genius point guard

Chapter 598 Unbelievable

Chapter 598 Unbelievable
Vinnie De Nagro kept calling his disciples on the sidelines, telling them to run and expand to defend the Warriors' three-pointers.

But to put it simply, although Jordan's athletic ability is good, their perimeter defense is all a colander in the eyes of the Warriors' backcourt double guns!So much so that Jordan has to expand to defend every time, and it is difficult for his teammates to provide help immediately after he makes up the defense.

Curry hit another three-pointer in the right corner, and he faced Griffin.Griffin's speed is not slow, but his hands are short, and it is difficult to block shots when he rushes to make up defense. At most, he is a shock.

"His hands are short, don't be afraid, just shoot." Chen Mo had already analyzed Griffin's weaknesses with Curry.

Therefore, Curry's shot was extremely decisive.

Two three-pointers fell, and Pooh DeNagello felt that something was wrong.

And then, Griffin missed a mid-range shot, and the Warriors immediately launched a counterattack.

With the height of the players on the Clippers field, they must be thinking about returning to defense as quickly as possible, retreating to the basket and defending the Warriors' counterattack as soon as possible.

But before the Clippers players could react, Chen Mo was already half a step away from the three-point line. Gordon and Billups put all their attention on Chen Mo's shooting. However, Chen Mo faked a real pass and passed the ball to Curry on the side.Curry easily shot through the Clippers' basket with a three-pointer.

The Warriors' counterattack is not limited to directly hitting the basket, which is different from Chen Mo's quick counterattack during the Bobcats period.

The diverse counterattack routines and the Warriors' strong shooting ability outside the three-point line make it difficult for the Clippers to maintain their defense.

The clipper was like a leaky speedboat, they blocked the deck and the cabin started leaking again.

"If you don't feel good on the perimeter, you can break through. You can always make a dunk, right?" Chen Mo said to Barnes, who had a bad touch.

Chen Mo's tone was very polite, and Barnes felt ashamed.

Golden State's two guns fired from the outside, and the Clippers' defense naturally began to shift to the outside, but this time Chen Mo directly hit the basket with a pass.Millsap and Barnes went to the basket at the same time, and the ball was given to Millsap who was in a better position, but Millsap did not attack by himself this time.He wanted the rookie to find his way, so he threw the ball to Barnes again, and he turned around to block Barnes.

Barnes finally lived up to his teammate's pass. He jumped up, dunked heavily with both hands, and sent the ball into the basket.

The Warriors' counterattack came out, and Pooh DeNagello had to call a timeout.The biggest reliance for the Clippers to deal with the Warriors comes from their inside twin towers.

However, the Clippers' height advantage is of no avail in front of the Warriors.

After some arrangement, the game restarted. The Warriors Thompson replaced Curry, Kirilenko replaced Millsap, the other three remained unchanged, and Barnes was still left on the court.

The Clippers, who seemed a bit exhausted on the defensive end, completed a very beautiful violent dunk by Griffin after the timeout.

Griffin came back after a one-year truce due to injury, and immediately gained everyone's great attention. The reason is that his dunks are extremely enjoyable.

This time, Griffin completed the dunk, and the fans immediately applauded.

Fans in Los Angeles are relatively indifferent to winning or losing, and what they value is viewing.

"You want one too?" Griffin challenged Chen Mo.

The difficulty and enjoyment of the dunk is probably the only thing Griffin can challenge Chen Mo.

Chen Mo shook his head and said, "You still need someone to feed you the ball!"

Griffin thought Chen Mo was talking big, so he shook his head dismissively.In terms of dunking, Griffin is not targeting Chen Mo, he just thinks Chen Mo's dunk is rubbish.

On the offensive end, Chen Mo waved away Kirilenko's pick-and-roll, and then directly used his speed to force Billups.

Chen Mo seldom uses speed to tear apart the opponent's defense in the game. He feels that forcing a breakthrough with speed consumes more energy, and he hasn't played many games after his physical enhancement, so he hasn't developed the ability to use speed. Get into the habit of eating your opponent hard.

This time, in order to force Griffin to pretend, Chen Mo first used his speed to directly shred Billups' defense, and then he got the upper hand against Gordon in the turn.

One relied on speed, and the other relied on strength. Chen Mo almost fully demonstrated the results of physical enhancement in this attack.

Then... Griffin rushed in front of Chen Mo, he sneered strangely, "I will defend you, how do you dunk?"

Chen Mo has two choices at this time, one is to change direction while continuing to move forward, and then use the advantage of touch to lay up from both sides.The second option is to go directly against Griffin.

In bed, Chen Mo never liked the feeling of being raped.However, on the court, the feeling of being strong is actually good.

Chen Mo had already jumped ahead of Griffin, which was completely beyond Griffin's expectations.

Before Griffin came to defend this time, he asked himself that he had thought of everything that might happen.

Chen Mo can either pass him and complete an unremarkable dunk.Or just face him and make a foul.

Griffin never expected that Chen Mo would take off early and transfer the battlefield to the sky.

Griffin was a late jumper, but he jumped high, was tall, and played fast, and soon he had the upper hand.

However, Chen Mo rolled his waist in the air. He stuck to Griffin's body and turned to Griffin's right side. Then he used Griffin's body to exert force again, and his whole body had already reached Griffin's side. .

Griffin had already landed. Not only did his take-off not interfere with Chen Mo's attack, but he became Chen Mo's assistant, and when he landed, he became Chen Mo's perfect background.


Staples gasped everywhere.

The narrator roared wildly. This is a super scene that they, as narrators, may not have seen a few times in their entire career.

Ride buckle!

Chen Mo rides and buckles Griffin!
Chen Mo used his body control, skill and timing in the air to complete this epic buckle.

"I think of Kobe who dunked Howard that year."

"That's different. It was Jack Chen who accomplished this feat. I never thought he could complete a buckle."


Griffin stood still, and Chen Mo looked at him like a huge demon god overlooking the world.

Every time he met Chen Mo, it was an unpleasant experience for Griffin.

Griffin closed his eyes in pain, he didn't want to hear any sound from the scene.Any sound Staples made at the moment seemed to him to be mocking him.

(End of this chapter)

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