The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 110 The host always wants the male supporting actor to crush the male protagonist financiall

Chapter 110 The host always wants the male supporting actor to crush the male protagonist financially 58
"Ten years have passed, does Xiaojiu still need a cook?" Mu Liyu put away the deepness in his eyes, turned his head, and looked at Rongjiu with light eyes.

Rong Jiu blinked and stared into Mu Liyu's eyes for a while.

Cold and light, nothing else.

"Doctor Mu really needs that medicine." Mu Liyu said, looking straight into Shang Rongjiu's beautiful eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Rong Jiu tilted his head and stared into Mu Liyu's eyes for a long while.

"Let me think about it?" A clean and clear voice sounded in the silent night.

"it is good."


The largest concert hall in Liaocheng was full of people, these people.

Under the spotlight on the stage, a man and a woman were sitting, and the sound of the piano was scattered in the concert hall like flowing water.

Under the stage, some people closed their eyes with a leisurely and intoxicated expression, and some people stared at the stage intently, fascinated by listening and fascinated by watching.

Mu Liyu's gaze never moved away from Rongjiu's body from beginning to end, all eyes were on her.

Until the people on the stage stopped, there seemed to be a lingering sound in the concert hall.

Enthusiastic applause rang out, drowning out the lingering sound.

Mu Liyu got up, left his seat, and went backstage.

At the same time, in the seats, a man in a suit and leather shoes got up and left the concert hall.

Outside the concert hall, there are many cars.

The man went straight to a car on the side of the road. Someone got out of the car and opened the door for him.

"Mr. Mu, are you finished watching the concert?" A woman sitting in the back seat of the car asked with great interest.

Mu Nancheng nodded slightly, got into the car directly, and said to the driver, "Let's go."

"I've never heard that Mr. Mu likes to listen to concerts, why is he so upbeat today?" I still made time to listen before a business trip.

It was rumored that Mu Nancheng was a penny-pinching person. Apart from food and clothing, he was a person who didn't spend a penny on entertainment.

Tickets for tonight's concert can't be bought only if you have money, but you can't buy them without money.

"Come to see a nobleman perform." Mu Nancheng smiled warmly, but it seemed a bit fake to be too warm.

The woman raised her eyebrows, "My lord?"

"Yes, one, teach me that besides love, there are other nobles in life." Mu Nancheng said with a deep expression.

In addition to love, life also has money and food!

The woman was slightly taken aback when she heard this, obviously a little surprised, and teased, "The person who can make Mr. Mu spend so much money on tickets must be a very important person."

However, Mu Nancheng didn't say anything more, with a smile on his lips and a restrained and steady expression on his face.

Turning his head, looking out the car window, looking at the thousands of lights outside, a slightly wretched smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

All kinds of slander began, and it was impossible to buy a ticket.

He stole the ticket.

Rong Tiantian had two tickets in his hand, he stole one, hahahaha hiccup.

Of course, it is impossible for him to tell other people, and it will be a disaster if Rong Tiantian finds out.


"Master, third master's phone number." Ah Bei handed the phone to Mu Liyu.

Mu Liyu raised her eyes slightly, looked at Ah Bei, "What's the matter?"

"Every time the third master comes to you, there is only one thing, urging you to go on a blind date." Ah Bei said casually, and handed the phone to Mu Liyu, "The third master said, if you don't answer, He will come to you himself."

Mu Liyu gave Ah Bei a sideways look, moved his lips, and was about to say something, when he heard the sound coming from the stairs, he stopped his words, "Tell third uncle, I agree."

"Master, don't rush to refuse. A blind date is not a marriage...Huh? Master, you agree?!" Ah Bei realized later and stared at Mu Liyu with wide eyes.

"En." Mu Liyu responded lightly.

"That capacity..."

"Go back to Third Uncle's words." Mu Liyu interrupted Ah Bei's words, and looked at Ah Bei indifferently.

Under Mu Liyu's death gaze, Ah Bei swallowed and nodded.

Mu Liyu withdrew her gaze, turned her head to the other side, and looked at Rongjiu who was going downstairs, "Are you up?"

Rong Jiu listened to the conversation they had just had, and nodded to Mu Liyu when he saw Mu Liyu talking to him.

(End of this chapter)

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