the hell are you doing? You are mysterious." Chen Mo asked.

Chris is usually in Los Angeles, this time he drove directly to Oakland for a few pounds of meat, and he kept calm in front of Leo, only saying that he brought some good things with him to find Chen Mo for a meal, and then talked something.

"The less people know about this kind of thing, the better, especially for a rigid guy like Leo." Chris drove Leo into the kitchen.

"Can you still cook?" Chen Mo asked.

Chris said: "Fresh Bengal tiger meat is delicious when boiled."

Chen Mo's Adam's apple twitched, and he was very surprised. He shouted, "Are you cooking us the last free dinner?"

"Actually, it's nothing." Chris skillfully turned on the water and turned on the fire. He filtered the water twice with a filter device.

He brought the filter device himself, and he felt that the filter water system installed in Chen Mo's house was not clean.

"Water must be the purest." Chris said.

"Where did it come from?" Chen Mo asked.

"Have you seen the big accident at the California Zoo yesterday?" Chris said: "Two lionesses ran into Tiger Mountain, and then they fought. One lion died and the other was seriously injured. It was also seriously injured and died this morning. "

"I happened to see this news when you called me, so I asked someone to buy a few catties of meat." Chris said lightly, "Maybe there will be lion meat in two days."

"I don't understand the world of rich people at all."

"You are the boss!"

Chen Mo sighed, and their dinner was served.

Boiled tiger meat, fried tiger meat, a fruit salad, a stack of chicken breast and a plate of buttered bread.

If a Chinese chef sees them eating tiger meat like this, he will definitely feel reckless. Such a good thing is enough to make a full feast of tiger meat.

"It would be even better if there is tiger penis." Chris said, "Tiger penis soup is really a great tonic!"

Chen Mo's desire for tiger penis soup is not particularly great, but he seems to have deciphered some information from Chris' words.

"Are you dying in bed?" Chen Mo said.

Chris ignored him, he ate from the bowl and thought about the pot.

"Don't forget to get me the lion meat, and you just need to bring the meat to me, don't come by yourself."

Chris gave Chen Mo a big roll of his eyes, and then left.

Even if the body enhancement is not upgraded with top-quality ingredients, Chen Mo has already fallen in love with their taste.

Such enjoyment is also necessary.

The body enhancement scale on Vic's ring hadn't moved after eating just now, and the scales in this row hadn't moved until evening.

"It stands to reason that tiger meat should be better than beef! It can't be that the grade of tiger meat is not enough!" Chen Mo said secretly.

"What's wrong with you?" Jessica felt that Chen Mo seemed to have something on her mind.

Chen Mo sighed and said, "It's nothing."

Jessica seemed to be active tonight, but Chen Mo rejected her.One is that he is not in the mood, and the other is that his physical fitness can no longer support his squandering.

"Women's ability to recover is really strong." Chen Mo now finally understands what it means to be an exhausted cow and nothing worse.

After a night of nothing, the first thing Chen Mo did when he opened his eyes the next day was to observe Vic's ring.The result still disappointed him, the scale of body enhancement didn't increase at all.

"Damn it! Either the grade of tiger meat is not enough, or the increase in the scale has nothing to do with eating." Disappointment is disappointment, and Chen Mo is also a little happy. If he wants to concentrate on collecting top-level ingredients, he may really want to. We can't make ends meet.After all, his "principal plan" is a money-losing thing.

In the morning, he still trained according to the training plan formulated by Leo, and Chen Mo could feel his progress.In the new season, his back pressure and defense will both grow, but the breakthrough lethality is the biggest improvement brought by his physical enhancement.

"The speed is faster than yesterday." Lei Ao was surprised by Chen Mo's running speed, and he didn't think it was caused by Chen Mo's ups and downs.The penalty area sprint time has been shortened by 0.8 seconds, which is definitely a physiological improvement.

"I really want to cut open your muscles and see what kind of structure your muscles are." Leo exclaimed.

Chen Mo's mood is not high today. The matter of body enhancement surprised him yesterday, but today he was very disappointed.

However, the actual situation changed at noon, and the scale of body enhancement increased slightly again, and Chen Mo was sure that there was an increase.

After eating good things, you have to train, so that the scale can increase a little.

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and he began to look forward to the lion meat Chris got later.At noon he called Chris again and asked if he could get the rest of the tiger meat.

"We'll just get some dead things from the zoo for these things, don't think about living animals." Chris warned.

Chen Mo must have a sense of proportion, and he must not touch the bottom line.

In the afternoon, perhaps because he was in a good mood, Chen Mo's running time in the restricted area increased again, and Lei Ao was a little speechless.However, it is foreseeable that next season's Chen Mo will be stronger, and the Golden State Warriors' lineup will be even stronger.

Speaking of the reinforcement of various strong teams this summer, the Los Angeles Lakers released a big move today.

In this big move, the Warriors are also involved, but the Warriors are not the main role, and the Lakers are the most watched protagonists here.

Someone exclaimed: "Let's just send the championship to the Los Angeles Lakers. Their lineup is too strong."

"Do you think that only the Los Angeles Lakers are strong? Is their next-door neighbor, the Golden State Warriors, weak?" Someone asked.

(End of this chapter)

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