genius point guard

Chapter 765 Not in a hurry

Chapter 765 Not in a hurry
Westbrook's pass to Durant played very well at the beginning, and the connection between the two of them was finally able to hit the weakest link in the Warriors' backcourt.

Although the score did not open, everyone seemed to see a way for the Thunder to fight the Warriors.

"This is a new weapon that we have developed." The local commentator in Oklahoma was very excited, which is what they wanted to see.

Oklahoma City fans gathered inside and outside the arena. They pointed their middle fingers at the close-up shot of Chen Mo on the big screen, "Chinaman, stop being arrogant. We are the winners this time!"

Oklahoma City fans looked very excited, this is the first time they saw their team in front of the Warriors with ease.

"Now I want to see how the Golden State Warriors will respond." Barkley said: "They didn't call a timeout."

Chen Mo assisted Millsap to complete the assault. Millsap was hanging high on the basket. He looked at Perkins like God looking down on ants.

Chen Mo’s shot against Durant is not helpless. In the past, Westbrook and Durant’s pick-and-roll pass back cooperation was not such a big threat, because Westbrook’s return pass was not so precise and fast. The current Durant is not so comfortable.

Chen Mo had time to choose a better defensive position.

But now, Durant can shoot directly by pulling it up, which takes Durant's height advantage to the extreme.

Whether it's a pincer or a single defense, Durant can shoot quickly.

If Durant feels good, maybe he can really kill the Warriors.

"That's it." Chen Mo said to Durant.

This time the Thunder still play the pick-and-roll of Durant and Westbrook. Since it has been proved that this simple routine is feasible, they must stick to it.

This time the Warriors obviously put more defense into Durant and Westbrook's pick-and-roll. Curry's position was slightly earlier, but he still blocked the pass path between Westbrook and Sefolosha.

Although Westbrook is aware of the importance of passing for a point guard, he doesn't have Chen Mo's passing skills.He still chooses to pass the ball to Durant, and they have enough passing space after the pick-and-roll.

As soon as Westbrook's ball left his hand, Curry culled it directly.

Curry is fast.

Durant couldn't pull up the shot directly at the first time. He saw that Chen Mo was coming to flank, and Millsap seemed to be coming to flank.Durant wanted to use his height to get the ball to Sefolosha.

But Chen Mo exploded suddenly, he changed the direction he was going, and the speed of Chen Mo's burst was something Durant had never seen before.

The ball was directly put into Chen Mo's arms, "Fast break!" Chen Mo shouted.

Curry and Millsap, the two guys who had just threatened Durant, were running at full speed. They were like [-]-meter athletes who heard the firing of the starting gun. Their sprint speed was extremely fast.

Durant knew it was too late to chase back, so he yelled and teamed up with Westbrook to pinch Chen Mo.

Chen Mo made a pass fake, then Chen Mo dunked the ball, pulled his body horizontally, and there was no swing of his forearm, and the ball went directly between Durant and Westbrook. .

Sefolosha fell behind Curry and Millsap. Curry turned around to block the man. The ball bounced from Millsap's waist at a very fast speed. Millsap grabbed the basketball and then directly Fill the frame vigorously.

Chen Mo looked at Westbrook and said, "You should zoom in on my hand movements, slow down, and go back and watch them at least a hundred times. This will help your passing training."

What Chen Mo said was very sincere. He was not afraid of his opponent becoming stronger. Among all his opponents, Westbrook was the one he admired the most.He doesn't want Harden to be so bitter and bitter, he can't control his reason every time, and he is not like Rose, who always looks like a creditor every time he sees Chen Mo.

Westbrook pursed his lips and said nothing.

Durant stood up for his brother, he said: "Let's talk after we win!"

Chen Mo nodded and said, "Yes."

The game continued, and Chen Molei still did not change his style of play. Westbrook is a stubborn person, and he believed that it was just a coincidence.

But in fact, the Warriors did crack the pick-and-roll between Durant and Westbrook.

Sefolosha blocked Curry's path, and the two of them entangled, but it was tantamount to turning the right side of the court into a hard-to-reach spot for Westbrook's pass.

Millsap immediately switched defenses and interfered with Westbrook's pass. Westbrook made a fake move, and at this time Chen Mo had already stood still.

The ball didn't break immediately, but Chen Mo pressed Durant's shooting hand.

Durant wanted to make a foul, but Chen Mo went away abruptly.His forward burst speed is very sufficient, and his retreat speed is also very fast.

Durant didn't cause a foul, he quickly changed his purpose, he wanted to shoot normally.

While Chen Mo was backing away, his left hand cut directly like a doctor's scalpel.

Durant was hiding, but Chen Mo was unforgiving. After he succeeded in forcing with his left hand, he followed up with his right hand even more decisively.

If his left hand is like a steel scalpel, his right hand is the most advanced laser knife.

After Chen Mo's body backed away, he moved forward quickly. His speed of retreating and advancing was extremely fast.

"This is Jack Chen's most classic stealing action." Barkley said: "It's just that the movement of his body is more interesting than the movement of his hands now."

"It's so fast!" Smith exclaimed: "Continuous small-scale movement, which fully highlights Jack Chen's explosive power."

"Crack!" Chen Mo's right hand cut hard on the ball, and the ball was cut off.

At this time, the center of gravity is low, and players with short stature have an advantage.Although Durant is a monster with long arms, Chen Mo still controlled the ball before Durant.

This time the Warriors had no arrows to counterattack, so Chen Mo took the ball and started running wildly.

At the beginning, both Durant and Westbrook fell behind Chen Mo, but when they ran to the opposite half, Durant was almost parallel with Chen Mo, and Westbrook had already completed the overtaking.

Westbrook is a person who runs faster and faster, so his ability to handle the ball while on the move has always been poor, and changing directions will also make his speed drop a lot.He has always been a straight-forward person, and his style of play has always been that of rampage, without Rose's fancy changing skills, but with a violent aesthetic.

Dewey's second young master had already taken off, and Chen Mo had already run under the basket. He had to make a shot at this position, otherwise he would have no chance.

The top of his head covered the sky and the sun, but Chen Mo's face did not show any panic. He smashed the ball to the ground, and his body rushed out of the bottom line due to inertia.

(End of this chapter)

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