genius point guard

Chapter 71 Not Signing

Chapter 71 Not Signing (55)

It was 01:30 in the morning when Chen Mo arrived home, and Jessica was yelling and playing games.

"Come again? I told you you can't."

"I'm going to kill you! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Chen Mo stood behind Jessica, she didn't even know someone was coming.At this time, she was manipulating Ruiwen to fight in front of the opponent's base crystal. All her teammates were killed, and two of the opponent had already been revived.Her teammates were typing to ask her to go back first, but she wanted to single out the other two.

After a short operation, Jessica killed the two opponents with residual blood, and then immediately went to dismantle the opponent's crystal.Before the opponent was resurrected again, the opponent's crystal was removed to win.

Seeing her teammate's typing compliments, she smiled triumphantly: "You guys still want to show off to me?"

"Not bad! 2148 points, higher than me."

Hearing Chen Mo's voice, Jessica realized that Chen Mo had appeared behind her.

"Are you a ghost? Why are you standing behind me without making a sound?" Jessica stood up, and the large scenery exposed on her chest made Chen Mo swallow again involuntarily.

"I called you, but you didn't hear me." Chen Mo waved his hand and went to the living room to get a bottle of drink, "I know how to use Ruiwen, and I'm good at it, and I have a bit of demeanor."

"It's okay if you don't talk about this, but I'll get angry when you talk about it. You haven't taught me for so long, and Chris (Ghost's real name is Chris Johnson) taught me." Jessica feigned anger.

"I don't have time! Besides, I introduced you to Chris, otherwise how would you know there is such a great god in Charlotte!" Chen Mo rolled his eyes and said: "Speaking of your competition How's it going? Have you started playing?"

Speaking of their game, Jessica immediately changed her expression and said: "To be honest, Chris is too good, much better than that bastard Terry. In the first game, we went up three times five times and divided two. Pushing away the opponent, the opponent didn't even have a chance to shoot twenty shots. In 15 minutes, the battle was resolved."

"I think Chris uses Ryze better than you."

Chen Mo took a sip of soda water and said, "You won't like him!"

Chen Mo knew that Chris was worse than him in terms of female popularity at that time.But it's definitely not because Chris is not as good as Chen Mo, but because Chris is not the school's basketball star.You know, the performance of basketball stars on the court can attract the attention of many women.

Chen Mo is more popular than Chris because of the greater exposure.

"Nonsense, why does my mother like you stinky men?" In front of Chen Mo, Jessica didn't hide her orientation at all.

"I'm going to sleep, you go on!" Chen Mo threw the can into the trash can, and was about to go back to the room to sleep.

But Jessica was persistent, "No, no, no, play with me twice."

"Miss, back-to-back matches are exhausting!"

"I don't care, I'm the landlord."

"You are a second landlord."

"I do not care!"

"Are you acting like a baby?" Chen Mo smirked.

"Go away, just say whether you want to play with me or not!"

"Okay, okay, I'll turn on the computer!" Chen Mo had no choice but to play games with the young lady.

Now that he is playing the game, Chen Mo feels more comfortable. His operation feels very good, and his calculation of the scene has been enhanced.He took Jessica with almost no difficulty and won.

Games are played to win, and games are played to win.After winning two games in a row, Chen Mo fell asleep refreshed.

The next day, Chen Mo got up in the morning to go to the arena for training, and left breakfast for Jessica as usual.

While practicing, Chen Mo felt that he felt better about the court.There are many training poles and practice dribbling dummies on the field, and Chen Mo feels that he can dribble around them even with his eyes closed.He has already remembered the location of these obstacles in his mind, and he can bypass them with his own feeling.

But if it is a moving target, Chen Mo's calculation is not so accurate.

"This should be the reason why the second row of scales has not been broken through." Chen Mo felt that he had become more and more aware of the calculation and control of the goals on the court.This feeling is not only on the court, when he played games with Jessica yesterday, he was also able to roughly calculate the movement of heroes in the shadow area.

Calculations in the game are more difficult because there is more information, but Chen Mo's calculations are more and more handy.

"The first frame should be broken through." Chen Mo looked down at the tattoo on his hand, thinking to himself.

Chen Mo practiced from morning to noon, and the afternoon was time for internal training. Chen Mo decided to eat something and rest for a while.The nutritious meal prepared by the nutritionist tasted too bad, but for his career, Chen Mo ate at least one meal like this every day.

While Chen Mo was playing with his mobile phone, David Falk called.

"Jack, I have two things to discuss with you."

"Is it a matter of endorsement?"

"Yes, one is the six-year 2000 million euro endorsement provided by BMW. In addition, when every 7 series is released, you will be provided with one. The other is the nine-year [-] million dollar contract offered by Nike Jordan. look?"

When hearing the latter news, Chen Mo's face immediately changed.Jordan is a brand owned by Nike, and Jordan has a stake in it.This is obviously Jordan wanting to sign Chen Mo, not Nike.And 9 million dollars seems a lot, but this signing is [-] years.

James signed a 7-year 9300 million contract with Nike before the draft, and James' contract at that time was bigger than Chen Mo.

At that time, James was only a quasi-top pick, and it is still unknown whether he can play.However, Chen Mo has now fully demonstrated his superstar potential, and now many people believe that Chen Mo will become the top superstar in the league.

"David, I'm going to concentrate on the game now. I don't want to sign any contracts. Let's talk about it after the season is over! It's too cheap to sign now. After the season is over, my value will be higher." Chen Mo didn't wait. Falk spoke and hung up the phone.Now he was a little unhappy.

Not to mention that James' contract was signed in 2003, just to say that Adidas will use more than 2 million yuan to renew the contract of No. 08 pick Derrick Rose in [-], and you can see how crazy the current sneaker market is.

Who is benefiting from the nine-year [-] million contract?The answer is already very obvious.

After hanging up with Chen Mo, Falk called Jordan first.

"He refused to sign. He said that he wants to concentrate on the game now and sign after the end of the season when the value is higher." Falk said.

Jordan was silent for a while, and only said, "I see."

 Fifth watch!I was really tired to do the splits, so I gave a weak cry, please recommend~Please collect~

(End of this chapter)

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