genius point guard

Chapter 68 Revenge

Chapter 68 Revenge (25)

In the rookie training camp match last year, DeRozan asked all his teammates to pull away and single Chen Mo in order to win the attention and impression points of those scouts and managers.

Chen Mo's defense at the time was estimated to be the worst in the league, including the draft list.

But at that time, he couldn't get out of the way. He bit the bullet and blocked DeRozan for the first time, and then was knocked away.

He thought that his inside teammate Jordan Hill would come out to help him make up for him, but all his inside teammates gave way.Chen Mo could only grit his teeth and continue to follow. Although he knew that DeRozan was deliberately waiting for him to continue posting, he could only bite the bullet.

Chen Mo followed DeRozan to the basket, and DeRozan instinctively knocked Chen Mo away and scored a layup.However, in order to gain attention, he took a step back, ran up, and buckled Chen Mo.

The whistles and screams that broke out in the audience at that time pierced Chen Mo's soul deeply.

That trembling sense of shame, cold and stinging...

Chen Mo never forgot the humiliation at his crotch first, and then the overwhelming ridicule.

Chen Mo refused the support of his teammates, and waved his teammates away.Kwame Brown was a little hesitant, but Chen Mo glared at him, and waved his left hand firmly.

Everyone at the scene knew that Chen Mo was going to play against DeRozan in singles. The Canadian fans booed, but they were completely covered by the cheers of the Chinese at the scene.

Seeing this scene, the commentator on the commentary platform suddenly sped up his explanation, "Jack Chen wants to single out our No. 9 rookie. He is so determined. It seems that he wants to avenge last year's buckle."

"At that time, he was helpless like a baby. I watched that video [-] times, and I always felt that DeMar was too bullying."

"Do you think he can win this heads-up?"

"I don't think this is possible at all! Jack's shooting ability is unmatched, but singles in the horn area? Sorry, he can't do it at all."

Chen Mo took a step diagonally with the ball, then buckled in front of his right hand, and swung his body to the right.

"Puppy, are you here to be funny? Forget the tragedy that you singled me out last year?" DeRozan teased.

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking of the more humiliating experience later. He then chose to play against DeRozan in singles. At that time, his breakthrough was nothing but fancy. After a series of fancy moves, he chose to break through to the right.

As a result, DeRozan waited on his breakthrough route, and Chen Mo bumped into DeRozan's body.Then it was as if he hit a wall and bounced straight to the ground.

Immediately, louder laughter erupted from the scene, including his teammates.

"Jack's series of moves is just like last year when he wanted to single-handedly beat DeMar."


The narrator's words stopped, and they shut up.

Chen Mo dribbled the ball with his back, and then caught the moment when DeRozan's center of gravity shifted, and his shoulders tilted a little more to the left.

Sure enough, DeRozan's center of gravity was tricked to the left, and Chen Mo pulled the ball back from the right.

DeRozan wanted to block Chen Mo again, but he realized that his body couldn't make it through at this moment.He staggered a few steps and sat down on the ground.After Chen Mo stood still easily, he easily made a shot.Then he raised his head and stepped over the sluggish DeRozan.

The shouts of the Chinese fans in the audience went straight to the ceiling of the arena.

After the narrator was stunned for a while, he burst into a long voice, "Jack—Chen—"

"Perfect sway, his fake moves are flawless, no one is more fancy than his sway, and all the joints in the right hand are almost at the limit. His ankle is almost 90 degrees tilted. What kind of flexibility Sex, can you make such an action?"

"What surprised me the most was his hands, how could it be done? How could it be done? How could it be done?!"

Why does the narrator care that the current rhetoric is slapping himself in the face?

Although the two Toronto commentators were blushing like monkey butts, they could only bite the bullet and praise Chen Mo.

But Chen Mo has returned to his defensive position like a normal person.

DeRozan was complaining to the referee that Chen Mo had flipped his wrist, and most of the Canadian fans at the scene were also complaining about this.However, when the big screen at the scene played back the action of Chen Mo turning his back when he was extraordinary, all the Canadian fans shut up.

Even people who don't understand the ball can tell that Chen Mo's ball is no problem.

"In the future, whoever says that Jack's physical condition is poor, I will tear his mouth apart."

"What a pair of perfect hands! I really want to know how he did it. It's unergonomic, I promise."

DeRozan complained that he didn't want to trouble Chen Mo, but at this time, everyone had already returned to defense, so he must be mentally handicapped to cause trouble because Chen Mo stepped over him!He could only vent his anger on this attack.

The No. 65 rookie, who started 9 games last season, is in amazing physical condition.He passed Jackson, who was not concentrating, with a light drink, and Chen Mo pounced on him after cursing secretly.

Today, DeRozan cannot be allowed to score a goal!

Chen Mo said this in the locker room before the game, and Jackson was the first to stand up and respond to him.But now, he was distracted in defense.

DeRozan wanted to buckle across Kwame Brown. However, although the parallel import champion did not meet people's expectations, the physical fitness of the champion in 01 is not a joke.

DeRozan knew it was going to be bad as soon as he jumped up, he could only twist his waist in the air, trying to pull a layup.

Chen Mohou happened to be caught by Chen Mohou who had already rushed over, and Chen Mo, who came over with anger, directly picked the ball from DeRozan's hands with both hands.

After landing, Chen Mo waved his hand and threw the ball to the frontcourt.Jackson, who was passed by DeRozan just because of distraction, ran to the front, and Chen Mo shouted behind him: "If you don't buckle a beautiful one, don't come back!"

It was a bit embarrassing to be passed by DeRozan, but Jackson tried his best to buckle hard.

After jumping up, he turned around and dunked with his back, then pointed at Chen Mo and shouted, "Brother, is this pretty enough?"

The two commentators in the commentary booth who had been taunting Chen Mo before had no choice but to shout Jackson's name again in a long voice.Then he continued to praise Chen Mo for grabbing the hat with both hands, and Jackson turned around and buckled this time.

Chen Mo still looked expressionless, but many media that captured his facial expressions couldn't help but think of a headline - "White Death is rampaging in Toronto, how terrifying is Jack Chen in full state?"

Chen Mo showed his [-]% performance today. Although he was exhausted from back-to-back games, Chen Mo was only excited today.

His excitement came from the shouts of the Chinese fans at the scene and the revenge of DeMar DeRozan.The shame of last year will be repaid with Toronto's blood today.

(End of this chapter)

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