genius point guard

Chapter 81 Buckle, Buckle Again

Chapter 81 Buckle, Buckle Again
"You can only pick up girls with a sharp tongue, and you rely on strength on the court." James' face was extremely gloomy.He hates people saying he is Miami's second child, but in fact, Miami is still Wade's team so far.

"Then I'll show you your strength!" After Chen Mo finished speaking, the cross-step dribble started, and James immediately moved sideways, but bumped into Muhammad's body.

Today, another function of the twin towers placed by the Bobcats is to use their huge bodies to block Chen Mo tightly in the pick-and-roll.

James was blocked in the horn area, Chen Mo moved sideways and was about to make a move.When Bosh came over, Chen Mo saw Bosh raised his hand and charged up to defend against his shot, so he immediately stopped his shooting.The moment Bosh posted it, Chen Mo slammed the ball from Bosh's armpit into the penalty area with one hand.

"Kwame, buckle him!" Chen Mo yelled after passing the ball.

Chen Mo's line of sight was not very good just now, but he roughly judged the positions of Kwame Brown and Ilgauskas through the inside positions he had observed before.

Facts have proved that Chen Mo's judgment is quite accurate.Just now they were grabbing positions on the inside, and their positions hadn't moved much at this point in time, so Chen Mo could roughly figure out where they were.

The pass was a bit to the left, but fortunately, Big Z was old and slowed down.After Kwame Brown grabbed the ball, he leaned back suddenly, then strode laterally to the left, turned around and filled the frame with one hand.

"Hey! Kenny, are you sure it's Kwame Brown?" Barkley opened his mouth in surprise when he saw the ball.

"He is really the champion of parallel imports selected by Michael, but why does he have such dexterous footsteps. He took advantage of the two weaknesses of the big Z's lack of resistance and slow lateral movement, which is terrible."

In fact, Kwame Brown didn't know how to use the weakness of the big Z's slow lateral movement to play, just because Chen Mo passed the ball to the left.It is very difficult for him to turn around and face the 2-meter-tall Big Z to dunk.

Chen Mo clapped his hands and shouted to Kwame Brown: "Kwame, you did a good job. Your footsteps are a bit like Hakeem Olajuwon."

"Hey!" Kwame Brown smiled shyly.In fact, only he himself knew that the ball was blind.

Because Chen Mo's pass was to the left just now, Big Z moved to the left when he interfered with Kwame Brown to catch the ball, and then he moved to the right to defend Kwame Brown and turned around to attack the basket directly.But then Kwame Brown turned left again, and Big Z couldn't keep up.

You had five operations on the ankle, a 2'21 tall man, moving laterally back and forth in a short period of time?Then you might as well kill him.

If Kwame Brown moved to the right and then turned around, the effect would definitely not be so good.It can only be said that Kwame Brown, a blind cat, met a dead mouse.

Kwame Brown dunked the ball this time, and Chen Mo heard some cheers.He turned his head and saw that in a corner at the back of the American Airlines Center, there was a group of fans with dozens of people, waving their shoes and cheering.

"Ha! There are still my fans here. I don't know if they are from Charlotte or local in Miami."

Chen Mo was quite happy to see fans cheering him on with shoes at the American Airlines Center.Chen Mo went to find out that the fans at the Time Warner Center really held up their stinky shoes.Later, it was sponsored by a shoe factory to make cheering sticks in the shape of shoes, which was much more elegant.Chen Mo is naturally very happy to see such an iconic cheering stick in Miami.

"Damn rookie, you better not be distracted, or I guarantee your ass will be kicked by me!" James forced over with the ball at the top of the arc.

"It's still far from the basket!" After speaking, Chen Mo stepped back to the free throw line, which couldn't be more obvious.Just let James shoot.

For a player like James, if you want to completely prevent him, it is too difficult, you can only let him shoot.Even if it is to prevent him from breaking through, he must double-team when necessary.

Although the lineup of the Bobcats in this game is the same as the previous game, their defense has undergone great changes.Kwame Brown will follow Ilgauskas and Bosh to the line to defend their pick-and-roll high shots, and Muhammad's main job will be to protect the rim.

Bobcats as a whole is mainly based on shrinkage, mainly to prevent the breakthrough of James or Wade.

James hated it terribly, hesitated for a while and didn't choose to shoot.Quickly dribbled the ball in front of Chen Mo, then suddenly slapped the ball vigorously and took a small step to the left.Then immediately break to the right.

This is James' overlord step. A strong player like him will often use this breakthrough method when playing against players who are not as strong as them.The sudden vigorous slapping of the ball forms a sharp contrast in rhythm with the fast dribbling just now, which makes the defensive players subconsciously appear flaws, so that they have the opportunity to maximize the use of their physical advantages.

Chen Mo's center of gravity has not moved. He has studied the characteristics of James, and he has studied the Overlord Step a long time ago.But even if Chen Mo wasn't cheated, it was still the same, and James ran over to him directly.Chen Mo blocked his first step and backed away. Gerald Wallace came to double-team and didn't let James rush in.

Subsequently, the Bobcats switched defenses, and Chen Mo switched to the low post.But James didn't let go of the chance to play Chen Mo in singles, and continued to pick and roll, so he asked Chen Mo to play.

James picks and rolls with Arroyo in the low post, and puts Chen Mo in front of him again.In the low post, Chen Mo didn't dare to give James room to shoot, so he could only switch defenses to keep up.James shouldered a top, then threw the ball and scored the ball.

For this ball, Chen Mo was powerless.He's a far cry from James physically.

"Damn it!" Chen Mo rubbed her still aching chest and cursed secretly.

He didn't know how strong James was before, but now he finally felt it himself.

"Rookie, how?" James asked provocatively.

"A pig with a bit of intelligence has such a strong body and can be an all-star."

"You can't even guard against a pig?"

"Pigs stink too much." Chen Mo wrinkled his nose and said.

The hatred between him and James continued to intensify after the start of the game. Arroyo was supposed to defend Chen Mo, but now it turned directly into James.

"I'll let you guard me!" Chen Mo turned his head to observe the running of the players on the field, while keeping a certain distance from James. Zhan's body is too strong, which puts too much pressure on him.

Chen Mo made a gesture, and Muhammad came out to pick and roll again.Chen Mo slapped the ball forward, and then quickly stepped to the free throw line. Bosh didn't give Chen Mo a chance to make a direct shot, and stuck it over again.

With James still behind him, Wade tangles with Jackson on the flank.

"Gerald Wallace is next to Arroyo!" This thought flashed through Chen Mo's mind, and then directly hit the ground and passed into the paint area.

Whether it's Kwame Brown playing Big Z with the ball, or Jackson playing Arroyo with the ball, they are all guaranteed.

"Dunk him again!" Chen Mo shouted after passing the ball.

(End of this chapter)

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