genius point guard

Chapter 777 Art Investment

Chapter 777 Art Investment

Chen Mo hit a jumper from the bottom corner, and it was very difficult for Chen Mo to defend against the Lakers without the ball.

Howard can't defend against positioning screens, which is the biggest problem for the Lakers.In the last game, the Warriors did not play Chen Mo's positioning screen, they played more of Curry's positioning screen.And in this game, the Warriors used all their tricks to deal with the Lakers.


The Warriors began to suppress the Lakers with speed and positioning screens.

The Lakers played hard. Although their rhythm is not bad, their scoring efficiency is far inferior to that of the Warriors.

At the end of the third quarter, the Warriors had a 13-point advantage.

Kobe did not explode like the previous game, and Howard's performance was not as exciting as the previous game.

The Lakers missed their expected two-game winning streak at Oracle Arena.

Although Bryant still scored 32 points, but his 32 points to keep up with the number of 51-point shots is almost the same.It can be seen that in the last game, he not only made more free throws, but also had a much higher shooting percentage.

The Warriors defeated the Lakers 109 to 100 at home, and they tied the total score to 1 to 1.

"At least, after two games, the Lakers returned with home court advantage." James Breen still gave his excuse.

Kobe said the same at the press conference, "At least, now we have home court advantage."

Chen Mo didn't take this seriously. Home field advantage is not as big as some people seem to think. "I feel like a lot of people think we've never won away games."

The Warriors are not the Jazz. In which away game did the Warriors win 76 games in the regular season?Only the Jazz back then had a huge gap between home and away records.

The Warriors and the Lakers have a total score of 1 to 1. On the other side of the East, the Heat and the Pacers have just fought a game, and the Heat are behind 0 to 1.

"Miami also lost their home court advantage, but there are still many people who are optimistic about them." Chen Mo said: "I always advise critics not to talk too much, otherwise they will easily be slapped in the face."

"I just don't like his supercilious attitude." James Brin was very angry. After watching the video of Chen Mo's press conference, he became even more angry.

He is a man who can control his emotions, but in the private space, he will show his temper.

Chen Mo will definitely not pay attention to the remarks of one or two critics. In fact, no player will take the remarks of critics to heart.

On the other hand, Chris told Chen Mo that he wanted to expand the company's investment field and enter the ranks of art investment.

"Our technology, land, and industry have all reached a bottleneck." Chris met Chen Mo in Los Angeles specifically for this matter. "Now, we want to broaden our investment fields, and art is a very good choice."

The value of works of art is increasing year by year, and this kind of thing does not cost much.

"Which unknown artist do you like?" Chen Mo asked.

It is definitely not cost-effective to be an antique, it requires background, and Chen Mo certainly does not have such background now.

"I found a painter who created basketball themes." Chris said: "Also, she seems to be your fan, and many of her paintings are related to you."

"Bai Linlin?" Chen Mo asked, "A half-breed with Chinese blood?"

"Yes!" Chris said, "How do you know that you have followed her? Many of his paintings with you as the theme are difficult to sell, and copyright is a problem."

"Have you studied it?" Chen Mo asked, "Show me the project proposal."

Chris threw the proposal to Chen Mo.

Chris wants to build a platform, sign a contract with an artist to set up a studio, and both parties will hold shares at the same time. All the works in the studio will be owned by Chen Mo's company, and Chen Mo's company will sell them, and then everyone will share the money according to the shares.

"It costs us nothing to do this." Chris said, "It's just operating on our existing channels."

"Okay." Chen Mo said: "For those artists who are not well-known for the time being, you can come here to review them, and I agree with them all."

They talked about what was next for the company, and then they parted ways.

Bai Linlin wants to hold an art exhibition and is seeking sponsorship.Chris decided to invest and authorized Chen Mo's IP to her.

Chen Mo felt that maybe it was fate, but Chen Mo didn't know whether Bai Linlin had the idea of ​​getting sponsorship from Chen Mo when she gave him the painting that day.

Chen Mo lives in the penthouse suite of the Hilton, and Kobe lives next door, which is a room he has reserved all year round.For such an important game, Kobe is no longer going home. He feels that staying in a hotel can keep him from being distracted.

Chen Mo didn't live with the team because Jessica was also here, and she was going to do a live broadcast for the Southern California Derby.

Kobe came to chat with Chen Mo, who knows if he was bored or wanted to spy on the military situation.

"Shall we go to the Angel Bar for a drink?" Chen Mo said jokingly.

Kobe's face turned dark immediately, darker than his skin tone, "I didn't come to ask you to drink."

"Let's chat." Kobe was not polite at all, and walked directly into Chen Mo's room.

"I have a female family member here." Chen Mo shouted dissatisfied.

"If the women were in the hall, you wouldn't open the door so fast." Bryant said, "And I just saw your manager leave."

"It seems that your IQ is higher than I thought." Chen Mo said.

Kobe was under a lot of pressure, so he came to chat with Chen Mo, wanting to relieve the pressure in his heart.

"Your career has been successful enough." Chen Mo said, "Give others a chance."

Kobe gave Chen Mo a blank look. Others would not refute Kobe when they said that, but Chen Mo was a bit shameless when he said that.The team that doesn't give others a chance the least in the league right now is the Golden State Warriors.

"Many people think that my presence has restricted the progress of the Lakers." Kobe said: "Our bench is too weak."

"Salary cut!" Chen Mo said indifferently.

Kobe was stunned for a moment, then said immediately: "It's not that simple."

Chen Mo understands Kobe, Kobe is competitive, competitive in all aspects, even the salary must be the most prominent in the league.And this is one of the reasons why Chen Mo is unwilling to go to the Lakers to cooperate with Kobe again.

"If you come, I can take a pay cut," Bryant said.

"So you're here to poach someone!" Chen Mo laughed seeing Kobe frowning and looking serious.

They chatted casually like friends, and the topic left basketball.

Time passed quickly, and the third game between the Warriors and the Lakers finally started.

Chris Paul's first home game in the Western Conference Finals!
When Chen Mo and Paul met during the warm-up, Chen Mo acted as the host of the TV station, and he grandly introduced the game in front of Paul.

Chen Mo's acting is very similar, he is very talented in acting.

"The NBA owes you an Oscar." Paul gave Chen Mo a big roll of his eyes.

"But it's a pity that I want to beat you in your first home game." Chen Mo said.

Paul rubbed his hands together and punched Chen Mo in the chest. "If I didn't know you very well, I would have thrown you into the trash can by now." He pointed to the big trash can next to him.

"Oh!" Chen Mo simply responded to Paul.

Chen Mo has a good relationship with Paul and Kobe, and there are always people who talk about it.

Celtics star Bill Walton publicly criticized their relationship, "Derby should be a deadly enemy, but their relationship is so good that they are closer than many teammates."

Many people conform to Bill Walton. They think that the current NBA is not as good-looking as it used to be.

As soon as Chen Mo finished talking to the security guard, he was stopped by reporters. "What do you think of this question?"

Chen Mo knew what Bill Wharton meant, and he also knew that quite a few people echoed Bill Wharton's point of view.

"It's nonsense." Chen Mo said: "Times are advancing. You can't always use the previous requirements to ask us. The official NBA ratings data can prove that now I am more popular in the NBA."

"The data proves that the current players are more popular." Chen Mo said: "After all, we earn more. My annual salary is more than Bill Walton's entire career salary."

Although Chen Mo changed the concept secretly, it was indeed very lethal.

Bill Walton was angry, but he couldn't argue.At least he can't refute it with a simple sentence or two. Maybe next time he makes a show, he needs to prepare two chapters of A4 paper to refute Chen Mo.

Time passed quickly, and soon the game officially started.

The Warriors are still the starting lineup for the previous game, and the Lakers have made changes.Instead of starting Howard, they put Jordan Hill at center.

Phil Jackson believes that the Big Three of the Lakers started at the same time when facing the Warriors, and the energy is self-consuming.It's not that their chemical reaction is not in place, but that the Warriors' style of play restrains them.

In terms of the Lakers' restraint against the Warriors, this consumption of mutual restraint is obviously more serious for the Lakers.Because the Lakers' bench is weaker than the Warriors'.

The Lakers basically returned to the situation of last season, they used Kobe and Paul's pick-and-roll to open the situation.

And this pattern is the same as the pick-and-roll pattern of Westbrook and Durant.

Chen Mo gave Curry a wink, and in this attack, Chen Mo completed the steal to Kobe.

After stealing the ball, Chen Mo moved forward quickly.Kobe chased after him, and Kobe looked fierce.

Reggie Miller called it, "the fangs of the Mamba."

Chen Mo showed off her waist under the basket, and sent the ball into the basket with a super lever.Kobe's palm hit the backboard with a loud bang.

Chen Mo made a face for Kobe, and Kobe immediately prepared to play singles on the offensive end.

Find face, this is Kobe's typical behavior pattern.

Everyone pulled away, Chen Mo and Curry quickly completed the defense switch, and Chen Mo faced Kobe.

However, after a few dribbles, Bryant looked like he was ready to open the offense, and suddenly he threw the ball to Gerald Wallace, and Wallace went straight up.

"Shua!" The ball pierced the basket.

"You've become cunning." Chen Mo said.

Kobe responded lightly: "I learned from you."

"Yes." Chen Mo replied, "This is very social!"

Kobe didn't understand what Chen Mo was talking about. Chen Mo told Kobe to give him a set of emoji packs after the game, emoji packs from China.

Chen Mo played a pick-and-roll with Curry, and then Chen Mo went to the top of the arc to hold the ball, and made a frontal change to go directly to the three-second zone.

"Your favorite pull-up jumper." Chen Mo continued to hate Kobe.

Kobe said that his favorite way to score is the pull-up jump shot, because it feels like the opponent is dancing in front of you.

Kobe ignored Chen Mo, he couldn't go back.Every time he and Chen Mo had a verbal confrontation, it was Kobe who suffered.

Paul and Bryant continued to screen, but this time he did not pass the ball back quickly.

Durant's biggest advantage is that he is born with dislocation attributes. No matter who he faces, as long as he catches the ball within his range, he can directly pull up and shoot.

This is obviously not Kobe's advantage. The ball has just been stolen, and Paul will definitely make a simple return pass to Kobe.The pick-and-roll advantage of the combination of Kobe and Paul lies in Paul, and in the passing cooperation between Paul and other players.

Paul leaned on Curry and walked in, and he continuously changed his direction.Every time he fakes, he can brake in time and change his movements.This series of operations highlighted the strength of Paul's lower body strength.

Shaking a bit of space, Paul began to accelerate.Then he went to the basket and Jordan Hill blocked Green who came to block from the side for him, and Paul directly scored a backhand layup.

"The Purple and Gold were fighting the Oakland Doubles," Reggie Miller said.

"If you want to say that the backcourt combination is strong, I think the Warriors are stronger." Kevin Harland said.

Just after Kevin Harlan finished speaking, Chen Mo made a jumper after finishing the pick-and-roll with Millsap.

Chen Mo is still the ruler of this game, there is no situation that can suppress his dazzling light.

The Lakers wanted to stalemate the Warriors in a quick round-trip, but the Warriors finally opened up the point difference a little.

The Lakers' rotation was earlier today than in the past. Howard played, and Blake was honestly doing the work of the porter.

The Warriors defended against Howard. Without Biedrins, it was difficult for them to go around and defend.

Now they are using Green to carry Howard. Green is very powerful, but Howard's technique is not delicate enough. Howard turned around and came out of the basket with a hook.

"He's as stiff as a baguette," Reggie Miller said.

Then the Warriors counterattacked, Curry went directly to the bottom corner, Chen Mo passed the ball to Curry, and then Curry touched the ball and slapped the ball directly to the basket.

This is Chen Mo's classic passing move, and Curry also learned it.

"The rewriting of the concept of passing." Kevin Harlan has begun to shout.

Howard couldn't get back to defense, and Millsap jumped up and smashed the ball directly into the basket.

Phil Jackson blew a whistle. If Bo Povich was on the court at this time, he would have definitely started scolding.

"What bitch defensive coach taught you to come back like this? Are you walking?"

And Phil Jackson just blew his whistle to express his dissatisfaction.

 Recommend a new book by an old author, XX God's "Super Prophecy Master" quality assurance~~

(End of this chapter)

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