genius point guard

Chapter 79 Prove yourself 1

Chapter 79 Prove yourself

The two protagonists have already declared war through the social network platform, and the media reporters immediately began to publicize the game as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. How long has it been since a star player directly declared war in the NBA?This game, which was originally free of hatred and entanglement, instantly became extremely interesting.

Originally, the attention of this game was hyped by the agent team behind the two players, but now this online scolding battle and the battle between the media of the two places are not controlled by them.This is completely the natural fermentation of events.

Today, when the Internet and media are so developed, some things just need to be pushed casually, and the subsequent snowball effect will make this matter infinitely magnified.

Now it is easier and cheaper to promote and hype a player.But it's also cheaper to destroy a player.Falk made such an exclamation in his office.

At this time, James was meeting with his agent Paul at home.Paul is a close friend of James, and they grew up together.After James became a star, he took advantage of the opportunity to pull Paul and let him become his agent.

James and Paul are playing the 2K game, the two teams in the game are the Charlotte Bobcats and the Miami Heat.

In the game, James operated the Heat to beat the Bobcats by 40 points.James threw the handle and said: "Jack's data in the game hasn't been updated yet, so it's boring to play."

"LeBron, I think this should be the score of the game between you. His small body will be smashed by you. I'm worried now, you can't control him and knocked him to death." Paul said.

James turned to look at Paul and said, "You really think so?"

Paul nodded.

James suddenly smiled with a stern face, "I think so too."


Chen Mo was playing games with Jessica at home, and Jessica moved the computer to Chen Mo's room, in the name of making it easier for Chen Mo to teach her how to play games and improve her skills.

But in fact, what is her purpose, then I really have to ask God.What women are thinking, let alone men can't guess, sometimes even they themselves don't know what they are thinking.

"Jack, aren't you worried about tomorrow's game at all?" Jessica asked suddenly.

"What's there to worry about? I've rested and I'm in good shape. Even in an away game, we don't have a disadvantage in terms of physical fitness." Chen Mo said while operating the game.

"But LeBron is so much stronger than you, and Dwyane (Wade) and Chris (Bosh) are both All-Stars. Can you really beat them?" Jessica asked.

"You skipped class today because you were worried about me?" Chen Mo said, "You don't have to worry at all, you look like this titan."

"Although he is rough and thick, what's the use of him not being able to touch me?" As he said that, Chen Mo's remaining blood, Il Riel, killed the opposite Titan who had more than half of his blood. "I won Miami, and that's how easy it is!"

Simultaneously with Chen Mo's voice, came from the speaker, "triple kill", "unstoppable" and "ace".

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth curled up, "It's really a good omen! No one can stop it, kill the Big Three three times, and destroy the Miami Heat!"

That afternoon, the Charlotte Bobcats boarded a plane to Miami.

This game that has been hyped up in the United States does not need hype at all in China.The popularization and promotion of basketball in Asia has been very successful. At present, major middle and primary schools in China may not have football fields due to the size of some schools, but there must be basketball fields.

After all, the turf of the football field needs to be maintained, while the basketball court only needs to draw lines on a flat concrete floor.

The number of fans of the Big Three of the Heat in China, especially the number of fans of James and Wade can definitely rank among the top five fans of NBA stars in China, and Chen Mo...

He is an existence that Chinese fans do not understand, and his rise time is still short, and he has not yet formed a very large fan base.

In addition, the Charlotte Bobcats where he is located are not well-known in China.It can be said that Chen Mo's exposure in China now may not be much different from when he watched the drinking fountains in the Los Angeles Lakers.

Few people in China know that Chen Mo is still of Chinese nationality, and most people think he is of Chinese descent.Chinese people still care a lot about nationality.If you are not a Chinese citizen, what is the difference between you and a foreigner?
The state of Chen Mo and James declaring war on each other on the social networking site was forwarded back to China, and the domestic James fans collectively climaxed.

"The Big Three will bring me together, and it will be enough to win him."

"I think with his [-] percent successful field goal percentage, this game is going to blow up."

"Maybe it won't break, every shot he takes will be capped by me."

"Hahaha, Zhan's Hot Pot, treat him to his fill!"

In China, except for those who were originally Chen Mo fans, no one believed that Chen Mo and his Bobcats could beat the Big Three in Miami.

Maybe it's because Chen Mo is still fledgling, and he hasn't been taken seriously by too many people in the NBA.Now everyone still calls Shan Mao a dark horse, and calls Chen Mo's performance a miracle.

Why are there such descriptions as dark horse and miracle?Because everyone still doesn't believe in their strength, everyone doesn't think Chen Mo has the strength of an All-Star, and everyone doesn't think the Bobcats are a strong team.

"Okay! These are the local newspapers in Miami. It seems that no one is optimistic about us." Sloan said holding a stack of newspapers in the locker room.

The game was about to start, and before the game started, Sloan took out a stack of newspapers to circulate among the players.

All the Bobcats players sitting in the locker room were furious that they had worked so hard to make it happen.But what did the media say?
"Haven't touched a strong team, the quality of the dark horse needs to be verified!" "

"Charlotte may be beaten back to the prototype overnight, and the Big Three in Miami are ready to fight!" "

"Crushing miracles is only what the Big Three should do. Their goal is the champion, not the dark horse!" "

Chen Mo, in the locker room, quietly watched the performance of his teammates and the headlines of the newspaper in Sloan's hand.Except for the local media in Charlotte, all other media reporters don't think Chen Mo has the strength of an All-Star, and they don't agree that the Bobcats are a strong team.

"Brothers, no one thinks we are a strong team. They think we are lucky to be in the current position. I think we need to do something, we have to prove ourselves. You say, right!?" Chen Mo stood up slowly and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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