genius point guard

Chapter 715 Happy New Year

Chapter 715 Happy New Year
Chen Mo appeared wearing a T-shirt with the number 37 printed on it. He was humiliating the fans in Oklahoma City, and by the way, he was doing an advertisement for his clothing brand.

Chen Mo is not a particularly magnanimous person. After he was stimulated in Oklahoma last season, the Warriors will make rapid progress from the beginning of the season.

Westbrook was so angry that he made the game his own show.

Chen Mo didn't have the slightest intention of retreating this time. When the combination of Lei Ting and Young Master Wang Zhan lacked one member, Wang Zhan naturally couldn't become Wang Zha. It was difficult for a king to shake a powerful warrior.

It is worth discussing who is the king between Durant and Westbrook.But Chen Mo is definitely the king, and he is the king of any team.

This is a battle of super-aggressive point guards.

Chen Mo had no worries, this time he gave up tactics, he wanted to make the Oklahomans speechless.

Westbrook dunked after rushing in, and Chen Mo immediately returned a dunk.The scores of both of them are constantly increasing. This kind of star battle has not appeared in the NBA for a long time.

The two of them didn't talk, and only had the opposite basket in their eyes.

However, apart from the Thunder taking a 3-2 lead at the opening moment, they have been in a situation of lagging behind in the following games.

Chen Mo crushed the last dignity of the Oklahomans. Chen Mo scored 58 points frantically, while Westbrook only scored 45 points.At the same time, Chen Mo's 11 assists are far ahead of Westbrook's 5 assists.Moreover, Chen Mo scored 58 points in only 20 shots, while Westbrook took 24 shots.

Comparing personal data, Chen Mo completely beat Westbrook.The Warriors beat the Thunder by 19 points.

"Thank you for this city." Chen Mo said, "You have given us a legendary and pleasant winning streak."

"So... I invite you to watch the fireworks today."

The media at the press conference didn't know what the fireworks Chen Mo was referring to, and Curry brought a translation for the media.

He said: "Probably Jack beat Russell (Westbrook) in the game!"

"The explosion of fireworks should be very beautiful." Curry said with a smile.

Leaving Oklahoma City, the Warriors headed straight to Memphis.

This day is Chinese New Year's Eve. Before warming up, Chen Mo received a video call from Jessica and A Jiali, and they wished Chen Mo a happy new year.Afterwards, Chen Mo also received a call from his father, Chen Hui.

"It should be four or five in the morning in China now!" Chen Mo said.

Chen Hui said: "I feel less when I get older."

Chen Mo and Chen Hui chatted a few words casually, but Chen Hui still didn't talk much, he reminded Chen Mo not to mess around with scandals, grandpa is very concerned about his news now, he will be unhappy if he finds out.

Chen Mo expressed his understanding, and finally Chen Hui reminded Chen Mo to count the time and call grandpa on Chinese New Year's Eve, and don't forget to call on the morning of the first day of the new year.

Chen Mo received a lot of New Year greeting messages from China, but he didn't reply one by one. Now that time is running out, he plans to wait until after the game is over before replying to a group message.

Chen Mo found that the locker room door was ajar, but there seemed to be no sign of anyone walking around.

"You didn't warm up today?" Chen Mo was puzzled, he couldn't think of a reason.

Even in Chen Mo's brain, there are things that he can't think of.Chen Mo pushed the door open and walked in, but he was careful, after all, there must be a demon to overtake, so he stood outside the door and pushed them away.

"I just said he won't be fooled." Curry shouted unhappily.

There is a basin on the door, and the basin is full of ribbons.

Chen Mo was a little surprised, Jackson ran over and said to Chen Mo, "Happy Chinese New Year."

Chen Mo is very happy, this feeling is great.

The feeling of Chinese New Year...just like when I was a kid living in Chinatown.

Curry said to Chen Mo in the Chinese he learned from the Chinese media: "Happy New Year."

During the Chinese New Year, CCAV will find some NBA stars to record a video to celebrate the new year. Both Chen Mo and Curry participated in the recording.

Perhaps because Chen Mo was in a good mood in this game, he played very well.

Facing the Grizzlies, the Warriors definitely can't use the "two guns and no ball" position they used to attack before. They must speed up.

This time Randolph finally realized the reality. He gave up trying to trouble Chen Mo. He pretended that he didn't know Chen Mo at all. There was no communication during the game, not even eye contact.

Chen Mo continued his fiery performance, while Randolph played quite well, and he had already accepted the loss.

The Grizzlies have been completely defeated by the Warriors in terms of style. The style of the Warriors and the Grizzlies, whoever has stronger hard power, can completely restrain the opponent.

The Warriors are clearly the stronger team.

109 to 88, the Warriors won another game.

Chen Mo continued to score 51 points. He said that this ball was given to Chinese fans to celebrate the New Year.

Chinese fans left a message saying that they also need to celebrate the New Year on the first day of the new year.


Chen Mo returned to the locker room after being interviewed by the media.

The door of the dressing room was open, and Chen Mo took off his clothes and walked in.He felt that the situation was wrong when he entered the door, but it was too late to hide. Jackson blocked Chen Mo's retreat, and poured a bucket of warm water on his head.

Curry threw a bunch of ribbons over Chen Mo's head, and he shouted, "This is the real Happy New Year."

"Receive the red envelope!" Millsap brought all his teammates over with red envelopes.

Chen Mo was really moved this time, he licked his lips, and tried to speak several times but his throat was blocked.

God knows how these guys prepared with their backs behind him. This is a kind of concealed happiness.

Chen Mo accepted the red envelope from his teammates and said, "Thank you!" That's all he can say in his current state.

"Let me just say that this day is different for Chinese people!" Curry winked at Jackson, who made the note.

"But didn't Jack grow up in the United States?" Jackson was obviously still puzzled.

"He grew up in Oakland's Chinatown, and the Chinese New Year atmosphere in Chinatown is very full." Curry said: "Also, I heard that his father is very busy and rarely goes home, but he will definitely return every New Year. So ...You get the idea! New Years may be an even more special time for Jack Chen."

"Why didn't you talk about it last year?" Jackson immediately began to blame Curry.

Curry shrugged and said, "I forgot last year." But Curry was obviously not the kind of person who was willing to take the blame, and he immediately hit back at Jackson, "You've been teammates with him for the longest time!"

"In the NBA, I have been with him the longest teammate." Jackson said: "But if you look at the number of years as a teammate, you are still the longest."

"If the two of you don't take a shower, you will have to be interviewed by reporters with ribbons on your hair." Millsap reminded the two of them.

It was only then that Curry and Jackson remembered that the locker room was open to reporters today, and they hurried to take a shower.At this time, Chen Mo had already entered the bathroom and started washing.Curry and Jackson raised their middle fingers at Chen Mo...

(End of this chapter)

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