The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 135 The host wants to be the supporting actor 24

Chapter 135 The host wants to be the supporting actor 24
Rong Tiantian "... yes."

"Then let's go." Wu Yan said, climbed onto the window sill of the canteen, and jumped out of the window.

Before Rong Tiantian could react, Wu Yan had already rushed towards the luxury car on the side of the road.

Rong Tiantian "..."


"How's the investigation that I asked you to do?" Pei Yichen crossed his feet and placed it on the coffee table, with a fisherman's hat covering his head, covering most of his face, leaning on the sofa with his hands on his pillow, shaking toes.

"Master, no one has opened a canteen in the place you mentioned." The assistant said helplessly.

Pei Yichen paused in shaking his toes, stretched out his hand, took off the hat from his head, and glanced lazily at the assistant, "Nobody?"

The assistant shook his head, "There's really no one, but I heard that there were before, but yesterday, the canteen moved out and replaced it with a gas station."

"Where is the person you asked to find?" Pei Yichen frowned and asked.

"I didn't find it. People in the suburbs of Nanshan said that they didn't know the little girl you mentioned." The assistant said truthfully.

"Didn't find it?" Pei Yichen's expression was not very good.

The assistant quietly took a step back.

Pei Yichen stood up from the chair and said lazily, "I can't find anyone, so what are you doing for food?"

"Master, well, it's time, it's time for the audition." The assistant said immediately, changing the subject.

"Where are you guys? Let's start auditioning." Pei Yichen was agitated. Hearing the assistant's door, he immediately got up from the reclining chair and yelled.

Seeing this, Mo Jinzhi, who just came back from the toilet, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the assistant questioningly.

The assistant winked quietly at Mo Jinzhi, then trotted out of the audition room, and went out to organize the people who came to meet the audition.

Seeing that the assistant had gone out, Pei Yichen left the hat in his hand on the sofa, strode to the chair in front of the desk and sat down.

Mo Jinzhi went to Pei Yichen and sat down, "Did you take gunpowder?"

Pei Yichen leaned back on the chair, gave him a sideways glance, and said lazily, "Roll the ball."

Mo Jinzhi shrugged, lowered his head and sorted out the audition list, and raised his eyebrows when he saw the list of audition female leads, "Didn't you want to appoint a female lead by default? Why do you suddenly have to audition again?"

"The people Xia Ling and Rong Tiantian stuffed here, it's just a process." Pei Yichen said indifferently.

After hearing this, Mo Jinzhi raised his eyebrows, "It's not like you, can anyone force you?"

"People are stupid and have a lot of money. Since I promised to invest, money, if I don't make money, I won't make money, and I didn't promise to give them the heroine." Pei Yichen said casually.

Mo Jinzhi gave him a thumbs up, "You are the best."

Pei Yichen raised his chin and didn't speak any more.

Soon, the first audition person came in.

Within a minute, the audition person went out crying.

Then the second, third, fourth...

Either she went out crying, or she went out dejectedly.

Mo Jinzhi looked at Pei Yichen with a subtle expression, "Are you sure you didn't take any explosives today?"

Pei Yichen leaned lazily on the chair, "Next."

Mo Jinzhi saw that Pei Yichen ignored him, the corners of his mouth twitched, he lowered his head, and looked at the audition materials of the next person.

Seeing the photo on the file, Mo Jinzhi froze for a moment, is it her?

Soon, someone opened the door and came in.

Mo Jinzhi raised his head suddenly, looked at Rong Jiu who walked in, and blinked.

Seeing Mo Jinzhi blink, Rong Jiu also blinked at Mo Jinzhi.

"Damn." Seeing Rong Jiu blinking at her, Mo Jinzhi was startled and almost fell off the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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