The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 130 The host wants to be the supporting actor 19

Chapter 130 The host wants to be the supporting actor 19
Seeing this, Wu Yan rolled her eyes, "You... ran away from home, right?"

Rong Jiu blinked and shook his head, how could the little fairy run away from home.

No, the current situation is that the little fairy doesn't even have a home.

Not fit to leave home.

Seeing this, Wu Yan obviously didn't believe it, so she changed the way of asking, "Is there nowhere to go?"

Rong Jiu tilted his head, thought for a while, and then nodded.

"Well, my house is just around the corner. Tonight, you can go to my house." It's so late, what should I do if I'm here alone and was kidnapped.

It's so cute, there must be many people who want to kidnap it.

Rather than being abducted by others, it is better to abduct yourself first.

Rong Jiu tilted his head, looked at the place Wu Yan pointed at, stared at the mountain not far away, blinked quickly, and then nodded.

Seeing this, Wu Yan was happy, and reached out to Rongjiu.

Rong Jiu got off the stool, hugged the lollipop jar, and said to Wu Yan obediently, "I'll go by myself."

Wu Yan withdrew her hand regretfully, and led Rongjiu home.

Back home, Wu Yan first cooked a bowl of noodles for Rongjiu, "It's not healthy to eat only lollipops, come eat noodles."

Rongjiu stared straight at the surface on the table.

Wu Yan handed her the chopsticks, "Eat."

"Thank you." Rong Jiu took the chopsticks handed over by Wu Yan and buried himself in cooking.

As soon as the noodles came into his mouth, Rongjiu paused slightly.

Then he buried his head and continued to eat.

Sure enough, only the food cooked by Dr. Mu is the most unique.


The next day, at dawn, Wu Yan woke up in a daze, and stretched lazily.

The memory of last night slowly came back, and she vaguely remembered that she seemed to have kidnapped a little cutie and brought her home.

I looked around, but I didn't find the little cutie.

"Little wine? Little wine?"

He got up from the bed and walked out of the bedroom, but found no one.

On the wooden table, there is a small note.

Wu Yan walked to the table, took a look at the note, read the content, and muttered in a low voice, "Little girl, you actually left."

The writing is like a person, the words on the note are small and exquisite, and they look obedient and soft.

However, after looking at it for a long time, I feel a kind of listless feeling?

Wu Yan thought about it, and chuckled lightly, can you still see the feeling of being sluggish?
Definitely not awake yet.

He put away the note and walked towards the bathroom.


"Big baby, where is this?" Qiang Qiangguai was taken aback when he saw the scene around him suddenly changed.

And... teleported again?

The big baby is so powerful, can he also travel through time and space?

Didn't he become a decoration!

"Don't you have a navigation system?" Rong Jiu said casually, and then wandered around the warehouse.

Hearing what Rong Jiu said, he immediately called up the navigation and took a look.

"Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing Factory?" Seeing the name on it, the strongest plug-in blinked.

Rong Jiu didn't return it, but reached out and stroked the necklace around his neck.

Three seconds later, a faint light began to emit from the necklace.

The strongest cheater looked at Rong Jiu curiously, but in the next second, he was locked in a small dark room.

It didn't look too cute today, did it?

Why did he suddenly enter the small black room?

Two hours later, the strongest cheat was released from the small black room?

I looked around and saw that the place had changed, and there were desserts all around.

"Big baby, where is this?"

"Dessert shop." Rongjiu held a plate in his hand, and put another dessert on the plate.

"Why are you suddenly at the dessert place again? Don't you have no money?" Qiang Qiang blinked and looked at Rong Jiu curiously.

 PK has been eliminated again, it will be resumed tomorrow for the third shift

  Thank you for your follow-up and votes during this time

  Good night

(End of this chapter)

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