genius point guard

Chapter 769 Find the way

Chapter 769 Find the way
The Warriors are now like a mountain weighing on the Thunder's heart. As long as the Golden State Warriors are mentioned, their hearts will not be happy.

Westbrook is the most uncomfortable feeling.

When the feeling of repression continues to increase, at an appropriate time, this repression will explode.

In the final quarter of the game, the Thunder, which was almost desperate for the three armies, used foul tactics to drag the Warriors into the quagmire.

Both young masters are resting, they are waiting for the final battle.

It's not Brooks' decision, it's Westbrook's decision.

"Every time he's on the bench, we score like hell," Westbrook said. "And then we lose to them when he's on. Take a break, and we will fight again in the second half."

Westbrook said firmly, Durant agrees with Westbrook.With Durant's emotional intelligence, he didn't notice the change in Brooks' face at all. In fact, even if he did, he wouldn't care.They are already a little dissatisfied with Brooks' coaching ability in their hearts. The tactics that Brooks can use on the offensive end are really lackluster and will always be old routines.

The second young master was resting, and the Thunder, whose bench depth was not as deep as the Warriors, used a strong physical collision to bring the game into a quagmire.

The rhythm of the game began to become intermittent. In this intermittent rhythm of the game, the score also seemed very tangled.

But in this tangled situation, the Thunder is slowly approaching the score.

The Oklahoma City Thunder want to win more than the Golden State Warriors.

"Oakland's bench bandits aren't working," Smith said.

"It's a big gamble for Oklahoma City. It seems that they have a great chance of winning." Barkley said: "Although they may not win the game if they win the bet, they at least get more opportunities."

If the game proceeds according to the previous rhythm, and the Thunder's two young men continue to move forward in the quagmire created by the Warriors' substitute players, struggling to catch up with the score, the final winner is likely to be the Warriors.

With Chen Mo's scoring explosiveness and his ability to control the rhythm of the game, it is difficult for the Thunder's second young master who has been attacking for 6 minutes to resist.

However, they also rested for 6 minutes, which is completely different.

7 points!
The difference between the two teams is only 7 points.

According to Barkley, the Warriors have a hidden advantage, but at this time their hidden advantage is already very small.

"Decisive battle!" Barkley said: "If the Oklahomans can win an away game, the situation of the entire series will be completely different."

Under the attack of Chen Mo and Curry, Westbrook struggled to complete the shot.


"Russell——Westbrook—————" Barkley shouted: "He has always proved that he is a point guard no worse than Jack Chen. We can see his efforts. Now he is trying to prove it! I see his desire to win, his desire to surpass Jack Chen!"

Durant growled and hugged Westbrook.

The free throw was scored, and the point difference was only 4 points.

The reporters in the media area were all excited, especially the media in Oklahoma City, they seemed to have a collective climax.

"This is Oklahoma basketball!" the young photographer was yelling frantically.

Who doesn't want their hometown to win?Especially in the away game, defeating a deadly enemy in a certain sense!
The female reporter even took off her coat, and her revealing camisole failed to attract more attention, not because of her poor figure, but because the orgasm on the court had completely arrived.

Curry's pass to Chen Mo was cut off by Westbrook. At this moment, Master West seemed to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle with full skills and possessed by three other brothers.

Who cares whether he is wielding a sword, a nunchuck, a stick, or a double fork, anyway, at this moment he is like an Oklahoma superhero.

A one-handed dunk that bombed the basket.

Westbrook roared up to the sky, he hammered his chest with one hand, and there were 2 points left in the point difference.

"This is the time we have the smallest gap." Oklahoma's commentator has jumped to the commentary stand, and he roared, as if he could go to the court to help the game.

Chen Mo licked his lips, and he smiled.As he expected, the direction of this game was different from before, and the game became more interesting.

The Thunder's two young men used the first half of the last quarter to recover their physical fitness, but overall their physical fitness is still not as good as that of the Warriors.Therefore, the Warriors still have the advantage now, but this advantage is not as great as before.

"Jack Chen will definitely play this ball alone." Barkley said: "He is a sensible player, and he is a master passer, but I always think he has the cold blood of a killer in his bones."

"He can be the coldest killer on the court if he wants to," Barkley said.

Smith agrees with this point, Chen Mo's singles ability is definitely the top existence in the league.

"Here it comes!" Smith yelled, "Jack Chen is about to respond."

Chen Mo showed his signature singles style. This kind of offensive style with body and movement rhythm completely diametrically opposed was something that no one in the entire league could crack.

"Does he have two brains in his head!" Westbrook cursed secretly.

According to Westbrook's experience, if he can prevent Chen Mo's attack at this time, then the overall situation on the court will completely come to the Thunder's side.

Thunder didn't attack rashly, Chen Mo's pass was really weird.That almost illusory way of passing the ball is more difficult to defend than Chen Mo's offense with the ball.

It's a duel between superstars.

The fans in the Oracle Arena were depressed. They were waiting for Chen Mo to score the ball. After the goal, they could release their shouts.

Oklahoma fans hope that their boos can be transmitted to Oracle Arena through the signal base station and reach Chen Mo's ears.

The cameraman from Oklahoma was constantly exerting force on his hand. If it wasn't for someone reminding him, he would even crush the equipment in his hand.

Westbrook continued to walk in small steps, but Chen Mo suddenly changed his rhythm while walking.He suddenly slows down the tempo of the dribble, and then he uses small steps to advance forward.

Master Wei's reaction was extremely fast, he immediately slid and moved sideways, and Chen Mo fully released his explosive power through his ankle at the moment Westbrook's center of gravity changed.

An anti-joint change of direction.

Taking a step forward, Westbrook seemed to have been cast with a magic spell. Chen Mo did not continue to attack the basket. After gaining space for his shot, Chen Mo immediately stopped and shot a jumper.

Westbrook jumped up quickly. He and Chen Mo were almost back to back. He stretched out his hand to hook back, his body posture looked a little embarrassed.

The ball ruthlessly pierced the basket, and the rippling of the net flowers aroused huge cheers in the Oracle Arena.

This goal seemed to be thrown into a magic bottle in a calm sea. The magic worked in an instant, and the stormy waves swept up.

"Perfect comeback!" Barkley exclaimed. "A shot to stabilize the army."

The Thunder's second young masters had no reservations, and they poured out their firepower to their heart's content.

Durant's scoring data in a single game climbed to 40 points, and Westbrook followed in his footsteps to break through the 40-point mark.

"This is the most exciting duel between the Thunder and the Oakland Guns," Barkley said.

People all over the world agree with this point of view. The score showed an alternate upward trend at the last moment. The Warriors are the leaders, but their lead is like a candle in the wind.

The Thunder's second youngster and the other players of the Thunder are like the satellites of the rocket booster that left, and they have the rhythm of the two of them.This is Thunder's most terrifying fighting method, which has been fully released at this moment.

Because of the time and the fast pace of the opponents, Chen Mo could not calmly control the rhythm of the game.He and Curry were forced to fight, but in this situation of competing personal abilities, the Warriors were still able to withstand the pressure of the opponent.

Actually, there is the most important point.The Warriors are still fighting as a team, and the rhythm of all of them is still on the same channel.It's just that some people's reception is a bit bad, but their channels are all in the same line.

In the last 1 minutes, the score was 5 points.

Durant made an emergency stop for a large three-pointer, and he scored the most handsome goal in the playoffs so far in his career.

A 3+1 with a sharp back!

Durant, who was sitting on the ground, yelled at the camera: "Who said we are weak?"

"We're going to win," Westbrook growled in response.

Huge boos surrounded the Thunder at Oracle Arena, but Durant at the free throw line was unmoved and he completed the free throw.

1 points!
Chen Mo dribbled forward, and Westbrook stared at Chen Mo the whole time, refusing to give way.Now, the Thunder can allow two points, but they must not allow Chen Mo to shoot a three-pointer.

Curry hangs behind Chen Mo.

"Stephen can't run anymore, or is he distracted?" Barkley was very puzzled.

At this time, it is obviously abnormal for the shooting guard to hang at the end of the team, and Curry doesn't seem to be speeding up, he seems to be walking.

In the process of dribbling forward, Chen Mo flicked the ball at will.

Curry catches the ball, doesn't even need to adjust, he shoots directly.

Curry only needs 0.7 seconds from receiving the ball to shooting, which is the fastest speed in the league.Chen Mo's standard shooting posture also takes 0.9 seconds.

And this ball, if you use a high-speed camera to review it frame by frame, the time for Curry from the street ball to the shot is only 0.4 seconds.

If you observe carefully, the moment Chen Mo passed the ball, Curry was already in the shooting position. Once the ball was in his hands, the position was exactly what he was used to and the most comfortable position.

Therefore, Curry's shot was not hasty.

"This is a long-planned cooperation." Smith said firmly.

A hoop pierced by a ball.

Who knew that the Warriors would complete a three-pointer in this situation.

"Loading and loading are going on at the same time." Buckley said: "Stephen loaded in advance. The moment the bullet entered, the loading was completed, and then the trigger was pulled...the magazine fits."

Barkley gave this cooperation a name. This is the first time Chen Mo and Curry have shown this cooperation. The Oklahoma City Thunder were shot!
The score gap came to 4 points again.

Changing sides to fight again, the Thunder still have a chance, they must score in this offense.

At this time, the Thunder only have two tactics-Durant singles or Westbrook singles.

This time it was Westbrook's singles. Maybe the super 3+1 just now allowed Durant to enter the CD. He needs to accumulate energy again. If there is a chance for a lore in the end, it must be given to Durant.

Ibaka comes to pick and roll.

However, at the moment when their pick-and-roll cooperation was completed, Curry's pressure came, and then Chen Mo quickly bypassed Ibaka. He forced Westbrook's dribble with his foot, and then his hand came out like lightning. .

"Steal!" Barkley yelled in a shrill voice. It all happened so suddenly.

Chen Mo had just completed a new type of "clip-style" cooperation with Curry, and then they staged another steal cooperation on the defensive end.

Chen Mo ran all the way, Westbrook was stopped by Curry, but he turned around at a very fast speed and chased him out.

If both of them are unbeaten, Westbrook can catch up with Chen Mo.

But this time, he didn't catch up.

Chen Mo's consumption is still lower than that of Westbrook. If he saves and rests, Westbrook has also entered the physical bottleneck by this time.

The two took off at the same time, Westbrook hesitated for a moment, but withdrew his hand that was about to foul.

Chen Mo scored two points, and the Warriors' lead came to 6 points.

But what Chen Mo was thinking about was not the score, he turned his head and said to Westbrook, "Quadruple pairs."

Westbrook was taken aback for a moment, the fierce competition made him forget about it, but Chen Mo still remembered it.

Not long ago, Chen Mo picked off a backcourt rebound above Sefolosha's head, which was his tenth rebound of the game.

"It's indeed a quadruple pair." The thought flashed through Westbrook's mind.

"Let's talk about winning!" Westbrook said.

But in this situation, with 39 seconds left, the Thunder's chances of winning are not too great.

Durant's jump shot bounced out of the basket, the basket was chaotic, and the ball was knocked out of the baseline.After repeatedly watching the replay, the referee awarded the Warriors a backcourt ball, and the game was basically declared over.

The Warriors' free throws are too stable, especially their backcourt combination.Foul tactics basically do not have much effect.

When the timer reached zero, the scoreboard was finalized, 119 to 128.With the visiting team in front and the home team behind, the Warriors won their first victory in the second round of the playoffs.

"First of all, it was a fantastic game."

"Secondly, there are no losers in this game. Because the Oklahoma City Thunder also found their own way to deal with the Golden State Warriors." Barkley said: "They let Jack Chen lose his former calmness at the last moment, and this kind of The two-player Kombat mode can only be played by Oklahomans."

"But the Golden State Warriors are likely to make some adjustments in the next game. It's hard to say whether this approach will work by then." Smith said.

"But no matter what, this is a feasible way." Barkley emphasized: "After this game, I think the probability of Oklahoma winning the series is even greater."

(End of this chapter)

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