genius point guard

Chapter 592 The mission target must be cleared to 0!

Chapter 592 The mission target must be cleared!
"The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. Now they are the rising sun and we are at dusk." Nash said such a sentence in the post-match press conference, which is a bit sad.

But this has triggered a wave of people's discussions about running and bombing tactics. The Suns failed to reach the finals. Is it because the Spurs are too strong, or their running and bombing tactics are not strong enough?

The core of the original discussion was the applicability of small ball tactics, and is it because the Warriors are able to rely on the small ball storm to reach the top of the league now that they don't have a strong center?
But if someone seriously discusses it, someone will go wrong, such as the Memphis Grizzlies who will challenge the Warriors at Oracle Arena next.

Gasol Jr. has become a benchmark for centers in the new era. Now no one says that the Lakers traded for Gasol in exchange for a motorcycle with bread and a lighter.

Now more arguments are that the Lakers can trade for the present, while the Grizzlies have won the future.Now, the Grizzlies' black and white bears have almost become the most powerful inside combination in the league.

Two seasons ago, when the Lakers were preparing for a three-peat with three highs inside, they were swept by the Grizzlies in the regular season.It can be seen that the black and white bears are powerful.Now Randolph is getting older, but Gasol is getting stronger and stronger.

"So, we will win." Randolph did not hide his attitude and dislike for Chen Mo at all. "We will slap him in the penalty area like a fly."

It is worth mentioning that in order to confront the Oklahoma media, the local media in Oakland made a task completion progress on the Oakland Satellite Newspaper. 33 consecutive victories to complete the progress of 1/33.

Randolph specifically said about the completion progress of this task: "Soon this progress will be cleared, and they have to start all over again."

With the hatred between Randolph and Chen Mo, he is absolutely happy to see Chen Mo shooting himself in the foot, so he and his team will spare no effort to prevent Chen Mo from accomplishing that achievement.

The Memphis Grizzlies are definitely prepared, and they made up their minds today to make a fuss from the low post inside.

Gasol Jr. kept looking for opportunities to single-handedly beat Biedrins in the interior. His consecutive singles scoring not only made the Warriors fall behind in the score, but also made the Warriors unable to improve their speed in the opening stage.

"Rebounds, grab rebounds at all costs, basketball is our only hope of winning today." Lionel Hollins kept reminding players to focus on rebounding tonight.

The Warriors have fallen into a quagmire they haven't encountered in a long time. Randolph has completely turned his role into Gasol's support tonight. He will be on the other side of Gasol to contain and support him. Delivered shells to Gasol three times, assisted the latter and scored 7 points, of which Gasol had a 2+1 once.

The Warriors were forced to call a timeout in the first 4 minutes of the game.

"The Warriors were stopped at the beginning. This has not happened for a long time." Yang Yi said in the studio of CCAV.

Yang Jian nodded and said, "Yes, but they should have a countermeasure in the future."

The commentary here is still discussing what kind of solution the Warriors will use to solve it, while Randolph is provoking Chen Mo again on the other side.

"Boy, you haven't been in the restricted area once today!" Randolph waved his palm and said, "I will wait for you in the restricted area next?"

Chen Mo gave him a white look, and said, "You'd better take care of your own head!"

Chen Mo ignored Randolph, he let Green take a break, and then they replaced Kirilenko.

The Warriors' problem lies with Green. Green has more than enough strength to grab rebounds, but he has a big disadvantage in height, and he has problems judging where rebounds will fall, so that he can't get stuck in advance.The problem of rebounds is only the key, so the Warriors started passively. They were robbed of 4 offensive rebounds in 4 minutes and lost 7 total rebounds.

"Don't take it lightly," Hollins told his players. "They're the defending champions, and they have the best players in the league. We have to be careful."

Although Randolph is arrogant on the surface, he is not without brains. "I will block him from the front, Marc (Gasol), you have to help me, if I can't prevent him, I will move aside, and you find opportunities to block him from the side."

"No problem." Little Gasol's personality is the same as his brother's, he looks a little weak, and he doesn't compete for anything.

"Rudy (Guy) and Tony (Allen), you have to guard against their three-pointers from the outside, and don't let them miss the three-pointers from two 45 degrees." Hollins continued to tell his own players.

The rhythm and tactics of the Grizzlies are very retro, and they have not been affected by the current NBA small ball tactics.The offense starts from the basket, and more mid-range shots are made, which makes the rhythm very slow.If you want to do special effects for the Grizzlies game, blood and blood are probably the most suitable for them.

Chen Mo didn't say anything to Green, and left it to Timothy Glenn to enlighten and guide the players. Chen Mo took the tactical board and began to arrange tactics.

"Your main job is to block the position, and the rebounds are mainly rushed by Paul and Stephen. Protect the rebounds, and then we speed up as much as possible. It is never possible to have both height and speed. We have to play Take advantage of us." Chen Mo said.

"Then, I will increase the breakthrough. Whoever Zach (Randolph) defends will come out and pick and roll with me. Knock down one of their twin towers, and the next thing will be easy."

Chen Mo arranged it in detail, and the game restarted.

When Randolph was playing, he gave Chen Mo a provocative look. Chen Mo pointed to his head, and then made a "concussion" mouth.

The league is always tolerant of whistleblowing by superstars, and Chen Mo chose to turn a blind eye to Randolph's actions.Ordinary people like Chen Mo provoke opponents to eat T.

Last season, Randolph was called a technical foul for provoking Wade with his eyes, and he received a ticket from the league for complaining about the referee at the press conference.

The game restarted, and the Grizzlies set up their defensive formation and waited for the Warriors.Randolph was defending Kirilenko, and before Chen Mo could signal, Kirilenko ran out to pick and roll Chen Mo.

As Kirilenko ran out, Randolph switched defenses with Tony Allen.Chen Mo still completed the pick-and-roll with Kirilenko, and then Curry immediately came to pick-and-roll with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo either passed the ball directly to Curry and let Curry hit Randolph in a misplaced position, or he immediately set up a second pick-and-roll with Curry.

Otherwise, when the Grizzlies' defense rotates, Randolph's position will rotate back again.

The Warriors used the speed of the screen to place Randolph in front of Chen Mo.

Randolph shook his big head and stared at Chen Mo fiercely. Chen Mo said softly, "I'll let you get in touch with the floor again later."

(End of this chapter)

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