genius point guard

Chapter 73 Calculating moves, perfect passing

Chapter 73 Calculating moves, perfect passing

In the attack just now, Chen Mo had already observed the running of his teammates.Because Jackson didn't exercise, Chen Mo already knew his position in his heart, so that beautiful NO-LOOK-PASS was perfect.

After Jackson and Muhammad picked and rolled, Chen Mo found an open spot.At that time, he had already made two sets of plans to end the offense. If the opponent did not come out inside to fill the position, he would shoot.If the inside line comes out to fill the position, he will pass an empty pick to Kwame Brown.

As a result, Love came out to defend, and Chen Mo decided to pass the ball the moment he saw Love moving towards him.

So, as soon as Jackson passed the ball, Chen Mo threw the ball without stopping after receiving it.He had already considered the whole process in his mind.

The perfect passing route made Kwame Brown very comfortable.Just now in order to prevent Jackson from making a direct pass inside, Milicic, who went around to the side of Kwame Brown, wants to defend the ball, which is undoubtedly a dream.

Although Milicic took off at the same time as Kwame Brown, the former was completely crushed by the latter after a body collision.Moreover, Milicic is still on the side of Kwame Brown. He tried hard to make himself able to interfere with Kwame Brown's dunk, but caused an even greater tragedy.

Milicic was knocked to the hoop, and Kwame Brown dunked the ball violently into the hoop.As for Milicic hitting Kwame Brown's didn't matter at all.

Kwame Brown played the domineering spirit of a monster inside, while Milicic continued the tragedy of being physically crushed by his opponent.

Maybe because of being too excited, Kwame Brown's free throw bounced out of the basket, but this guy only made about 50.00% of his free throws even when he was calm.It's normal not to be fined.

Seeing that Kwame Brown was a little frustrated, Chen Mo quickly comforted him: "Kwame, we've already made money. We played the team's momentum and caused a foul by the opponent, but the profit is less. Don't worry about it. Show your best form, and I'll let you dunk him again later."

Kwame Brown's stiff facial expression eased a little.

"This guy's psychological quality is really a headache." Chen Mo shook his head helplessly.

The Timberwolves' offense, they hit the ball directly into the paint.After Al Jefferson was sent to Utah, Kevin Love became the new Wolf King.

Even if Love is still relatively fat, he can't squeeze Kwame Brown in the paint.Kwame Brown has been getting better and better recently, especially on the defensive end.

Love ran out after passing the ball to Beasley. This guy has a very good three-pointer.So whether it is to open up space for Beasley to attack the basket, or to drive the team's outside offense, it has a good effect.

The Timberwolves' tactics mainly started with Love's pulling, if Beasley can stabilize his state and further develop his potential.The Timberwolves may be able to reach the playoffs this year in the highly competitive West.However, Mr. No. 30, who was sent to a drug rehabilitation center for [-] days for forced detoxification this summer, can really stabilize his competitive state?
With the Timberwolves covering at the free throw line, Chen Mo switched to Beasley.

"Dude, did you smoke again today?" Chen Mo said seeing Beasley's confused eyes.

It seemed that Beasley hadn't completely come out of the hallucinations brought by the marijuana. Chen Mo stepped forward with his knee to support Beasley's off-axis foot, and stretched out his hand at the moment Beasley hugged the ball and was about to shoot. Hit the ball.

Beasley hugged the air, while Chen Mo had already hugged the ball in one step.

He was running forward, and when he got to the basket, he pretended to lay up. Beasley jumped up to block the shot, but Chen Mo suddenly threw the ball behind his head.

Gerald Wallace leaps to his feet and slams the ball into the hoop with both hands.He also twisted the basket twice, and the referee looked at the guy's excitement, so he pretended not to see his twisting the basket.

If it wasn't for the enthusiastic atmosphere on the scene, the Bobcats played so violently and beautifully at the beginning, twisting the basket would be a T, but after thinking about it, the referee still didn't call it.After all, this is a regular season, and it is their home court, and the atmosphere is so enthusiastic, the referee simply turned a blind eye and let it go.

"NO-LOOK-PASS - Jack Chen and Gerald Wallace at heights."

"Perfect alley-oop!"

Billy Sides growled.

Chen Mo passed two perfect passes as soon as he came up today, and the big screen at the scene began to replay the assist that Chen Mo had just made.

Beasley and Gerald Wallace ran together, and Chen Mo hardly looked back at the scene behind him.But he seemed to be able to see where Gerrard moved, and the pass behind his head was accurate and comfortable.The rhythm is just right, and Gerald Wallace can easily jump and dunk.It seems that it is more difficult for him not to dunk this ball, because passing the ball is so comfortable.

"Does he have eyes in the back of his head?"

"Saw it through the ass?"

"My God! His passing is eerie like a ghost."

Some fans were amazed, others were in a good mood and cracking cheap jokes.But I have to say that Charlotte fans have been very comfortable in recent games.The Bobcats, with Chen Mo as the core, played very exciting and beautiful games, and more importantly, they kept winning.Not counting this game, they have won three consecutive victories, but looking at the momentum of this game, they are not far from four consecutive victories.

Whether it was the fans who came to the scene or the fans who watched the game through the TV broadcast, they all expressed their amazement at Chen Mo's pass.Chen Mo has passed such a ball before, but he always turned his head before, or the position of the ball was a little bit worse.

But today, a series of moves flowed smoothly and the passing was just right.

Chen Mo could feel the amazement of the fans, and he waved to the fans, mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene again.There was always a faint smile on his handsome face, and he didn't seem to be ecstatic or excited because of the ball just now.

This kind of improvement is brought about by the improvement of Vic's ring brain enhancement. Now his brain enhancement has not broken through the first bar scale. He believes that when the first bar breaks through, his ability to predict teammates and opponents will be improved. Bigger boost.

Recently, his ability has been significantly enhanced. Just now, he calculated Gerald Wallace's position very accurately.Chen Mo calculated Gerald Wallace's full-speed running speed and running time.Coupled with his understanding of Gerrard's bounce, he passed such a perfect ball.

He can foresee that the day of the first breakthrough is not far away, and there will be more and more perfect passes in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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