genius point guard

Chapter 796 Mamba Out

Chapter 796 Mamba Out
In fact, compared to the upcoming competition, what made Chen Mo more happy was the news that Jessica, who accompanied Ajiali to Sacramento, was pregnant.

Ajiali went home to visit relatives, and after three days of walking, Jessica found that her aunt's arrival had been delayed for a long time, and when she tested with a pregnancy test stick, she was delighted to find that there were two bars.This morning, Ajiali accompanied Jessica to the hospital, and the doctor confirmed that Ajiali was pregnant.

Jessica is very happy, they will rush back to Oakland from Sacramento tomorrow.

"Stephen." Chen Mo called Curry.

"What's the matter!" Curry felt that Chen Mo was a little strange today, and sometimes he would laugh for no reason.

"Jessica is pregnant." Chen Mo smiled.

Curry patted Chen Mo on the shoulder and said, "Wow! You just told me."

"When I heard the news, it was like a dream." Chen Mo said, "I finally struggled out of the dream just now."

"Hmm!" Curry said, "Hope it's a girl."

"I hope it's a boy." Chen Mo said.

"Why?" Curry asked.

"In this way, I can marry your daughter in the future!" Chen Mo said.

For the next-door Los Angeles Lakers, what follows is a tough game, but for the Warriors, they are extremely easy.

The Warriors still maintained a stable state as before. After the start of the game, they continued to rely on the fierce firepower of Chen Mo and Curry to score points.

Kobe still started the singles mode. He scored consecutive points from inside and outside shots, helping the Lakers to bite the score.

Kobe and Howard no longer communicate on the court, and Howard's pick-and-roll for Kobe has almost disappeared.

This team seems to be headed toward collapse.

Bryant felt good today, he scored 32 points in the first half, the Lakers bit the score 56-60.

"We must win today." Kobe said: "Compared to the desperate playoffs, I hope to beat them again in the regular season."

When Kobe spoke, he stared hard at Howard.

Howard stood up and found the team doctor, "My shoulder is a little sore, and I may not be able to play in the second half."

The old Pan Xia still suppressed his outburst of anger under Paul's hint, "I will win this game for you to see."

The Warriors still moved forward according to the original rhythm. Chen Mo threw a three-pointer at the beginning of the third quarter, and then he assisted Millsap to complete the dunk.

Barnes has improved a lot this year, hitting consecutive jumpers in subsequent appearances.

Kobe still bears the main offensive firepower of the Lakers. He made four consecutive shots on the offensive end, and the Lakers still clung to the score.

"I'll guard him!" Barnes said to Green.

Green has strength, he is suitable for carrying inside players, and an old and cunning guy like Kobe makes it very uncomfortable for Green to defend.Green felt that Kobe was like a loach, not a particularly nimble loach, but the slipperiest loach.

The game went all the way to the final quarter, and Kobe scored 50 points again, but the Lakers were still clinging to the game.

"The Warriors seem to be experimenting with various five small lineups. They did give the Los Angeles people some opportunities."

"They gave a lot of teams that opportunity, but not many took it."

"Here we come! Kobe is determined to win this game today!"

Just when everyone thought Kobe was going to attack by himself, Kobe passed the ball to Paul after breaking through.

Paul raised the knife and hit a three-pointer directly.

Then Paul steals Curry, completes the pull-up jumper after the attack and causes Curry to foul.


The Lakers went ahead by 1 point.

Chen Mo hit Kobe on his back, and he could feel that the air brought up by Kobe due to his rapid breathing was already heavy.

"Take a rest when you're tired!" Chen Mo said.

His voice fell, he turned and hit a jumper.

Kobe didn't speak. He came to half court and reached out to Paul for the ball.Paul passed the ball, and Kobe took a dribble and took a deep breath to adjust the rhythm.

Barnes continued to face Kobe, he felt a little trembling in his abs, and today he defended Kobe with too many quick turns.

Kobe started, leaning on Barnes and moving forward.

Barnes wants to block Kobe directly, and now it is cost-effective to stop one of his offenses with one foul. Their fouls are not enough for free throws.

Barkley reached out and pressed Kobe's shoulder. Kobe saw Barnes' action, and his immediate reaction was not to protect himself, but to cheat a free throw.

The referee whistled for two free throws.

Barnes was a little annoyed, but Kobe fell to the ground, clutching his ankle, and did not stand up.

Chen Mo glanced at Kobe's ankle, and then at Kobe's face, he knew it was serious.

Kobe was calling Chen Mo, he rejected the teammate next to him, he asked Chen Mo to pull him up.

Chen Mo went to pull Kobe up. Kobe supported himself with one foot and put his arm on Chen Mo's shoulder. He said to Chen Mo: "I'm done, don't call a timeout, I'm going to make these two free throws. This may be a professional The last two free throws of his career."

Kobe knew that Chen Mo saw his injury, and with Chen Mo's personality, he would definitely call a timeout for Kobe.

Chen Mo nodded, and Kobe patted the back of Chen Mo's head, "Good brother!"

Bryant dragged a leg to the free throw line and made both free throws.The huge pain made his brain calmer, and then he dragged his injured leg back to the bench, and he couldn't play anymore.

Chen Mo watched Kobe limping off the field, and he decided to give Kobe the victory of the game.

Perhaps this is the last time he beat himself in his career, or it may be the last battle of his career.

The Lakers won.

Not many people saw that Chen Mo let the water go, Paul took over the game in the late stage, Chen Mo's defense against him was not strict, but this is normal.

Kobe insisted on watching the game before leaving, but the game played smoothly in the later period, and it didn't waste much time.

Others don't know, maybe people like Paul are just a little skeptical, but Kobe knows in his heart that Chen Mo gave them a victory.

Chen Mo's game will not be so obvious, and Kobe is just because of his intuition.

Kobe's right Achilles tendon ruptured, and he is likely to retire because of this. Although Kobe's studio still issued a statement saying that Kobe would come back, can his foot make him come back?

"Maybe this is the swan song of the Black Mamba, it came too suddenly."

"I hope no matter what, he can come back one more time and let's give him a good farewell."

The Warriors didn't break the second-best winning record in the regular season, but their 72 wins and 10 losses were good enough.

"It's still number two, there's nothing wrong with it." Chen Mo said: "The two second numbers seem to better set off the number one we created before."

(End of this chapter)

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