genius point guard

Chapter 84 Double Team

Chapter 84 Double Team
"Brother, a steal!" Chen Mo approached LeBron again.

James reached out for the ball, and Chen Mo immediately changed positions with Gerald Wallace.He's next to James for the trash talk.

Today, James was quite annoyed by Chen Mo's mouth.And most importantly, his performance on the court failed to crush Chen Mo.Now the Bobcats lead, and most importantly, the Bobcats play more like a unit than they do.

At the end of the first half, the Bobcats continued to maintain an 57-point lead 49 to 8.

Chen Mo scored 11 points and 8 assists in halftime. Today, his pass had a great impact on the Heat.

"Chen Mo had a great impact on the Heat in the first half, and he almost got a double-double in the first half is the best proof." Yu Jia was commenting on the first half of the game.

"Chen Mo plays very reasonably. He will pass some difficult balls when passing the ball, but from his only two turnovers in the first half, it can be seen that he is relatively sure of his passing. And his Shooting is more reasonable, and behind his high shooting percentage is his excellent shooting choice." Zhang rationally analyzed.

Yu Jia said: "Director Zhang thinks what adjustments the Heat should make in the second half. This game is very popular in North America. Both teams want to win very much. From the current situation, the Heat's three The giants are not yet fully compatible, all three of them are masters of offense with the ball, and they haven't found a suitable point yet."

"The current situation of the Heat is that there are too many core offensive players, which means that even they themselves don't know whether this Heat is James' team or Wade's team." Zhang Lili said: "This game adjusts the offense. , It is impossible to find the core. What the Heat can adjust now is their defense. They did not flank Chen Mo in the first half, and maybe they will choose to flank in the second half. It is not good for the Heat to be behind by 8 points. More, once James and Wade play well, they can turn the score alone, and the main thing is to look at the defense."

What Zhang Lili analyzed was exactly what Spoelzla said in the locker room.

In fact, this Heat really doesn't have any tactics. Big Z and Bosh give James or Wade a pick-and-roll in the high post, and then they play a single in a dislocation.The main thing to look at is defense. No matter who they defend against Chen Mo alone, it will not have a good effect.

Sloan didn't make any more arrangements in the midfield, he just praised the team's performance in the first half.

After the start of the second half, the Heat still did not double-team Chen Mo, they chose to let Wade press Chen Mo.

In the Heat's first offense, Wade made a layup after rushing in, and then the Flash began to press Chen Mo as soon as Chen Mo received the ball.

This was the first time Chen Mo encountered a closed defense, but with his dribbling level, he didn't panic.He is not like the defenders of the Chinese national team. It is difficult to take the ball across the half without the help of his teammates when encountering a press.

Jackson came to help Chen Mo, but Chen Mo did not pass the ball to Jackson.He uses the width of the court to move laterally, and then directly throws Wade away with a sharp change of direction.

As soon as Chen Mo reached the top of the arc after halftime, Wade posted it again.

This kind of defense takes a lot of energy, and it is a relatively large consumption for both Chen Mo and Wade.

"This kind of hard work is now done by the boss of the team?" Chen Mo teased.

"I'm just a member of the team." Wade said.

The Flash has indeed paid a lot in order to facilitate the Big Three.He not only shared the position of team leader with James, but also reduced his salary.

Just as Chen Mo was about to ask Dior to pick and roll, Arroyo had already caught him.

"The Heat are flanking, and they have flanked Chen Mo from beyond the three-point line." Zhang Reasonable said.

Facing the pincer attack, Chen Mo felt uncomfortable.Arroyo blocked Chen Mo's passing route from the side, and Wade defended Chen Mo's breakthrough from the front.

Chen Mo knew that it was Jackson who was emptied, but he couldn't see it.According to the observation just now, he roughly knew Jackson's position, but he didn't dare to pass the ball because he couldn't figure out Jackson's exact position.

The basketball court has more changes than LOL, and LOL heroes basically move at a constant speed.When guessing, you only need to consider factors such as he stopped or detoured.But the movement speed of people on the court will change, and there are many more factors to consider.

Chen Mo could only wait for Jackson to come over to meet him, and then pass the ball.

The Heat's defensive intensity and rotation defense both raised their intensity in the second half. This time the Bobcats played very difficult offensively. Jackson's shot was rejected by the basket.

James jams Wallace and grabs the rebound with his bounce.By this time, Wade had already run to the other half.James took a look and threw the ball directly.

After Wade half-turned to get the ball at the top of the arc, he accelerated to the basket again.

Chen Mo's interference did not cause Wade to make a mistake in catching the ball. The two of them were moving fast, and Wade threw away Chen Mo with one step, and then picked the basket and scored.

The loudest cheers erupted at the American Airlines Center tonight. This was Janeway's first connection tonight, and he played very beautifully.

This kind of connection, perhaps only the Heat can play in the entire league.Such a long distance, fast and violent fast break can only be superstar to superstar.

The passer must be able to accurately find the receiver after grabbing the backcourt rebound, and the player who receives the ball must get rid of the defense around him at the moment of receiving the ball.

"Dwyane--Wade--" Barkley roared loudly: "This kind of fast break is Miami's basketball, and it should have been played like this a long time ago. The team I am optimistic about should play like this!"

"Miami started double-teaming Jack, and it seemed to be working well. Then it's time for Charlotte to respond."

At this time, in an apartment in Charlotte, the voices of Buckley and Kenny came from the TV.

"Damn it, why are you bullying people like this? Isn't it a joke?" Jessica dropped the remote control in her hand on the sofa, and the movement of her arms caused her chest to rise and fall violently.

Now this time should be Jessica's game time, but this little girl was a little absent-minded when she played the game. After losing two games in a row, she felt that she followed her inner wishes and ran out to watch TV.

In this attack, after getting rid of Wade's pressure, Chen Mo directly bumped into James' arms.The Heat started double-teaming just after halftime. It seems that James wanted to break Chen Mo's ball, and he had already started to do whatever he could.

"Is that why you want to break my ball?" Chen Mo flipped his wrist and stretched the ball in front of James, and then directly passed a long-distance hit to the ball.

"When you come out, the back door will leak!"

(End of this chapter)

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